Why does the menstrual cycle mess up your energy levels?

Most issues are psychological.

The issues that aren't physical, but just because they involve the mind does not mean there are any more controllable. I would love to will my irritability and depression away as much as I would love to will away my uterine cramping. And no my cramps don't make me depressed or irritable. As the depression and irritability always start first.
I think normally when people are experiencing a dull aching continues pain even be it minimal they become crabby and short fussed, maybe I'm confusing cramps for PMS. But women should be thankful that they usually don't have the "thinking about sex every 6 seconds" and enhanced violent nature that a non-cyclical continues supply of testosterone produces, the difference is you don't see man going around blaming their hormones, they usually take the blame like men: they take it on them selves alone.
Sorry, I don't.

I have mild ASD. Subtleties and nuances tend to make a whooshing noise as they go past my head.

Ok.. I meant that when there's anything amiss inside the body, the body has to work hard to repair or defend. That leaves less energy for other things.
I think normally when people are experiencing a dull aching continues pain even be it minimal they become crabby and short fussed, maybe I'm confusing cramps for PMS. But women should be thankful that they usually don't have the "thinking about sex every 6 seconds" and enhanced violent nature that a non-cyclical continues supply of testosterone produces, the difference is you don't see man going around blaming their hormones, they usually take the blame like men: they take it on them selves alone.

We don't?

I would love to not have an overly high sex drive, or get ragingly horny from too much caffeine.
We don't?

I would love to not have an overly high sex drive, or get ragingly horny from too much caffeine.

I can't say caffeine makes me horny, hyper but not horny. Lots of women have high libidos, but many repress it for fear of people thinking they're crazed or sluts. Despite all these years reforming people's beliefs about women's sexuality, women are still not truly free to express it without facing any negative consequences.
I think normally when people are experiencing a dull aching continues pain even be it minimal they become crabby and short fussed, maybe I'm confusing cramps for PMS. But women should be thankful that they usually don't have the "thinking about sex every 6 seconds" and enhanced violent nature that a non-cyclical continues supply of testosterone produces, the difference is you don't see man going around blaming their hormones, they usually take the blame like men: they take it on them selves alone.

Man what a critical assessment of a mans testosterone ... "cycles" anyone?
Caffeine? Dam! you need to see a doctor! Note I did say "usually"

Damn, is it that abnormal?? O_O

Lots of women have high libidos, but many repress it for fear of people thinking they're crazed or sluts. Despite all these years reforming people's beliefs about women's sexuality, women are still not truly free to express it without facing any negative consequences.

I agree, girls/women make it hard for each other too, you admit to being sexual and other girls act like you just grew an extra head or something...
I dated a nympho for awhile, were still technically friends, I had nothing against her sexuality, my problem was her blatant disregard for safety, I warned her that she should be diligent about protection, but eventually she got knocked up (not by me, mind you, I always played it safe :D ) I believe many women also get an instinctively desire for children, which is way they may not use protection or actively try to get impregnated.

I also believe the production of the male birth control pill will be a god send for men who fear women getting knocked up and trapping them into martial and financial responsibility, that and the great joy of says "Oh so your pregnant, well I guess you been cheating on me because its not mine, how that you say, well because I'VE BEEN ON THE PILL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oooh don't believe me well lets do a genetics test on the fetus shalt we... oh don't cry so I caught you lieing, no big deal, now get out of my house, bitch!"
I'm pretty sure your caffeine intake is marginal compared to mine :p

Just how much do you ingest every day? :D

I meant, is it abnormal to get horny from too much of it? ElectricFetus made it sound like a disorder.

By the way, could the lethargy and stuff be purely due to blood loss? I do get more head rushes then, and often develop a definite craving for iron.
Just how much do you ingest every day? :D
Hrm.. you should know that I just drink a lot, always have. I'm just thirsty you know :p
About 4 to 6 liters I guess.. :eek:

I meant, is it abnormal to get horny from too much of it? ElectricFetus made it sound like a disorder.
I don't know.. I don't think caffeine makes you horny. It doesn't work for me at least (good thing too).

By the way, could the lethargy and stuff be purely due to blood loss? I do get more head rushes then, and often develop a definite craving for iron.
Well, the iron craving speaks for itself. This probably also accounts for the lethargy. I don't know how common your symptoms are but perhaps you should get yourself checked for anemia.
You can get head rushes from a sudden drop in blood pressure. It seems reasonable to assume your blood pressure is a bit lower than normal when you're having your period, so that might account for the increase of head rushes.
I dated a nympho for awhile, were still technically friends, I had nothing against her sexuality, my problem was her blatant disregard for safety, I warned her that she should be diligent about protection, but eventually she got knocked up (not by me, mind you, I always played it safe :D ) I believe many women also get an instinctively desire for children, which is way they may not use protection or actively try to get impregnated.

I also believe the production of the male birth control pill will be a god send for men who fear women getting knocked up and trapping them into martial and financial responsibility, that and the great joy of says "Oh so your pregnant, well I guess you been cheating on me because its not mine, how that you say, well because I'VE BEEN ON THE PILL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oooh don't believe me well lets do a genetics test on the fetus shalt we... oh don't cry so I caught you lieing, no big deal, now get out of my house, bitch!"

You seem like you might have issues. And as far as the male birth control pill goes, I read quite a few survey's that said most men would not take it. I believe only 37% said that they would actually be interested in taking something like that. But I don't know the few guys that I asked personally also seemed a bit shaky about it too. I don't understand why, just like how many men refuse to use condoms.
You seem like you might have issues.
Certianly, my fathers sexual habits and all my varied half-brothers and sisters has scared the shit out of me. Once I get enough money for it I'm getting a vasectomy.

And as far as the male birth control pill goes, I read quite a few survey's that said most men would not take it. I believe only 37% said that they would actually be interested in taking something like that. But I don't know the few guys that I asked personally also seemed a bit shaky about it too. I don't understand why, just like how many men refuse to use condoms.

I never said most men would take it. I don't understand there mentality either, I would guess they feel it would interfere with their virility: many men may in fact instinctually desire to impregnate, also condoms may be rejected for comfort reasons.
Vis, you know how the hormone levels oscillate? I've been told the drop in progesterone, which affects mood, is responsible for PMS. A bit like coming off a drug.
Why does PMS cause other random symptoms not apparently connected to female hormones?

Last time I had a period, I actually had an auditory hallucination beforehand. My hearing in my left ear cut out entirely, then I heard white noise static and a male voice talking in a low monotone. ?

I also get other stuff...random pains in internal organs...Am I the only one?
Why does PMS cause other random symptoms not apparently connected to female hormones?

Last time I had a period, I actually had an auditory hallucination beforehand. My hearing in my left ear cut out entirely, then I heard white noise static and a male voice talking in a low monotone. ?

That has nothing to do with aunt flow, that god talking to you.

I also get other stuff...random pains in internal organs...Am I the only one?

that Endometriosis and that could lead to problems.

Again the human body was designed like shit, it would have been better to have infused ovaries and closed uterus and internal absorption or immunology attack instead of menstruation. While I'm at it I can also wish for internal testicles, unidirectional air sack lungs and multiple hearts, but hey I'm not drunken hack of a designer that is god.