Why God doesn't exist


Registered Senior Member
I thought I would start a new thread, 20 reasons why God doesn’t exist - by Dr. Mary Walker

Every reason listed by Dr. Walker are good ones.

I like reason Number 7,
It’s been suggested that God exists beyond time. However, if God changes in any way; for example, has a thought, then the elapse of time (old-thought to new-thought) can be distinguished from the absence of time (old-thought to new-thought), so any change, no matter how insignificant or what form it takes, inevitably results in time. Consequently, if God exists beyond time, then he would be reduced to an impotent statue, unable to create the earth, let alone think.

The impossibility of a creator of everything has become more evident with the ever increasing scientific accumulation of knowledge about our world and the universe.
I decided to totally rewrite this whole post, just to be perfectly clear.

Reason #1: I am perfectly content with being an atheist. I keep running into people who somehow have a problem with this, and they have reliably been the biggest dickheads I have ever seen. Atheism is my comfort zone. I feel secure there.

Reason #2: I am not overwhelmingly impressed with the apologetics I've seen for Christianity.

Reason #3: If you see "Reason #2" and you think, "I am defending theism, not Christianity," go and burn in Hell because you are a piece of shit.

Reason #4: I don't feel like I need to be "saved." I actually have very low stress levels.

Reason #5: For some strange reason, I am not really bothered by the belief that I am not going to get to have an afterlife. Frankly, I prefer to stay that way.

Reason #6: I have read the Bible, and it really is a vexing thing to read. You have to do a lot of back-referencing to understand some of it. Well, I managed to get through it, and it looks pretty man-made to me. If you read it and feel differently, that is up to you.

Reason #7: I have a cautious, conservative personality, and the idea of "blind faith" doesn't sit very well with me. It goes in the same category as body modification.

Reason #8: Atheists have the same bets as anyone else on having the special favor a mysterious, immortal being. If you ask me, you have be a really bigoted asshole to not be able to see this, and I am being very harsh and judgmental here. My "bets" are just as good as anyone elses.

Reason #9: So-called "religious experiences" sound like a mild seizure to me. When I tell people this, they try to claim that I don't understand what it is, and they try to claim that it is something special and different. Well, it is one thing to claim this, and it is something completely different to get someone like me to believe it. I am a stodgy kind of guy, so I am not very easy to persuade when it comes to this out-there stuff.

Reason #10: If you tell me that I have to believe in your religion to get my proof for it, thank you: Suddenly I know that I should never trust you under any circumstances. I should never lend you money because you won't pay it back. I should never sign a contract with you because you would violate it and ignore the court summons. I tend to avoid dealings with the kinds of people who employ bullshit arguments in the name of their beliefs. There is usually something deeply wrong with their morals.
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Alien Cockroach,

I see you’ve started a thread listing your “ten reasons that I am an atheist“.
Here is the link to your thread.

I noticed folks have been hitting on you some. ;)
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I thought I would start a new thread, 20 reasons why God doesn’t exist - by Dr. Mary Walker

Every reason listed by Dr. Walker are good ones.

I like reason Number 7,
It’s been suggested that God exists beyond time. However, if God changes in any way; for example, has a thought, then the elapse of time (old-thought to new-thought) can be distinguished from the absence of time (old-thought to new-thought), so any change, no matter how insignificant or what form it takes, inevitably results in time. Consequently, if God exists beyond time, then he would be reduced to an impotent statue, unable to create the earth, let alone think.

The impossibility of a creator of everything has become more evident with the ever increasing scientific accumulation of knowledge about our world and the universe.
I think this (7) is a crap piece of reasoning by Dr Walker! I haven't studied the others but I'm not impressed if this is the best!

A being that is beyond time would be present throughout time, but able to intervene within time. From our perspective, such a being would remain the same. However, from that beings perspective, we cannot know what dimension of super-time exists, in which it lives.

It's like a 2 dimensional drawing reasoning that we (as 3 dimensional entities) are limited like them to movement only in a single plane i.e. in 2 dimensions. We laugh at such nonsense!
The impossibility of a creator of everything has become more evident with the ever increasing scientific accumulation of knowledge about our world and the universe.
Science does not prove that there is one God or there is zero God or there are multiple Gods . If you you have any scientific evidence please share it with us .
Science does not prove that there is one God or there is zero God or there are multiple Gods . If you you have any scientific evidence please share it with us .

God doesn't exist because there is nothing to prove he does.

Just like Puff the Magic dragon doesn't exist unless you believe in dragons. Then your imagination is Puff's dwelling place.
There is no proof that God does not exist .

Where is he then? Don't lie to me, show me, where is he?

When kids grow up they stop believing in Santa Clause, some people need to grow up.
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I think this (7) is a crap piece of reasoning by Dr Walker!

Dr. Walker's point is in reality there is no such thing as outside or beyond time. That premise of existing beyond time is just a figment of one’s imagination.
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You are arguing that there is no God but you are not convincing anyone because you are giving no reasons at all to support your brilliant thinking....hahaha.
You are arguing that there is no God but you are not convincing anyone because you are giving no reasons at all to support your brilliant thinking....hahaha.

If you say God exists then you must show evidence he does. You can't do that so I say he doesn't exist and you are a liar. You are lying because there is no God to be found. Prove God does exist or shut up liar.

You go around lying about this fictious God all the time. I say you are a liar and make it up.
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Dr. Walker's point is in reality there is no such thing as outside or beyond time. That premise of existing beyond time is just a figment of one’s imagination.

which he along with most atheists seem to be in short supply of.
lol, this could be fun, it's good when people start getting emotional:D.

If you say God exists then you must show evidence he does. You can't do that so I say he doesn't exist and you are a liar. You are lying because there is no God to be found. Prove God does exist or shut up liar.
if you are saying that you exist to be telling us that god doesn't exist then you must show evidence you do for us to take whatever you say more seriously than something said by someone who doesn't exist.:frust:
you can't do that so i say you don't exist and you are a liar, you are lying because you are nowhere to be found, prove you exist or shut up liar.
You go around lying about this fictious God all the time. I say you are a liar and make it up.
you are fictiously lying about this god all the time. i say you are a nonexistent liar and make it up.:frust:

so, can you prove that you, username earth, exist?
are you nonexistent if you can't?
is anyone who say you exist a liar for saying so?
if a person said you exist even though he didn't see you, and was called a liar by another person, what would you think of that other person?
If you say God exists then you must show evidence he does. You can't do that so I say he doesn't exist and you are a liar. You are lying because there is no God to be found. Prove God does exist or shut up liar.

You go around lying about this fictitious God all the time. I say you are a liar and make it up.
I did say nothing like that .
I was created so there must be a creator .
Does this logic bother you at all ?.
God doesn't exist because there is nothing to prove he does.
why do most people believe in him then?
and if most people believe in him without proof, what does that make of proof?
oh and btw, everything proves that god exists.

Just like Puff the Magic dragon doesn't exist unless you believe in dragons. Then your imagination is Puff's dwelling place.
who's puff the magic dragon who doesn't exist?
Disney channel or cartoon network?

Where is he then? Don't lie to me, show me, where is he?
where are electrons then? don't lie to me, show me, where are they?
i can't see them.
and on a side note, i'm a blind guy, i can't see anything, so nothing exists. ha ha ha.
When kids grow up they stop believing in Santa Clause, some people need to grow up.
well i'd rather believe in good old santa clause then to grow up to learn i was a monkey one day.

or grow up some more and learn i was a rock one day.

oh and i've got three words to your mr.walker..
close minded loser.
I did say nothing like that .
I was created so there must be a creator .
Does this logic bother you at all ?.

um actually two things bother me about that.

one, if you were created and so had to have a creator, then wouldn't your creator need to have a creator as well?
if yes, your creator had a creator, then i won't believe in your creator.
if no, your creator for some reason didn't have a creator, i still won't believe in him.
HA, what're you gonna do about it?
and don't forget i'm a smart logical truth seeker and you're a stupid sheep.

two: why is it that mammals get born and birds hatch? why don't mammals hatch and birds get born?
and till you answer my question i sincerely won't believe either exist.
um actually two things bother me about that.

one, if you were created and so had to have a creator, then wouldn't your creator need to have a creator as well?
if yes, your creator had a creator, then i won't believe in your creator.
if no, your creator for some reason didn't have a creator, i still won't believe in him.
HA, what're you gonna do about it?
and don't forget i'm a smart logical truth seeker and you're a stupid sheep.

two: why is it that mammals get born and birds hatch? why don't mammals hatch and birds get born?
and till you answer my question i sincerely won't believe either exist.

No one knows who created whom from point zero or before time zero.....everyone is guessing .
Stupid sheep ?. Huh.....:shrug:.
I did say nothing like that .
I was created so there must be a creator .
Does this logic bother you at all ?.

Except it is no longer logical, given that evolution has been shown to create without a creator.