Why doesn't God just show himself?


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Registered Senior Member
I am VERY curious as to what the awnser to this is.
Instead of just being passive, I will attempt to awnser this myself...hmmm.

He's too good for some of us? JK :D
He may have shown himself to a few people to pass it on, but he must have known there are going to be quacks as well, with such conviction in their beliefs they are willing to kill for it.
Because of the possibilty of being convinced of nearly any matter at hand when relying souly on emotions and the say so of others, even to the point of getting people to kill themselves, reason is our only means of decerning truth from falsehood.
By that fact, if reason is our only means of decerning truth, of acknowleging facts of reality, wh ywould he not prove himself through the only valid way neccesary?
Instead of second hand sources?

Look within you might say.
The only truth I find there is Existence exists, I am conscious, and I can be no other at the same place and at the same time.

The only conclusion I can come to is that IF he exists, he wants us to live through our own efforts. His intention is for us to do our own thinking, come to our own conclusions, to become fully mature and eventually become independant from him.
Of course if he is there/here, he will prefer to be there only when you need him.
In times of despair and severe doubt.
Like a good parent.
All good parents love thier children, but want them to eventually make it on their own.
The success of independance in any offspring should oversee any debt the parent expects from the child.

Would not gods ultimate reward be to see us succeed on our own?
To see us become an independant race?

So to awnser my own question.....he does not want us to see him.
And now for the truth of the matter.... :D
What about the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous? The apocalypse is God's welcome home party.
Honestly, I hate to say this, but I think it is the fact that religion and beleif in the supernatural dominates the world, that it is because of this that we are not able to face reality.
Our success as a species comes down to our ability to percieve reality.
This is dependant on understanding that the nature of us being human, dictates that our survival is dependant upon the use of reason.
We are the species that needs to think.

Ever hear of self determinism?
Or the statement..."whether you think you can or can't,your right."?

It is exactly because of what you have just said, the fact that the bible calls for the end of the world as inevitable that I have now just come to the conclusion of just how evil the bible is to mankinds survival.

Believing that the end is out of your control leads predetermines that you have no control over the outcome of the world and allows you to blank out from reality.
Allowing the world to come to shit because it is out of your hands.
It is only because this beleif is so rampant in our society, of course human kind is subconsciously been directed to downfall.
I have no more to say at this time.
I am digusted for the moment.
I may have to look at this another way.
I have more of a Norse belief. Things may be doomed but that does not mean that you have to serve evil. You make a choice with every action that you take; either you help make the world better or you help make it worse. You may not be able to see all the consequences of your actions but you should still try to make it better.
Why doesn't God just show himself?

I'll take a wild guess:maybe b/c it doesnt exist! ;)

and since no one can prove the existence of god,isnt that proof enough it doesnt exist.
Q25 said:
Why doesn't God just show himself?

I'll take a wild guess:maybe b/c it doesnt exist! ;)

and since no one can prove the existence of god,isnt that proof enough it doesnt exist.
M*W: God, the common name given to the pure positive life-giving energy that dwells within all living things is quite obvious. All one needs to do is look.

No prophet, religious fanatic, priest, mullah, rabi, etc has ever come up with a proof of God. I don't know why still it is one of the hottest topics ever discussed by mankind!
I may have to look at this another way.

Yes, most likely.
Imagine: What do you think God looks like?

Exactly, we don't know. He may just be standing behind me, lookng over my shoulder as I am typing this.

We recognize only things that we already know. We most likely see only things that we already know or we see new things in the terms of what we already know.

If you don't know God, it is hard to imagine that you could see him just like that. He seems to be invisible, one may even get the impression that he "doesn't show himself".
RosaMagika said:
Yes, most likely.
Imagine: What do you think God looks like?

Exactly, we don't know. He may just be standing behind me, lookng over my shoulder as I am typing this.
M*W: RosaMagicka, I don't think god is looking over you shoulder, it's god doing the typing.
We recognize only things that we already know. We most likely see only things that we already know or we see new things in the terms of what we already know.
M*W: This is true. For most people, it is hard to imagine what god looks like, because whether they are religious or not, humanity has been programmed overtly and covertly by the negative forces (organized religion) so we would imagine that god is somewhere "out there" and is some type of entity who created us but who also punishes us. We can only imagine what our perception is from what we'ved learned.
If you don't know God, it is hard to imagine that you could see him just like that. He seems to be invisible, one may even get the impression that he "doesn't show himself".
M*W: That's the unfortunate impression humans have. We can't see god because we have been taught that we are so lowly and beneath god. We tend to think that god exists "somewhere," but not where we can see god.

I believe what we call "god" is a force of pure positive energy. The energy that created humanity and all creation. The life-giving energy that dwells with us -- our spirit which is the One Spirit of God.

God does show itself (it's not a "him") to the eyes of humanity through EACH OTHER as we are all interconnected and the physical body of god. The body of humanity contains the One Spirit of God which we are all a part of. To see god, just look in the mirror.
Medicine Woman said:
I believe what we call "god" is a force of pure positive energy.

There's no such thing as "positive" energy. Energy is energy. Please clarify.
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Why god does not show himself?

1st possibility:

Well, perhaps he is already here. Our self-centered minds are just not able to perceive him. Perhaps our eyes look in the wrong direction, the people focus on their selfmade religions and are thus blind to everything else.


He just died sometime, perhaps gods are not immortal.


God just does not care enough to show himself. Perhaps he just moved on to another existance.


There just is no god. That´s why he is not here.


The earth, no the whole universe just IS god. Resulting from that, I would see a part of god when I look at a piece of shit.
TheERK said:
Medicine Woman said:
RosaMagika said:
I believe what we call "god" is a force of pure positive energy./QUOTE]

There's no such thing as "positive" energy. Energy is energy. Please clarify.
M*W: I don't claim to be a quantum physicist or anything, but energy is what created the universe. I would say that the sun provided the energy that warmed the earth, melted the ice caps, made the oceans where all life came from.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I don't claim to be a quantum physicist or anything, but energy is what created the universe. I would say that the sun provided the energy that warmed the earth, melted the ice caps, made the oceans where all life came from.

Are you saying that all life came from the oceans?

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I don't claim to be a quantum physicist or anything, but energy is what created the universe. I would say that the sun provided the energy that warmed the earth, melted the ice caps, made the oceans where all life came from.

If you claimed that 'energy' created the universe, you would be wrong--nobody knows what created the universe. Claiming that it is 'energy' is practically meaningless. Also, you did not answer the question: what is positive energy?

Also, God is not energy. Energy is energy. Redefining God to be something that you know exists, just so you can claim that God exists, is ridiculous. I might as well claim that God is a pair of scissors.
I might as well claim that God is a pair of scissors.

Please do, maybe you can start a new cult. I'm sure you can find some people who will believe you.

I too have always considered suspect the fact that God refuses to show himself. Nobody's mentioned the most common explanation for this. God requires faith. You can't have faith if God is proven. You must believe in the unprovable to have faith.

Ok, I guess if that was the whole story then I could accept that. The only problem is the ancient hebrews had "proof" that God existed. Most of them didn't see him face to face or anything, but the ark of the covenant shooting lightning bolts would be pretty impressive to me (not nowadays of course; but even so, Tesla never finished his death ray, so it would still be impressive.) The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah would be pretty impressive. Lot's wife turning to salt would be pretty impressive. The parting of the Red Sea would be pretty impressive. Manna from heaven would be pretty impressive.

So the question is if God once showed himself to the world in various ways, why doesn't he do so now? Has he changed his mind? Decided perhaps that it was a mistake to act in such a manner and that blind faith would serve the future generations better?

God's main requirement is that you worship him and fear him. Worship no other gods but him. If so, he could fulfill that requirement pretty easily by some miraculous acts. And I don't mean images of the virgin Mary appearing in reflections and crap like that. Let's see some special effects, god. Did you use up all your production values on the ancient Hebrews?
Don't worry He is going to show himself to all mankind.

Revelation 1

7Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.
8"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Thing is you do not want to be a disbeliever on that day.

John 20:29
Jesus said to him, "Thomas,because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

All Praise The Ancient Of DAys
Faith is the hope of the blind.

Speak not of 'God' and faith to me, my fellow blind man. You know him no better than I, and we both know him not in the least.

And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

Luke 6:39
yeah, it would really mess up that whole "blind faith" think were the deity to show itself.

that and it would probably be a goofy looking blue cowish thing and only answer one of kyle's questions about periods and then disappear for another thousand years.