Why does God create sub standard souls?

I think evolution is a great system.
Without it, we would not be here to recognize reality.
We are created from mistakes. Thank God, so to speak, for mistakes.
Mistakes are good, not evil, in this sense.


I agree , we are created from mistakes. our mistakes in past life brought us here to recognize them to learn from them and to use them towards our evolotion.
OK. I don't have any belief or faith.
So what the above tells is fantasy for me.
I'll watch it if you make it a horror-fantasy movie though. Seriously. :)

Neither do I friend.

What I am arguing is the immorality of a God who would create some souls good and some souls evil and then send the evil ones to hell.

Wow! what an interesting thought! to become Gods at the End! wow! God is perfect but doesn't create everything perfect but everything is perfect at it's right place and time. like for example Me<< I'm not perfect , but I'm the perfect creation in his eyes at this time which is 9:09pm and at the location where I'm @, I believe the perfect god that sees everything perfect not being perfect but rather completing their evolutionary path as to either become perfect or face extinction. is not the matter of being this and that I think it's being who you are @ present time and following your life orbit to the next time point until you've complted your journey. it is about journey not the results. how you react and respond I think it's more important to him than the result. It's the experience and tests that you are being put through and the way your thought process evolves around God and the ideal human in his eyes that matters to him the rest is just another piece of a puzzle. :)

You are partially right. You are evolving perfection but like any trip, both the travel and the destination are important.

unfortunately it does make sense to me, well let me first say I haven't measured the heaven yet to know if it has enough room for all of us, but don't you think God's justice to perfection will be questioned if every single soul would end up in heaven?

not everyone who doesn't want to be saved will be saved :) it's not like we do whatever we want and then when a giant tsunami comes our way we raise our hands to sky and scream God save me! we have to want in our hearts to be saved and when we want to we change our ways we stop doing ppl wrong , lies,stealing....etc. but I think every single soul that must be saved will be saved no matter what.:)

Darn. And you were doing so well.
Rethink please.
If you were God with a soul in front of you who was so insane that it could not believe in you, what is better, to make it sane and save it, or to leave it insane and not wanting to be saved and choosing eternal torture and fire?

What is the moral thing to do?

That is just to straighten out your twisted view of justice. Don't forget that the aim of punishment is to change actions or attitude.

If you do believe that we are created perfect and the journey is what is important, then part of that journey is to perfect us before entry into heaven.

I agree , we are created from mistakes. our mistakes in past life brought us here to recognize them to learn from them and to use them towards our evolotion.

So you see your consciousness as a yo-yo that you choose to keep sending back and forth to earth.
I cannot see us doing that to ourselves.
I did note above why you thought this but there are simpler explanations without belief in the supernatural.
You are getting to close to Christians with there beliefs in talking animals for my taste.
The world is stranger than what we see for sure but playing with our consciousnesses like a yo-yo. Nah.

Neither do I friend.

What I am arguing is the immorality of a God who would create some souls good and some souls evil and then send the evil ones to hell.


OK let's play it fantasy. Is this the classic god we know who also created angels before human? Sorry, before Adam?
Darn. And you were doing so well.
Rethink please.
If you were God with a soul in front of you who was so insane that it could not believe in you, what is better, to make it sane and save it, or to leave it insane and not wanting to be saved and choosing eternal torture and fire?

What is the moral thing to do?

That is just to straighten out your twisted view of justice. Don't forget that the aim of punishment is to change actions or attitude.

If you do believe that we are created perfect and the journey is what is important, then part of that journey is to perfect us before entry into heaven.


A sould that reaches to God is a sane soul. I mean cause you said if the soul was in front of me<< insanity has no place in front of God, is like if a darkness meets up with light<the light takes over and the darkness vanishes into the light< but if you mean as us in particular ME< if I'm the insane soul how intense is my insanity? could you define what you mean by insanity<< cause if you mean not having the right head like (Mad/insane) ofcourse God will save cause the impairments is not my fault. but if you mean insanity as a Rebel soul, it is not God's choice to save<<<at first I have to make the choice< It's my failure not to have God in my life> he is complete He doesn't need anything< I need God's love and guidance to complete my journey. so I don't see it as God's Choice< God's choice is to give me the gift of conscious<so I see it as this (Iconscious therefore I am) < every single act of mine sends a Msg to the universe that declares my true intentions of weather I'd like to join God or not.

"Aim of punishment .."

Is it?Never thought of it this way.The aim of punishment does not necessary work all the time. if it did all murders would've been stopped.cause they see what becomes their faith if they commit murder so why don't they get the message that they should change their actions or attitude?

"if you do believe..."

I'm not sure if I've said that? :-? hmm if I did say it I meant we are created perfect in Gods eyes as if not personality or characteristically perfect but perfect in the sense that we've been provided with all the tools we need in order to finish whatever we believe in this case evolotionary orbit. I think we are far from perfect because our objectivitis are subject to judgement and emotions,personal opinions..etc. but we are created perfectly equipped for our journey. that's what I meant If I've said we are created perfect. I don't know about distination though (I've come from nowhere,I'm in no where,I will go to no where) so does distination matter to you ? I mean if you're following a path that you believe is the right path then the distination shall be the one you've expected all this time right?
So you see your consciousness as a yo-yo that you choose to keep sending back and forth to earth.
I cannot see us doing that to ourselves.
I did note above why you thought this but there are simpler explanations without belief in the supernatural.
You are getting to close to Christians with there beliefs in talking animals for my taste.
The world is stranger than what we see for sure but playing with our consciousnesses like a yo-yo. Nah.


my friend I didn't get what were you trying to say, talking animals ? I'm not christian and I don't think I ever get close to them no offense to any one here who is thou but the Idea of God as 3(father,son,..) and to send his son to earth to have been sacrificed like that it doesn't make sense to me at all!it's nonsense to me, I believe (my own belifs) that every single prophet was here to give guidance and hope of becoming something better. but believing that actually one is his son or daughter and stff like that, sorry won't work on me<cause if this true < we all are God's children> so since this is my view of christianity I don't understand how I could get too close to them. and the idea of me being here before it is strange to me and to be hounest that's the only logical idea I've come up with, because I do feel I've been here before, places.people..everything...so I thought then I must have done something wrong in my past life and wasn't be able to finish what I started that's why I'm here again. but you mentioned there are simpler explanations to this so please do enlighten me I do appreciate your thoughts.:)
greatest i am,

it sounds to me like you are entirely discounting freewill, and then blaming god for our actions.

is that correct?
myplaces.people..everything...so I thought then I must have done something wrong in my past life and wasn't be able to finish what I started that's why I'm here again. but you mentioned there are simpler explanations to this so please do enlighten me I do appreciate your thoughts.:)

Wow, a lot of disjointed thoughts in your two posts.
If you are not a literalist Christian then you are already thinking better than they so I will not chastise you. Your beliefs though are just as fanciful and not based on facts.

Let's talk about punishment then. If you punish your children, is it not to change attitudes and actions? If not, why do you punish?

greatest i am,

it sounds to me like you are entirely discounting freewill, and then blaming god for our actions.

is that correct?

I cannot blame what I do not believe in.

If you believe you have free will from God, when did he give it to you?

If you truly have free will, do you choose to be hungry, thirsty, tired and sick?

I cannot blame what I do not believe in.

well if that's an acceptable answer, then why would you start this thread?

If you believe you have free will from God, when did he give it to you?

If you truly have free will, do you choose to be hungry, thirsty, tired and sick?


when? :shrug: i think that time is a product of our perception.

we have free will given...the universe. givens are a product of being a part of something greater than you, that you didn't create. but given that, i make a lot of choices that directly affect whether i'm hungry, or thirsty, or tired, or sick.
well if that's an acceptable answer, then why would you start this thread?

when? :shrug: i think that time is a product of our perception.

we have free will given...the universe. givens are a product of being a part of something greater than you, that you didn't create. but given that, i make a lot of choices that directly affect whether i'm hungry, or thirsty, or tired, or sick.

Thanks for showing your shallow thinking and how you can make unsupported statements and are not bright enough to retract them and would rather try to deflect.

Real honest that.
