Why do you Come here?

Do you come here for comedy relief?

  • :D It can't be for anything else???

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • :) Usually

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • :p Sometimes

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • :o Interesting stuff happens here, but not usually funny in fact.

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • [IMG]http://www.guru3d.com/forum/images/smilies/nono.gif[/IMG] This is quality stuff, "Free Thought"

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • [IMG]http://www.guru3d.com/forum/images/smilies/finger.gif[/IMG] Of course not you sick butt monkey!

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters
If politicians are having hearings on UFO's, then it is a perfectly valid subject in the discussion of politics as it relates to the subject. Therefore, the Political forum was a VALID place for it to be.
The poster on the wall says it best:
"I want to believe"

I want to see a UFO.
I want to see a ghost.

One of the most important tennants of applying the scientific method is generating results which can be reproduced.

You saw a ghost? Where? When? I want to see it too.

I am a skeptic. Can I see a ghost and still be a skeptic? I hope to find out.
I come here because the big Ego’s usually stay away and let people think freely here.
As for evidence, it seems to be in the eye of the beholder. I think we all pick and choose what we believe to be evidence, based mainly on our experiences and emotions.
To share experiences with other people.
I have personally witnessed a UFO phenomenon with a friend in broad daylight over Kelowna B.C.
I am not exactly sure why I need to come here.
But I do know since I have talked about it on this forum I am much more comfortable with it and it is now a back seat event for me.
I do enjoy talking with others who have had simalar experiences.
People who just want to beleive with out actually ever really seeing anything credible,even to themselves if they asked twice is fine.
I remember how it always sparked my curiocity before I myself had seen them.
And now that I have seen them I really don't think that I am any better off.
I can't really change my life in any way just because of what I saw.
My life goes on.
If you consciously choose not to believe in even the possibilty of the UFO phenomenon,fine.
I would actually consider you lucky in a way.
What good does it do me that I have seen what I have seen?
Nothing,absolutely nothing.
Big deal,what if there is other life out there.Seriously,what is that going to change until there is some actual contact on a large degree.
This situation just is.
Not good,not bad. Is.
I f I didn't beleive in this phenomenon,I definitely would not be on here,and I would probly think that every one was crazy.
Actually now that I remember it,I remember how I used to feel towards others who had said that they had seen UFO's.

You guys must think were just plain fucked.
Don't blame yah.
Fuck I'm Awesome!
its unfortunate that alot of people view these forums under sub cultures with such, how should i say? "UN-Seriousness" ? i would even say some go to the extent of mocking this section- just like this post here.

in the end it doesnt really matter because the pointless text can be filtered, and we dont have to listen to the people who are posting for reasons other than informative discussion, theoritical tests, and expanding our horizons.

pseudoscience is about NOT HAVING proof, not having much evidence- but rather throwing the IDEA out to test the waters. Its about expressing your own theories and ideals to others for critique and support.

Realize that if people didnt doubt the conventional ideas, we would still beliving on a FLAT earth and who knows what else we would be missing out on.

i come to this forum for insight on new ideas and to give others my take on the universe and all the orderly chaos within it. thats why i come here- and if you were looking for a funny response it ain't here.
Dearprudence said:
WellCookedFetus -- without proof and evidence it is not believable. You're absolutely right. But that's the point, see: I don't need to be accredited for what I experience because I *know* what I've experienced.

So what's the point of posting paranormal experiences? If I post, and risk my candour for my "insanity", it is not for those who seek to be entertained but for those who *know*. Think of it as leap-frogging.

Dearprudence. Your first paragraph makes perfect sense. You experienced something you know can't be faked. But how are we to know right? But others here aren't like you. They push crazy theories and fluff with no evidence and try to force you to believe it too. And if you don't and provide counter-evidence, well you're too closeminded and stupid to understand. I wouldn't do the same to others without resorting to evidential backup.
*bump* I think this should be a sticky, as in its a very relivent subject for all those that complain about or advocate this sub-forum.
"You experienced something you know can't be faked."

anything can be faked, you just believe it wasnt. ive got my theory - women have been faking all the crop circle and ufo stuff. they have been practicing it for thousands of years by faking orgasm, theyre good at it now.

i come here usually cos i have nothing better to do and ive read all the sciforums stuff except the maths, economics and history ones *shudders*
i dont believe any of the ufo stuff, but listening to people talk about it does teach you how to argue with someone about something that they have complete faith in, might be useful later in life.

(after reading my first paragraph, ive decided that i do think most this stuff is a joke)
I decided to visit this forum for the first time today. So far it has been nothing more than amusing.

Somebody posted that we shouldn't go to war with aliens because they can disarm our nuclear warheads. It reminds me of when me and my friends would pretend to be superheroes growing up, and how we'd always have the perfect special ability to counter each other's special abilities! :D
"I choose Fire Laser!"

"No, I block with crystal shield!"

"Well I switch to supersharp claws to cut through crystal shield!"

"Uh UH!...I turned on my force field so you can't get through!"

Hehe...those were the good old days.
. . . . . . . . . .
I had to choose that last option, but only because butt monkey is so great.

In reality, I check out this forum out of curiosity. The things people will believe [myself included!] never ceases to amaze me, and some pretty amazing shit pops up in here.
Yer a sick buttmonkey OCF.

EDITED TO ADD: With a very short memory obviously yah Over Cooked Fetus :D

and I am a goomba?
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Orangic Custer Frogs?
Origami Crescent Flamingo?
(1,8) Octanechloroflorid?

Over cooked fetus, why am I overcooked I would be burnt black!
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These Subcultures are taken for real by someone? I always thought it is the comedy section of sciforums. Seriously some people believe these thing?
Truth to tell, I think Pseudosience and the other things located here have as much justification than the Religion themes. All of them talk about things that do not exist and cannot be proven (I am not saying that all of it is false).
Some themes are just too stupid, so I voted for the first option, I just poke into the subcultures now and then.

(I am not saying that all of it is false)

well step forward and air your crackpot theories
i feel like a laugh
Me? I do not have any theories. My only theory is, that I exist in some way.

(truth, I only wrote "I am not saying that all of it is false" because I felt like encouraging some idiots to write more of this entertaining crap)