Why do Xians think Mohammad was possessed by Satan?

Sorry, we had a poll and it's true.
And you can be a man and still be possessed by Satan.
Also, you need to ask Xian PREACHERS because these are the ones who tell Xians what to think.

Some even think that Mohammad was Satan. Pretty much all Xians think the Qur'an is the Devil's Recipe book.


Google "Muhammad possessed Satan" >14,100 hits in <0.36 seconds

Lets assume that Mohammad WAS a Prophet.
Lets assume that the Qur'an is from God.

Then why are Christians blind to this? Why do they think the exact opposite?

Just plain weird........

Why start the same thread twice? Is it a case of "keep on posting the same question till you get the answer you want" weird.

Wether muhammed was possessed or not is not an issue with me. The defining measure that is an issue of me is the message muhammed gave that is opposed to the message Jesus gave as to the will of God for men.

Anyone who preaches a message about the will of God that is contrary to the will of God as revealed by the Messiah Jesus is accursed according to scriptures.

So as one who believes Jesus i proclaim muhammed to be accursed.

Wether he was possessed or not is of no issue. Wether he obtained the quran from another source or compiled it from his own thinking is of no issue. The fact that it teaches things contrary to the teachings of Jesus makes it a deception and accursed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So, I decided to click on one of the links. Now, mind you, I am not a Christian. So I have no control over anything that Christians think, teach, say, etc.... I just find it interesting that so many, maybe all, Christians think Mohammad was probably possessed.

Here's something typical of one of the sites:

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind" 2 Tim 1:7.

My conclusion is that Muhammad experienced a demonic visitation and it damaged his mental health. Satan or one of his demons appeared to Muhammad. This horrible experience terrorized him, depressed him, and caused him to attempt suicide. It made him mentally ill. However Satan protected his investment. When Muhammad was left alone the truth about what really happened depressed and frightened him. It would always surface in his mind. It was only through Satan's deceptive influence that kept Muhammad from killing himself. Finally, after a period of time, Muhammad's mind was seared. Satan had won a prize. Jesus said that Satan was a murderer from the beginning. As Muhammad went through the rest of his life, the more power he gained, the more dominion and conquest he sought, the more blood was shed. All the while, he kept telling himself and others what Satan had told him many years before, "I am the apostle of God."

Under our assumption that The Qur'an is the real deal, well, it's even more mind boggeling - Isn't it?!?!? I mean, these Christians are reading Gods words, reading the Qur'an, and STILL somehow they walk away thinking Mohammad was possessed by Satan.

I don't get it...

You don't get it???

Why don't you get it. You come across as a reasonably intelligent person who can comprehend simple examinations. So why can’t you comprehend what was said on the old thread on this issue and also what has been said on this thread?

Is it a case of "you don't get it" or a case of "you don't want to get it" ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The other thread was DO Xians think. This thread is WHY DO XIANS think....

See, threads get so sidetracked that I've decided making them straightforward and simple the better approach!

Oh course, just visit the first Baptist Church you come across and ask the Preacher is there's any chance of Mohammad being Satan? You won't be long before you hear yes.

First you say that baptists preachers believe and preach that muhammed was satan: then you proclaim that:

The majority of Xians are 100% sure that Mohammad was possessed. Not Satan himself, but possessed by Satan.

So what is it Michael. LOL Make your mind up and please. First you say that Christians believe that muhammed was satan. then you say No Christians do not believe muhammed was satan but was possesed by satan.

I am a Christian by the way. I do not proclaim muhammed was satan asa statement of faith. Neither do i say that muhammed was possesed by satan as a statement of faith.

I believe muhammed was either taught a deception that is in rebellion against the will of the God of Abraham or he devised the deception himself.

personaly i believe he was visited by an angel of satan. As the bible reveals 1/3rd of the Angels are with satan in his rebellion against God. But again this is not a statement of faith, it is just a personal opinion.

Or a Demon. Or both, you know, possession for awhile, then Mohammad lives his normal life, then Satan comes along and possesses him again. Like when he's reciting a verse, all of the would be Satan. The whole angel thing would be Satan. That's why there's the Satanic Verses.

If it was an angel it in not nessecary that it was satan himself.

RE: Joseph Smith
A descendent of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline.

Joseph Smith was the closest thing the west has ever had to a muhammed. But i am less convinced that he was visited by an angel. It seems he was influanced more by the secret teachings of the higher levels of masonry then by an angel. It seems that the masions did not like what he did and organised his killing when he was imprisoned. He seemed at the last moment to use the masion call of distress in an attempt to put his killers off:

"John D. Lee claimed that Joseph Smith used the exact words that a Mason is supposed to use in case of distress: "Joseph left the door, sprang through the window, and cried out, 'OH, LORD, MY GOD, IS THERE NO HELP FOR THE WIDOW'S SON!'"

Yeah, those Christians, can't seem to accept other people have there own prophets and Gods. Nope.

They cannot have other Gods because there is only One.

It's like they think Jesus is the LAST and the BIBLE is the ONLY PERFECT book from God and everyone else are "Satanic" (or at least corrupted/screwed up).

Thats true. There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Son, The Messiah Jesus.

Well, this has been the case for 2000 years and according to some people here - well, that's damn well proof enough it's good. Not only GOOD it GREAT! Maybe even Godly? It's great to teach kids that Muslims worship out of the Qur'an, also known as Satan's Bible. Yeah, that's never led to war in Iraq or anything.

It never did. Your right. No true followers of the Messiah Jesus take part in mortal combat. So none of those who are fighting or where fighting in Iraq are followers of Jesus.

It is Good to give warning to others caught up in deception. It is great when they hear the warning and are saved from that deception.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The other thread was DO Xians think. This thread is WHY DO XIANS think....

See, threads get so sidetracked that I've decided making them straightforward and simple the better approach!


Well now you know the answer. One i gave before in the other thread anyway.

So thats a wrap :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Come on Adstar, Baptists are a subset of Xians. The statements stand :) Anyway, Baptists are kind of like Taliban, they'll always go for throat when given a choice :D
I am a Christian by the way. I do not proclaim muhammed was satan asa statement of faith. Neither do i say that muhammed was possesed by satan as a statement of faith.

I believe muhammed was either taught a deception that is in rebellion against the will of the God of Abraham or he devised the deception himself.

personaly i believe he was visited by an angel of satan. As the bible reveals 1/3rd of the Angels are with satan in his rebellion against God. But again this is not a statement of faith, it is just a personal opinion.

If it was an angel it in not nessecary that it was satan himself.
not necessarily

That leaves the door wide open for YES it may have been Satan himself.

Anyway, the overall point is Mohammad was inspired by Satan, either via a daemon doing Satan's bidding OR Satan. And so the Qur'an is a work of Satan. I can only guess that the Qur'an is a means of Satan to lead Muslims away from Jesus.

Is it good to teach this sort of ideology? I often think no, no it is not.
Was Jesus really Satan sent to test the Jews???!!!!
*beep beep* *beeeep BEEEEP* :splat:


Good point, I wonder, what do Jews think about Jesus again? I ofter heard they think he was a rebel-dog. One cool cat, but not in line with Loard. THE LOARD! :D
BUT, maybe some of the more serious would come to the conclusion that yes Jesus was Satanic in nature, but, this was probably part of THE LOARDS plan.

Loordy lordy lordy.... will you look at that ... ....
not necessarily

That leaves the door wide open for YES it may have been Satan himself.

Anyway, the overall point is Mohammad was inspired by Satan, either via a daemon doing Satan's bidding OR Satan. And so the Qur'an is a work of Satan. I can only guess that the Qur'an is a means of Satan to lead Muslims away from Jesus.

Is it good to teach this sort of ideology? I often think no, no it is not.

If one believes that there is only one way to eternity with God and that is through believing Jesus. Then to teach that a message that runs counter to this is wrong/ evil/ deception is not only a good thing to do. But it would be an incredible act of cruelty to keep silent about it. It would be like knowing there was a secret and lethal chemical dump in an area and allowing people to buy the land and build their new homes over it.

Teaching that islam is a false message never has motivated true Christians to violence against muslims. It has however motivated muslims to violence against true Christians. But that is to be expected. Jesus said we would be hated because of the truth we give.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Was Jesus really Satan sent to test the Jews???!!!!

Actually that was a claim made by jews against Jesus. that He was possessed by a demon and He was a blasphemer. They had Him killed for it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Come on Adstar, Baptists are a subset of Xians. The statements stand :) Anyway, Baptists are kind of like Taliban, they'll always go for throat when given a choice :D

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You're painting with a very broad brush.
But, Mohammmad, they are sure he was possessed by Satan.
2) Doesn't it seem that if Christians read the Qur'an they'd understand that Mohammad MUST have been a prophet? I mean, if it's really, it seems like they'd be happy to know of a new prophet - as it would bring them closer to Jesus.
3) Is it a good thing to teach little children that Mohammad was Satan possessed? I mean, this is exactly what they are doing in Sunday schools all across the World. All across China little Chinese Christians are learning of the Satanic possession of Mohammad. Hmmmm.... could you see any negative ramifications from this sort of teaching, or, meh... it's all good, each to their own.
It is clear, all prophets after Abraham and Isaac are descendants of Jacob,
only Mohamed he is descendant of Ismael the son of Abraham and brother of Isaac.
So they dont want GOD send prophet who is not is not their descendants, although Jesus told them that GOD will send Mohamed but they change the bible and said that Jusus told us about (Holy spirit or Comforter)
U can search about this subject, and try to know the different between 'Perkilitos' and "Paraklatos'' and their relashion with the mean of name Mohamed
Arabs don't wear turbans, its too hot. You're thinking Disney or Danish cartoons.