Why does God allow that there is such a mess when it comes to theism?

wonder why you feel that it is necessary for the Biblical God to have a consequence of eternal torment? what purpose does eternal torment serve?

the eternal life of someone who chooses to be tormented.
I don't see why.

Why not me? I can see consequences of my actions. Granted, not always..
I don't see what point you are trying to make.

Again, I don't see the point you are making. Maybe you should read back and see what my posts are replies to.

not "see" the consequences of your actions, which it's obvious to me that we can not do entirely, but "determine" the consequences of your actions. because you are born into a universe and a body that you did not create, that's impossible for you. you would have to create your own universe according to your own desires to achieve that.

i went back and read some more of your response, and that steaming turd you're referring to is a way to abolish suffering. jesus isn't the messiah because you do what he says, and "be good", and everything will work out just fine. jesus is the messiah, because he was born without the genetic defect that the bible calls sin, and it's through him that we realize the possibility of achieving this ourselves. it is what the ritual of communion is about. when our bodies and blood are made like jesus's body and blood, communion with god will be restored, and we won't suffer like this anymore.

I can't remember you being so human-centered. If a guy makes a campfire in his living room and the house burns down killing him. I don't feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for the cockroaches.

i feel sorry for both. i feel sorry for all of it.
not "see" the consequences of your actions, which it's obvious to me that we can not do entirely, but "determine" the consequences of your actions. because you are born into a universe and a body that you did not create, that's impossible for you. you would have to create your own universe according to your own desires to achieve that.
No one can determine the consequences of my actions.

i went back and read some more of your response, and that steaming turd you're referring to is a way to abolish suffering. jesus isn't the messiah because you do what he says, and "be good", and everything will work out just fine. jesus is the messiah, because he was born without the genetic defect that the bible calls sin, and it's through him that we realize the possibility of achieving this ourselves. it is what the ritual of communion is about. when our bodies and blood are made like jesus's body and blood, communion with god will be restored, and we won't suffer like this anymore.
Err, yea ok.. I don't think you've read back far enough. My original reply was to Squirrel. Then Adstar started replying.

i feel sorry for both. i feel sorry for all of it.
Do you feel sorry for murderers and rapists as well?
No one can determine the consequences of my actions.

right. not even you. the laws of the universe do.

Do you feel sorry for murderers and rapists as well?

yes. that doesn't mean i can make choices for them or change the consequences of their actions...i wouldn't want to.
Yes, but the universe is not a someone.
It's interesting that you believe in determinism though.

i believe the universe is god's creation, and is a part of god, and so are we.

because we all suffer because of the same thing. it's in me too and i see that, and i'm sorry for it.
to answer the turd analogy..
would they still be considered a bully, if you were to eat that turd and discovered that it contained an ingredient that would make you healthy,wealthy and wise? and the only reason they were forceing you is they knew you would not eat it until you were forced..
So my questions are:

Why does God allow that there is such a mess when it comes to theism?
because he requires their worship, not need it.

Why does God allow that there are so many traditions which claim to have the monopoly on the truth about God?

makes it more test like, which is to an extent the reason behind humanity's, and hence the world's, creation[?]
also,not letting that happen will intervene with our concept of free will, check previous answer.

Why does God allow that it is so difficult to get to know the truth about God?
aren't you just paraphrasing?

Why does God allow that individuals are in tormenting situations where it looks like it is up to the individual to decide which religious path to choose, at the threat of choosing the wrong one?

lol, uh, idk, to make life interesting? with a tinge of fear and apprehension? mangled with sweet moments of perceived accomplishment?
but really, that's a good question... not to demand an answer to, but to wonder about.

Why does God allow that pretty much anyone can make (seemingly?) objective claims about God, whereby many of these claims are mutually exclusive?

Why does God allow that there are Christians who want us to believe that "love" and "eternal torture" fit together and make perfect sense together?
philosophically, one can't exist without the other, what is haven without hell? what does love mean if people can't conceive hate?
but in reality, that's a question i, too have been wondering about recently...
Why does God allow that cruelty and insanity happen in His name?
he allows a lot of stuff.
Why does God allow that so many people are so insecure about Him?
See again what I originally responded to:

Oh i get it. I said we do not enter into eternity by our success in keeping the rules. Then you went ahead and found a "rule" just for the sake of resisting me and trying to undermine... Well when i said rules i was talking about the rules given to the Hebrews via Moses. I was talking about the moral rules of the 10 commandments. That should have been clear to you. And i think it was. But just to score a cheap point to bolster your pride you come up with a rule.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days