Why does God create sub standard souls?

it is. that's why there is so much bad and will always be, unless it's dna is literally conceptually changed by science.

even if, hypothetically, we "evolve" (that word is misused) it doesn't mean whatever traits we dislike or are dark will magically disappear. it's carried in dna since it's in root nature.

we are forced to play this game. we must constantly battle or defend ourselves as we're never safe.

that's not a very nice god or system, any way you cut it.

I think evolution is a great system.
Without it, we would not be here to recognize reality.
We are created from mistakes. Thank God, so to speak, for mistakes.
Mistakes are good, not evil, in this sense.

Sub standard soul? Cotton. Mine is a bit tight at the bottom.

Forget the gods or souls, is there any parallel thinking between your screen name and title of the thread?

Because there is nothing that makes sense in OP and something tells me that you are one of those posters, who will inevitably reach the final conclusion that only he can see the light beyond and above everything.

What the fuck does sub standart soul mean? Is it something new theists made up out of boredom?
I don't understand the OP.
My soul is fine.

This is not about you but about all of us.

How is the rest of us?

The O P seek to know how many have bought into this.

Romans 9:11-24 (King James Version)

11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.

15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

16So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

17For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

18Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

19Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

21Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

22What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

23And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

24Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

Sub standard soul? Cotton. Mine is a bit tight at the bottom.

Forget the gods or souls, is there any parallel thinking between your screen name and title of the thread?

Because there is nothing that makes sense in OP and something tells me that you are one of those posters, who will inevitably reach the final conclusion that only he can see the light beyond and above everything.

What the fuck does sub standart soul mean? Is it something new theists made up out of boredom?

Perhaps the post just above will help you.

Who do you believe and do you see it?
i believe god...but i dont see it..

i think ejderha sums it up quite nice..
I say we are perfectly screwed up.

My soul is fine.
Im too lazy to go back find if you said you don't believe in souls or not..
Greatest I am
Romans 9:11-24 (King James Version)
if your looking to create understanding..
NIV version is better, and a readers digest version of the passage with link to full passage would also help..
Souls are created continuously?
They did not exist before birth and they are immortal?

Souls are created continuously?
They did not exist before birth and they are immortal?

i don't know where i heard this but...

i have heard it said that there are only so many souls in existence,
heaven can only hold so many souls..when all souls are in heaven,Armageddon will happen...

don't think i can believe it though..
Wow! what an interesting thought! to become Gods at the End! wow! God is perfect but doesn't create everything perfect but everything is perfect at it's right place and time. like for example Me<< I'm not perfect , but I'm the perfect creation in his eyes at this time which is 9:09pm and at the location where I'm @, I believe the perfect god that sees everything perfect not being perfect but rather completing their evolutionary path as to either become perfect or face extinction. is not the matter of being this and that I think it's being who you are @ present time and following your life orbit to the next time point until you've complted your journey. it is about journey not the results. how you react and respond I think it's more important to him than the result. It's the experience and tests that you are being put through and the way your thought process evolves around God and the ideal human in his eyes that matters to him the rest is just another piece of a puzzle. :)
i don't know where i heard this but...

heaven can only hold so many souls..when all souls are in heaven,Armageddon will happen...

After reading an earlier post from ejderha, regarding a horror-fantasy film, and then reading this, it reminds me of a line from such a movie..

"When hell is full, the dead will walk the earth"....

Hmmm, maybe it's already true... (Insert creepy music here)

Sorry, I know I'm being off-topic...Just couldn't resist..
i think thats part of why i have a hard time believing that..it says not everyone will be saved..

unfortunately it does make sense to me, well let me first say I haven't measured the heaven yet to know if it has enough room for all of us, but don't you think God's justice to perfection will be questioned if every single soul would end up in heaven?

not everyone who doesn't want to be saved will be saved :) it's not like we do whatever we want and then when a giant tsunami comes our way we raise our hands to sky and scream God save me! we have to want in our hearts to be saved and when we want to we change our ways we stop doing ppl wrong , lies,stealing....etc. but I think every single soul that must be saved will be saved no matter what.:)
Souls are created continuously?
They did not exist before birth and they are immortal?

Say What???????? Emil! what do you mean? continuously?
the 2nd part about souls did not exist before birth I think I can prove you wrong partially, souls do exist before birth that's how people get preminitions or intuitions about their experiences (well some people) they keep coming to thoughts that they've been here before or some locations are extremely familiar to them. you even pick up some of the characteristics that you've had in your past life. I didn't believe in reincarnation and stuff, but when I think about it, it makes sense to me. have you ever wondered why when we are kids when they ask what do you want to do in the future we say Dr,nurse,pilot...blah blah but we end up becoming something different? (not all people though I'm talking about some)
it's because we carry these experiences as our lessons with us as we being sent here again in order to use those past experiences as a guidance in order for us to complete our Life orbit. I know for a fact that this is true about me.
so I think there are only a number of souls in existance , and these souls are to complete their missions and return not because heaven could only hold few but heaven was not created for all and all.
After reading an earlier post from ejderha, regarding a horror-fantasy film, and then reading this, it reminds me of a line from such a movie..

"When hell is full, the dead will walk the earth"....

Hmmm, maybe it's already true... (Insert creepy music here)

Sorry, I know I'm being off-topic...Just couldn't resist..

for the love of God, I hope you're wrong or if you right I hope I'll be dead by then. dead walk the earth.......................

LOL@ (Insert creepy music) hahhahaha

where you the zombie passing by my house on halloween night?:jawdrop: