Why don't atheists reject values derived from religion?

You mean "opinion".

Evidence of Can Then Do is evident with just about every scientific discovery.
Start with Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Oh dear.
You mean the weapons of mass destruction asked for and used by politicians?

IS that any different from Socialism and the current Western attitude? You can pretend people aren't executed for breaking the law, you can pretend socialist and atheistic systems haven't killed millions but it doesn't elevate your position at all.
Way to deflect from my point.

Another opinion.

Source please.
History. Repression of science. Repression of education.
You mean "opinion".

I mean "Yes."
Yes doesn't mean "opinion".

Oh dear.
You mean the weapons of mass destruction asked for and used by politicians?

Yes the same ones, the total tools called scientist who coughed up their collective experience without the slightest inkling without the merest morsel of morality of how much death and suffering they would unleash, nor the fear nor the decades long cold war or the financial ruin of billions of people inflicted upon them by their governments. That's the one you got it.

Way to deflect from my point.

And the truth sours in thy mouth...

It doesn't matter what your point is.
Your point is steeped in irrelevance, futility of an agenda for the arrogant superior, clouded by the fog of your ratified air. I wouldn't expect you to actually SEE the "comparables",project and predict the probable out comes or even compare the realities.

Another opinion.

...especially when reality is inconvenient.

History. Repression of science. Repression of education.


This is why I told you didn't have a point. These aren't sources. These generalities speak to foolish and lazy analysis. According to "History" everything has been repressed for every sort of reason.

Religion has repressed Race.
Race has repressed Race.
Nobility has repressed religion
Government has repressed Religion
Government has repressed Race
Nobility has repressed Race
Nobility has repressed Government
Government has repressed Commercialism
Commercialism has repressed Race
Commercialism has repressed Religion
Religion has repressed Commercialism

Science needs to take a number and get in line.
I mean "Yes."
Yes doesn't mean "opinion".
Except that what you offered was opinion. What you think it is, however...

Yes the same ones, the total tools called scientist who coughed up their collective experience without the slightest inkling without the merest morsel of morality of how much death and suffering they would unleash, nor the fear nor the decades long cold war or the financial ruin of billions of people inflicted upon them by their governments. That's the one you got it.
Oh dear. You're somehow of the opinion (note that word again) that they had no morality? Cold war? You blame scientists for the cold war?

And the truth sours in thy mouth...
It doesn't matter what your point is.
Your point is steeped in irrelevance, futility of an agenda for the arrogant superior, clouded by the fog of your ratified air. I wouldn't expect you to actually SEE the "comparables",project and predict the probable out comes or even compare the realities.
Oh very good. "It doesn't matter what my point is"... followed by inane waffle that addresses nothing.

This is why I told you didn't have a point. These aren't sources. Blah blah...
Hmm, obviously this is ANOTHER point that has gone over your head.
I as for your sources and you say "reality", yet when I turn the tables and give you a similarly inane response when you ask for mine I get this ridiculous diatribe. Pot/ kettle? See it yet?

Stupidity? I was merely highlighting your hypocrisy.

Science needs to take a number and get in line.
The discovery of nuclear energy was inevitable. Fermi almost had it all in 1938, had he not left the usual tin foil on the apparatus.
Supposedly intellectual waffle, no wonder the world is on it knees. Some people really need to open their eyes & smell the coffee :rolleyes:
...and Captain Nemo's ship was "powered by the very forces that bind the atoms one to another" back in the 1800's. :)
Why don't atheists reject values derived from religion?
They do - the values specifically derived from the theism of the theistic religions, anyway.

But there aren't very many such values. A system of values - like music, language, dancing, family, and so forth - is an aspect of human nature only belatedly and partially coopted by local theisms.
Except that what you offered was opinion. What you think it is, however...

Well, thats what you think, and you can be just as implicit as you like in that area.

Oh dear. You're somehow of the opinion (note that word again) that they had no morality?

I think they compromised it if they had it. (which I doubt)

Cold war? You blame scientists for the cold war?

Oh very good. "It doesn't matter what my point is"... followed by inane waffle that addresses nothing.

Thank you it's my MO for irrelevant post such as your post, sir.

Hmm, obviously this is ANOTHER point that has gone over your head.
I as for your sources and you say "reality", yet when I turn the tables and give you a similarly inane response when you ask for mine I get this ridiculous diatribe. Pot/ kettle? See it yet?

EXACTLY the stupidity I was referring to and as usual you can see it on others but you can't seem to locate it on yourself. You don't even know what you were asking for and as a result daftly made a oblivious mistake. You're so predictable, you made that way to easy. Your request for sources was noting more than shadow play. You had no idea what you were asking for, thus you couldn't recognize that when you didn't get it.

Stupidity? I was merely highlighting your hypocrisy.

Implicitly argued yet lacking in explicity.


Yeah, I out do myself.:cool:
Atheists often argue that you don't have to believe in god to have morals and values. That's true. But they seem to hold a belief that that argument disproves the existence of god. Not true. The problem with so many atheists is that they try so hard to make everyone believe as they do, and then they accuse theists of preaching. Everything atheists (some, not all) do is preaching, under the guise of "debate". If you see through their preaching attempts, they say you don't want to listen [to their preaching]. It's funny how similar atheists can be to those they profess to be so dissimilar to. When atheists start "debates", what they're actually doing is preparing to preach their worldview onto others. Religious fundamentalists use bible quotes, atheists use wikipedia, both are preachers. They desperately want others to convert to their worldview.
Athiests are usually fed up spotty sprout eating vegan homosexual students who have no social skills & cannot get a job when they graduate anyway,,, so wake up & smell the coffee. Can anyone say they know a true Athiest it is a philosophy anyway like the rest of the cranks out there !!

You are anti-sprout.

As for
"Can anyone say they know a true Athiest it is a philosophy anyway like the rest of the cranks out there !!"

You sound like an ignoramus.
No-one with an ounce of education uses a double apostrophe.
It's the sign of someone boarish.

Try a bit of grammar and punctuation.
It makes all the difference.
EXACTLY the stupidity I was referring to and as usual you can see it on others but you can't seem to locate it on yourself.
Point out where I have fallen into this.

Your request for sources was noting more than shadow play.
You're making (false) assumptions again. I wanted links to support your claim. Not that hard to understand.

You had no idea what you were asking for, thus you couldn't recognize that when you didn't get it.
I knew exactly what I was asking for. Possibly the problem lies in your seeming lack of comprehension. Not only do you fail to provide links but you assume I have some ulterior motive.

Implicitly argued yet lacking in explicity.
You really shouldn't use words when you're not aware of their meaning. (Or use).
It was an explicit statement.
And there's no such word as "explicity" - try "explicitness".
However "Why don't atheists reject values derived from religion?" Well who is a pure athiest our parents bring us up as Christians for example (or Muslim I am being non specific) so instilled from us from an early age is some form of morality & manners in society.
And your point there is...?
What exactly?

Everything atheists (some, not all) do is preaching
Everything? :rolleyes:
Must remember to tone down my atheism when buying vegetables this weekend.

When atheists start "debates", what they're actually doing is preparing to preach their worldview onto others.
False. And slightly self-contradictory.

Religious fundamentalists use bible quotes, atheists use wikipedia, both are preachers.
Also false.

They desperately want others to convert to their worldview.
Also false.