Why do you believe in Jesus?

I read His words and believed.

It’s really simple, you read His words and you either believe or you don't believe. If one does not believe Jesus then there is no way that any mere mortal will convince one of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Katazia is a HATER and an anti-Zionist!!!!



I believe because of His Father's mercy and eternal grace.
§outh§tar said:
Katazia is a HATER and an anti-Zionist!!!!



I believe because of His Father's mercy and eternal grace.
M*W: Katazia is NOT a HATER and NOT an Anti-Zionist!!!! She knows the truth. You don't. Better yet, you are not saved! You are a lost soul. All you are is a piece of dying meat.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Katazia is NOT a HATER and NOT an Anti-Zionist!!!! She knows the truth. You don't. Better yet, you are not saved! You are a lost soul. All you are is a piece of dying meat.


First off, you obviously don't know how to take a joke. I was only emulating PM but then if you want to be a heathen, go right ahead.

Secondly, your flaming and put downs only prove that you are in utter denial.

Come to Jesus, MW. He has a place prepared for you.
§outh§tar said:

First off, you obviously don't know how to take a joke. I was only emulating PM but then if you want to be a heathen, go right ahead.

Secondly, your flaming and put downs only prove that you are in utter denial.

Come to Jesus, MW. He has a place prepared for you.
M*W: I came to Jesus many years ago. I spent most of my adult life in Jesus. This is no joke! I am not in denial. Jesus is simply a character in history. I don't need to "come to Jesus," he let me down many years ago. He is not real. He doesn't exist. He is simply a character from a lost religion. You are the one who is lost. Jesus didn't die for you! Jesus didn't die for me! You need to wake-up and smell the truth!
I suppose when I pray and my prayers are answered, those are mere coincidence.. :rolleyes:

Just because you had a bad experience, does NOT mean you should make such unfair generalizations and you know it.
§outh§tar said:
I suppose when I pray and my prayers are answered, those are mere coincidence.. :rolleyes:

Just because you had a bad experience, does NOT mean you should make such unfair generalizations and you know it.
M*W: My "bad experience" with Christianity is not a "generalization," it was FACT! You are only hallucinating that your {"prayers were answered." Call it a "coincidence," but the fact is your "prayers were never answered!"
My prayers were specific and they have reflected on my present condition therefore I cannot be "hallucinating".

You are the one who is angry because you want to be a child of Christ so desperately.

Don't get too upset with MW, she read a book once that says Jesus isn't real, therefore it's the truth, as opposed to our Book which is full of prophecies that were fulfilled which, therefore, cannot possibly be the Truth. Still with me?

Despite the fact that billions of people around the world have firsthand experiences of Jesus working in their lives, no amount of testimony will move someone who refuses to be moved.

Perhaps MW's anger is what kept her from getting close to Jesus in the first place. All we can do is pray for her and bless her as she curses us. MW, know that the more you curse Jesus, the more I will pray for you.

Have a nice day :)
Ohh, looks like this is a joke thread.

I love Jesus, but I am a necrophiliac :D

I know, I know, bad joke. Anyway, I don´t believe in Jesus and I don´t see why I should. Also, the things he supposedly said aren´t that great or interesting if you ask me.
Paula said:

Don't get too upset with MW, she read a book once that says Jesus isn't real, therefore it's the truth, as opposed to our Book which is full of prophecies that were fulfilled which, therefore, cannot possibly be the Truth. Still with me?

Despite the fact that billions of people around the world have firsthand experiences of Jesus working in their lives, no amount of testimony will move someone who refuses to be moved.

Perhaps MW's anger is what kept her from getting close to Jesus in the first place. All we can do is pray for her and bless her as she curses us. MW, know that the more you curse Jesus, the more I will pray for you.

Have a nice day :)

Nice to meet you Paula.

What amuses me most is when you present irrefutable evidence to her, she just totally ABANDONS the entire conversation and the entire thread. Chances are she won't be returning here any more. Sometimes I don't think prayer is enough, she has the same problem Paul had before his conversion. Maybe that's the same thing she needs.. ;)
Joeman said:
Well? Give me some good reasons. Thanks.
Because His message is genuine and it's full of "human characteristics" and understanding, the Bible is describing a human, which were afraid of dying (though He knew that it was unavoidable) and asked for another way "but do your will, not mine". That particular part, when the cried and prayed because of His sorrow for the thought of dying, is very good and shows a man not a supernatural hero.

He felt compassion with the ones that asked for His help and felt sorry for the ones that had gone the wrong way "forgive them, they don't know what they are doing", all this makes Him a very lovable person to me. And I've allways felt a need for such a person in my life, that can show me what's right and what's wrong and knows what life is all about. He is a guidance and a teacher and a great friend "cause now you aren't my servents, you are my friends".
§outh§tar said:
What amuses me most is when you present irrefutable evidence to her, she just totally ABANDONS the entire conversation and the entire thread. Chances are she won't be returning here any more. Sometimes I don't think prayer is enough, she has the same problem Paul had before his conversion. Maybe that's the same thing she needs.. ;)

You're probably right about M*W's style. I don't agree with the way she 'debates', if it can even be called that.

However, you didn't present irrefutable evidence. In fact, you didn't present any evidence. You simply claimed that some of your prayers were answered. Big deal. Many Christians pray for things that never come true and accept it as God saying 'no.' What do you make of that? How come all of your prayers were answered? To an outsider, it simply seems like some people are getting lucky, and some aren't. Perhaps you're getting lucky.

Either way, that sure isn't evidence of any sort--it's just an anecdote.

Also, Paula, I can't think of one fulfilled prophecy that isn't vague or the result of post-occurance modification. Perhaps you could enlighten the skeptical.
Paula said:

Don't get too upset with MW, she read a book once that says Jesus isn't real, therefore it's the truth, as opposed to our Book which is full of prophecies that were fulfilled which, therefore, cannot possibly be the Truth. Still with me?

Despite the fact that billions of people around the world have firsthand experiences of Jesus working in their lives, no amount of testimony will move someone who refuses to be moved.

Perhaps MW's anger is what kept her from getting close to Jesus in the first place. All we can do is pray for her and bless her as she curses us. MW, know that the more you curse Jesus, the more I will pray for you.

Have a nice day :)
M*W: Paula, save your breath. As many times as I have explained my position on Christianity, you all still say I hate Jesus! When have I ever said this? NEVER! I used to be a good Catholic and a good Christian. I believed with all my heart. At one time, I would have been the one arguing FOR Christianity. Then I learned the truth. It's not about Jesus at all! It's about Paul. It's about the evils of the Roman Catholic Church. I will say it again, Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus. I know you all don't have the capacity to understand this because you have been blinded by your religious programming. Jesus didn't become a "savior" until the early church fathers made him one in 325 AD. It's all a lie! Jesus may have lived, but he didn't die for any of you! It's a lie! It's just bizarre to me that you people believe in fairy tales. There were no prophecies fulfilled in the NT. It was all taken from earlier myths and rewritten by Paul. Paul was a prolific writer, but that's about it. He wasn't an honest man at all. Let me assure you that I've read more than one book on this subject. I lived Christianity until I found out the truth. Christianity, itself, is the Antichrist. There is no salvation through Christianity. Remember, you heard it here!
§outh§tar said:
Nice to meet you Paula.

What amuses me most is when you present irrefutable evidence to her, she just totally ABANDONS the entire conversation and the entire thread. Chances are she won't be returning here any more. Sometimes I don't think prayer is enough, she has the same problem Paul had before his conversion. Maybe that's the same thing she needs.. ;)
M*W: "...irrefutable evidence?" Please cite your "irrefutable evidence. Maybe you could convince me. Please try!

"...ABANDONS the entire conversation and the entire thread." NEVER! You'll never get rid of me! There is no way you can re-convert me! I found the truth! You are the ones who are living a lie. I don't need your prayers, I pray myself to the kingdom of God within. I know my prayers are always heard and answered. I don't need a mythological character to pray to, and I don't need a building full of blind believers. It's too bad that you all don't pay attention and learn the truth. Christianity is declining worldwide. Lies won't last forever.