Why does the menstrual cycle mess up your energy levels?

Why does PMS cause other random symptoms not apparently connected to female hormones?

Last time I had a period, I actually had an auditory hallucination beforehand. My hearing in my left ear cut out entirely, then I heard white noise static and a male voice talking in a low monotone. ?

I also get other stuff...random pains in internal organs...Am I the only one?

I doubt your hallucinations are caused by PMS. I get pain usually in my abdominal area. My doctor said said that it was from muscle contractions, similar to giving birth except much much weaker.
I get pain in any random area, along with extreme spasms in my lower back. Usually headaches, dull aching in my limbs, and random pains in my intestines or near my diaphragm.

And the opiate withdrawal after I stop taking painkillers for said menstrual cramps for some reason causes a generalized band of pain that starts underneath my lowest ribs in my back and sides, and radiates. Lovely.
I get pain in any random area, along with extreme spasms in my lower back. Usually headaches, dull aching in my limbs, and random pains in my intestines or near my diaphragm.

And the opiate withdrawal after I stop taking painkillers for said menstrual cramps for some reason causes a generalized band of pain that starts underneath my lowest ribs in my back and sides, and radiates. Lovely.

Well I get migraine, nausea, severe cramps, heavy blood flow [which is embarassing when you're out for the day], back and leg pains, cramps in the calves and arches of the feet and a general feeling of being smothered and feeling very very hot. I've spent days when I only got out of bed to puke and days when I wished that I was dead or post-hysterectomy. And I've only done it for 30 years. And if my family history is anything to go by there's another 10 years of it to look forward to [with some people suggesting that you find a better excuse for your "aggression" being the plus factor]

I hate being female generally. Only good things are 1) low centre of gravity and 2) you can wear neon pink if you want, without being beaten up.

If there was a God, I think he should compensate us with something nice in return for having periods, giving birth, no upperbody strength, anemia, etc.

Infrared vision would be cool. Or super powerful adrenal hormones a la Vivian from Skull Session...wait, no. Then next time I flew into a rage, I'd actually decapitate people with my naked hands rather than merely fantasizing about doing it. :)
I'm not particularly unhappy about being a woman, although I would have been happier as a man I think. Less expectations more freedom. Still its never stopped me, much. My general rule is "violence is bad, but if you have no alternative, hit the bastard really hard" :p
compensation comes with the ability to control men with nothing but a sly expression and gentle rocking of your tits :p

Certainly women do have it worse off due to social repression of women in what is still culturally a "mans world", but men still have both physical and social problems women don't, our problems are minor but worth noting. Trying getting a twisted testicle and you might find bleeding out of your ass periodically for decades is worth it verse worrying about getting another one to those again. Mind you with birth control you can regulate, reduce even stop menstruation all together, no such fix for set of balls, they bring nothing but pain and constant filthy desires whether you want them or not. Did you know men think about sex once ever 6 second on average, testosterone will do that! Not to mention all that testosterone shortens our life spans.
Getting an impact to your internal parts is not painless for a girl. Less likely to cause us actual damage, but hurts like shit nonetheless.

Birth control? Vlech. I have enough estrogen. I don't want to gain weight, stop my growth for sure, get even bigger tits and subtly alter my fucking neurochemistry.

And I'm tired of hearing how those poor men suffer from such a high sex drive whereas we have it 'easy'. Women can have that problem too and in addition we're not even allowed to talk about it, because everyone knows women want LOVE, not sex. (Love? Uh, no. Just hit those fucking nerve ends, and hard.)

compensation comes with the ability to control men with nothing but a sly expression and gentle rocking of your tits

I refuse to use that tactic. I'd like to be known for something more than just having tits, you know.
Getting an impact to your internal parts is not painless for a girl. Less likely to cause us actual damage, but hurts like shit nonetheless.

I kicked a girl in the taco once, she felt it, won't argue with that.

Birth control? Vlech. I have enough estrogen. I don't want to gain weight, stop my growth for sure, get even bigger tits and subtly alter my fucking neurochemistry.

You could try the mini pill, or one of those progesterone exceeding IUDs aka "artificial fetus". There are a whole range of options I don't think it fair to put it down without thoroughly trying them.

And I'm tired of hearing how those poor men suffer from such a high sex drive whereas we have it 'easy'. Women can have that problem too and in addition we're not even allowed to talk about it, because everyone knows women want LOVE, not sex. (Love? Uh, no. Just hit those fucking nerve ends, and hard.)

Certainly we are all individuals not statistical averages as I was speaking of. Female sex drive is more varied and complicated then male sex drive, on average, while man are sexual habits are stereotyped and any deviation is consider a sign of homosexuality which must be stamped out with a bat to the head, women in first world country are usually allowed to run the gamete from romance novels to visiting male strip joints and dykes are not often considering as threatening as gays (although how gays threaten anyone is beyond me).

I refuse to use that tactic. I'd like to be known for something more than just having tits, you know.

I never spoke of your "tits" though I should: your lower center of gravity argument makes no sense, some women are so heavily endow it a miracle they can stand at all and not live on all fours eating grass.
women in first world country are usually allowed to run the gamete from romance novels to visiting male strip joints and dykes are not often considering as threatening as gays

Maybe things are different in your area, I wouldn't know. I can't say I notice any of this. Where I live, it's still about being thin (not lean or wiry, just what I call an 'apologetic' build, as if they are trying to take up as little space as possible), large breasted, and pleasing guys (but not actually being sexual themselves. Oh no. You admit to having a sex drive, you are a monster).
Not if both ends match :D
