why does god has to have a god??

What is the need for time to be linear?

Time is relative to your acceleration frame.

IOW just like we experience the growth and dormancy of life with influences like spring and winter, why can't this be applied to a greater sphere of affairs?

Because entropy is always increasing. We are actually enjoying a transition states as the energy released in the big bang slowly disperses. But eventually the hydrogen will be used up and the universe will burn out and proton decay will set in.
You would be confused, as you're blinkered.
actually i see how god doesn't have to have a cause..that's the most sensible possibility to me..i consider it your strange failing to not be able to see that after i've explained it in many ways..yes i wondered about that in the beginning..but i reached my conclusion in more ways than one..it srprises me that you haven't.
Thats because, I don't have my eyes closed, to reality.
.my only explanation for that is two things..getting used to the idea of no god..
No cant be that, never had one to start with.
and the difficulty of giving up your belief
No cant be that either, never had one to start with.
which you pride yourself with and which you fought for for a long time.
Did I, that must have been hard, as I "never had a belief to start with".
.i won't lie to you..i consider all your POV as if they were my own.
Well! you don't seem to be doing to good, you don't seem to have any idea. Given the last few sentences of yours, above.
(not to mention that most of them i've been there done that)
So you never had a belief at all! And you've never had a concept of god! OK I'm game.
but still they don't convince me.
Thats because reality, is a strange concept to you.
Its not clear how seasons, days, months, years, etc are not helpful

don't forget the mosquito repellent

Seasons do not indicate nonlinear time.
So your comments were directed to someone up on the Himalayas???
Time is relative to your acceleration frame.
patterns of acceleration indicate cycles
(hence issues of solar/lunar cycles etc arise)

Because entropy is always increasing. We are actually enjoying a transition states as the energy released in the big bang slowly disperses. But eventually the hydrogen will be used up and the universe will burn out and proton decay will set in.
Remarkably similar to how certain elements are also increasing to give us the phenomena of winter

Of course it is. It is just a metaphor to try and explain observed similarities in the seasonal flow.
The term "winter" or "solar year" might be an invention, but what it pertains to in the phenomenal world is not.
LG, I find it most intriguing or perplexing that all of a sudden you're an expert on time...an otherwise unknown philosopher turned chronologist. Obviously you have deduced the existence of a once theoretical temporal field by either a remarkable thought experiment or by scientific means. I think the former. Not only that but you have definite knowledge of a god who exists there. I mean, this is truly amazing. If Einstein can do it then I guess you can too. Please explain how it works to all of us unwashed skeptics.
LG, I find it most intriguing or perplexing that all of a sudden you're an expert on time...an otherwise unknown philosopher turned chronologist. Obviously you have deduced the existence of a once theoretical temporal field by either a remarkable thought experiment or by scientific means. I think the former. Not only that but you have definite knowledge of a god who exists there. I mean, this is truly amazing. If Einstein can do it then I guess you can too. Please explain how it works to all of us unwashed skeptics.

I note that winter occurs once a year and I am in the contending for a nobel prize


I note that winter occurs once a year and I am in the contending for a nobel prize


Just when I thought it was going to happen...... Winter occurs twice a year, once in each hemisphere. No chronologist could make that mistake.....and I had such high hopes too.:D
(IOW just like you don't have any insects in winter, you don't have any demigods during a period of universal dormancy)

The Antarctic midge lives year round on the continent. In keeping with the science theme.

I guess that means there's 8 seasons in a year

No, only 4, but they each occur twice. I'm getting more disillusioned by the minute LG:(

Curiosity saved the cat!

Just want to make sure we are on the same page. I'm talking about questioning God, why. I was merley saying that if you do question God/whoever/whatever you believe or do not believe; you are not ready to know, therefor you are not ready to understand/you do not understand. What I just said is pretty much common sense.
When talking about god and evolution in the same breath, as I have been, I'm speaking from a teleological viewpoint--teleology assumes that things can be explained better in terms of what they will become. This assumes further that there is a direction in the evolutionary process, an idea with which a lot of people would have a problem. Personally, I think that evoltion goes on its own unguided way for a vast span of time--billions of years--but definitely becomes guided once you have a species (such as humans) who have a vested interest in shaping things to their own ends. You only have to look at the various food crops or domesticated species of today to know what I mean. For the past 10-12,000 years, roughly, we've been changing various species to please ourselves, with various success because we've essentially been working blind (until Gregor Mendel explained genetics, and even then nobody paid any attention to his work until long after he was dead). So if you get to the point (as we have now, almost) where you can genetically manipulate animal species with a particular aim in view, and knowing that we will acheive that aim, what's to stop people playing god and creatring new species of hominid that are slightly more intelligent than chimps, but not smart enough to compete with us? What's to stop humans from bringing back the Neanderthal species, and using them as the lowest labouring class? What are our moral obligations to creatures that are literally subhuman, with all the conataions of that state? God knows, we treat fellow-humans badly when we consider them to be below us in any way; how will we treat those whom we drag up out of the forests and out of deep history to become our servants?
yes knowldege has gone far...but still what you described is like guys adding parts and nitroboosts to their high technology cars..they do know more than others who hardly understand driving and that's it..but they're still faaar away from the mechanics who MADE the car..
the example isn't that accurate because the kids can lern so much till they're better than the mechanics..but that won't happen between us humans and god..many people are obsessed with that though..i guess especially japanese..
I think the question should be the other way around.
Why do you think that God doesn't need a god ?

cuz he's god..:D

it's so simple to be unnerving, i know...

but it IS right..

it fits more than anything else(if you give it a chance of course)
if you give it a chance of course

Yea, C'mon Enmos, get with the program and give it a chance. Stop being so stubborn with your facts and all getting in the way of the truth.
If it didn't, it would have come from nothing. That can't be possible !:rolleyes:

no man..human laws say that..

what created human isn't human..it's great enough to not need a creator.. it's like telling a school kid what does 2-1 equal..
or god knows like infinite series:puke: .. i never got the hang of them..

i've just relized that you guys don't have an answer to that question as well..

you just didn't find enough sense in our explanations..so denied the whole thing and saved yourselves the headache..

it's not bad to start with half an understanding..
that MIGHT lead you to understandin the whole picture..