Why do you Come here?

Do you come here for comedy relief?

  • :D It can't be for anything else???

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • :) Usually

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • :p Sometimes

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • :o Interesting stuff happens here, but not usually funny in fact.

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • [IMG]http://www.guru3d.com/forum/images/smilies/nono.gif[/IMG] This is quality stuff, "Free Thought"

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • [IMG]http://www.guru3d.com/forum/images/smilies/finger.gif[/IMG] Of course not you sick butt monkey!

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters


Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
Who comes to the the Pseudoscience for Comedy relief? I know I do :D In fact I find all the sub-forums under "subculture" funny! Just wanted to know if I was the only one?
You mean that the pseudoscience, and Parapsychology bordes weren't meant to be jokes?
I don't think the subject of "pseudoscience" is a joke. Unfortunately most of the people interested in it are so I tend to avoid this forum.
I come here because while you have to sift through pages of crud, most of todays science started out in a place like this. You find the real gems covered in dirt.
I don't think soemthing being a pseudo science makes it incorrect. It simply means it has not yet been put properly into the context of science. Many ancient medicines and herbal remedies that are notw extracted or synthesized were once pseudo science because they had not yet been properly science-ized :). Now the drug companies and chemists have them and have examed and tested them using the scientific method and they are true science.

I feel other things will be the same.

Well, I must admit that I do come here for comic relief. I laugh a lot at certain things, but I also take some of it pretty seriously. I mean, I don't like to make fun, I'm just the kind of person who has fun and sees the humour in everything.
I actually come here for decent discussion...not comedy relief. Many people here believe to have some sort of powers and i for one cannot laugh at them without knowing all of the facts. They laughed at Columbus for saying the world was round. But most of the time here people seem to say they have a certain gift yet they offer no proof except fluff about us being closeminded and unscientific.

mister lard....i salute you.

I come here for the same reasons that sargentlard comes here for.......and that is a decent disscussion......people who come here for some sort of comedic releif are just plain arrogant.(not spelt right)......ta dah.....
Just bring this back up, I seen more good stuff here lately but its still funny :D
Why do you Come here?

that is a morrisey song and it sounds like you are playing it out
like a sad little stage act in personality drag

ohh well
if it makes you sexualy aroused who are we to deny your perversion
im sure there are enough dominatrix to go around for you
maybe then you will not feel the need to try and make fun of others to satisfy your failing self fullfillment

groove on :)

Are you talking to the wall again? :bugeye: because I have no clue who your talking too or who you think that person is. :confused:
About time some one did I was starting to think people were liking me. :D


I want to know what your color code means?
I have absolutely no clue, I was thinking you might be a synesthesis and different colors represent emotional states for you or something?
Maybe they do, but in that case I have no clue either. I haven't given it much thought, but now that you mention it, I tend to use blue when I'm being more serious, but now I must break that pattern, I can't let you all know what I'm feeling, that could be dangerous.
My biggest frustration with this particular forum has to do both with the additudes of some of the "skeptics" and the lack of even an ATTEMPT by many of the believers to put their arguments into a concise and functional debate.

The quality of the posters on both sides leaves a lot to be desired, and no one can point a finger on any one side or the other in here for how rediculously devoid of intellectual discourse this particular forum is. I put blaim on the skeptics NOT because they do not demonstrate the tennants of rational thoughts (they do a FINE job making good points most often), but because of the arrogant and snide remarks they sometimes make negate any useful attempt to demonstrate the correct patterns of thinking and discussion we want the believers to use to explain their points. After all, no one wants to immitate in any way the behaviors of someone percieved as an arrogant snide. Furthermore it is a very dirty tactic to willfully, be it intentionally or not, anger an opponent and cloud his thoughts in order to provoke negative responses from him and then use those responses to discredit his case. Unfortunetly such tactics are common in politics and perhaps in our day and age of seeing them demonstrated all too often they have become normal behaviors. This is not a broad attack against skeptics. I have had good discussions in here with people like Hans and Skinwalker, but this is a reminder that for intellectual debate to prosper BOTH sides must maintain mutual respect, and those demanding more rational and clear thought from the believers crowd should model the behaviors they demand of their opponents.

By the same token, advocates of the paranormal are often so caught up in the excitement of what they believe that their emotional reaction to this in itself makes it difficult for them not to come off as dreamers, wishful thinkers, or worse, delusional. This in itself is the first turn-off to skeptics: emotional responses. Second, many advocates of the paranormal simply do not approach the skeptics in the rational, debate and prove style they are accustomed to. This yes, betrays that many believers of the paranormal do not have intensive backgrounds in science or even in academia. Believers are far more prone to releasing the conclusion and think that the skeptic will probably know what they are talking about, and then are honestly shocked when the "smart guy" doesn't have a clue what he is saying! This isn't entirely there fault either. Pick up any good book on science as well, and you will find that it doesn't really teach you how science works, but in most cases only the conclusions that scientists have come to. If the book says that Alpha Centauri is 4 light years away or so, it doesn't tell you that we know this because we know what the speed of light is and we can determine it's distance with a parallax. It only gives you cut in dry, in the end, what the conclusions are. Applied to paranormal phenomenon, the layman who picks up someone's book about UFO's or Bigfoot doesn't have a clue HOW in many cases the paranormal investigator came to the conclusions he did, but rather the conclusions that the person gives them.

This forum is the OPTIMUM place to model out and truly teach how to use the scientific method, but the skeptics are falling down on the job and laypeople have become so set against them this is difficult. After all, if trying to get other people to see your point of view is NOT the point of posting here, what is? It is just that in this particular forum, more effort is required. It is an effort I have many times tried to give, and yes in some peoples minds I might not be the qualified teacher, but I don't see anyone else really trying either.

You can bitch about how sloppy someone else thinks, or you can model for them how to think rationally. I choose the ladder.

Without proof and evidence what’s to make it believable?

I sorry but thats what makes this place so funny most of what people say is BS and heresay without proof and evidence it must be called Pseudoscience!
none of the above

Since my original post "Witnesses for a UFO Congressional hearing" was posted to "World News and Politics" and moved
to Pseudoscience by so called intelligent moderators.
You had a valid example of facts in evidence which was moved here only because of the subject, not the content.