Why does evolution select against atheists?

Why would they side with you after you insulted them (and continuing to do so) ?
OMG!! an atheist got insulted!!!!

what i like about atheists:
they acknowledge that the riddle of life hasn't been solved then proceed to exclude any other possibility except for the one they believe in.
OMG!! an atheist got insulted!!!!
Wouldn't you be if you were called stupid ?
Calling someone stupid is insulting them, therefor they are insulted. Pretty simply really.

what i like about atheists:
they acknowledge that the riddle of life hasn't been solved then proceed to exclude any other possibility except for the one they believe in.
Like what ?

What you fail to see is that you are a person and they are a 'group'.
If a member of that group insults you it's different than you insulting the whole group.

Lets say your neighbor is an atheist and he insults you over and over.
Then you turn around and insult me, because I'm an atheist as well.
Then you say help me with this neighbor of mine, he keeps insulting me.
Why would I help you ? You insulted me.
This is what you are doing. You are holding people accountable for other people's actions because they happen to share the same world view.
You are holding people accountable for other people's actions because they happen to share the same world view.

According to the Dutch government, this is freedom of expression.

No, you fail to see the point.
The message was: take responsibility for your actions.
I never insulted you because you are a Muslim. So you're barking up the wrong tree. Your beef is with other people not me.

(Btw, I'm using 'me' as an substitute for atheists that are not in the habit of insulting people because of their religion)
(Btw, I'm using 'me' as an substitute for atheists that are not in the habit of insulting people because of their religion)

So you identify with a group while speaking for yourself. But take offense when lumped in with a group that does things you don't do but don't speak out against because you are targeted along with them.

Just like a Muslim.
So you identify with a group while speaking for yourself. But take offense when lumped in with a group that does things you don't do but don't speak out against because you are targeted along with them.

Just like a Muslim.

Uh yes.. ?
Because I am 'targeted along with them'.
And you seem committed to make it stick as well.
Then you shouldn't be surprised when other people behave the same way, should you?

After all, this is what you choose to define your society by, the freedom to offend.
Neither am I. But if you want people to have the freedom to offend, why are you surprised when they practise it?
After all, this is what you choose to define your society by, the freedom to offend.

Yes, everyone has that freedom. As long as it's done within the limits of the law of course.
I'm not saying that you can't do it. I'm just saying that it's unfair. And I wonder why you insult people that you don't even want to target.
Neither am I. But if you want people to have the freedom to offend, why are you surprised when they practise it?

I'm as surprised as I would be when a friend starts accusing me of things he/she knows perfectly well I didn't do.
Frankly, I will be suprised if anyone does that.. it's irrational and asocial.
Yes, everyone has that freedom. As long as it's done within the limits of the law of course.
I'm not saying that you can't do it. I'm just saying that it's unfair. And I wonder why you insult people that you don't even want to target.

The idea of having the freedom is that you can do it. Whats the point of a freedom where you pick and choose if people can do it or not?

You also have the freedom to stick up for the other side, if and when you choose to do so.

it's irrational and asocial.

I agree. Which is why most people who do it quickly become irrelevant to the conversation.
S.A.M. said:
The idea of having the freedom is that you can do it. Whats the point of a freedom where you pick and choose if people can do it or not?

You also have the freedom to stick up for the other side, if and when you choose to do so.
I'm sticking up for no one but the ones that get unfairly insulted, like myself.
Call me an egoist.
I'm sticking up for no one but the ones that get unfairly insulted, like myself.
Call me an egoist.

Is that an in-group thing? Or do you extend yourself to out-group people who get unfairly insulted as well?