Why do Xians think Mohammad was possessed by Satan?


Valued Senior Member
Some even think that Mohammad was Satan. Pretty much all Xians think the Qur'an is the Devil's Recipe book.


Google "Muhammad possessed Satan" >14,100 hits in <0.36 seconds

Lets assume that Mohammad WAS a Prophet.
Lets assume that the Qur'an is from God.

Then why are Christians blind to this? Why do they think the exact opposite?

Just plain weird........
Simple. Because he said Christ is a prophet, not a son of God.

Clearly, he was misguided as per Christian dogma. To the Christians this is a sign that he was guided by the enemies of Christ, or Satan.
they were all "misguided", there is a special word for people who hear "the voice of god", ie Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia (pronounced /ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/), from the Greek roots skhizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-; "mind") is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. Distortions in perception may affect all five senses, including sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, but most commonly manifest as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational dysfunction. Onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood,[1] with approximately 0.4–0.6%[2][3] of the population affected. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior. No laboratory test for schizophrenia currently exists.[4]


This is sad and these people deserve empathy. The nut jobs who follow them on the other hand are just delusional
I've known schizophrenics, they did not hear the voice of God.

Is schizophrenia absent in atheists?
umm no? (did i ever say it was?)

Not all Schizophrenia presents the same way but that is the most likly senario for these "prophet". Of course there is another group which should be called "proffits" like moses who were just trying to gain power amongst their followers.

Sam i challange you, walk to the local mental hospital and say "I hear the voice of god" (or even better "I am god") and see what they say and do

edit to add: In the immortal words of Billy Connoly "they wont even let you stop to get your fuckking Pyjamas":p (World tour of Australia from memory)
Is there a history of schizophrenics enumerating social norms and systems for economics, politics, family and institutions?
So, I decided to click on one of the links. Now, mind you, I am not a Christian. So I have no control over anything that Christians think, teach, say, etc.... I just find it interesting that so many, maybe all, Christians think Mohammad was probably possessed.

Here's something typical of one of the sites:

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind" 2 Tim 1:7.

My conclusion is that Muhammad experienced a demonic visitation and it damaged his mental health. Satan or one of his demons appeared to Muhammad. This horrible experience terrorized him, depressed him, and caused him to attempt suicide. It made him mentally ill. However Satan protected his investment. When Muhammad was left alone the truth about what really happened depressed and frightened him. It would always surface in his mind. It was only through Satan's deceptive influence that kept Muhammad from killing himself. Finally, after a period of time, Muhammad's mind was seared. Satan had won a prize. Jesus said that Satan was a murderer from the beginning. As Muhammad went through the rest of his life, the more power he gained, the more dominion and conquest he sought, the more blood was shed. All the while, he kept telling himself and others what Satan had told him many years before, "I am the apostle of God."

Under our assumption that The Qur'an is the real deal, well, it's even more mind boggeling - Isn't it?!?!? I mean, these Christians are reading Gods words, reading the Qur'an, and STILL somehow they walk away thinking Mohammad was possessed by Satan.

I don't get it...
I don't get it...

Why not? Do you believe that all people think [or should think] alike?

Only one in every six persons in the world is Muslim, which means five in every six are not.
So sam, you willing to try it?

As i said, go to a local mental hospital and say "im the voice of god" and see what they say:p
No more than I would be willing to admit to nymphomania or homosexuality in other times.

Even the autistic have been put in mental institutions at one point. They actually gave out a nobel prize for lobotomy.
Why not? Do you believe that all people think [or should think] alike?

Only one in every six persons in the world is Muslim, which means five in every six are not.
Two things, well OK, three :)

1) Yes, but I normally don't hear Christians saying Buddha was possessed by Satan (although perhaps many would say that if quired?) why so much angst against Mohammad. Heck, I seem to even remember a Pope once saying as much.

Most Christians say Ron Hubbard was a conman - not Satan possessed.
Most Christians say Joseph Smith Jr was a conman - not Satan possessed.

But, Mohammmad, they are sure he was possessed by Satan.


2) Doesn't it seem that if Christians read the Qur'an they'd understand that Mohammad MUST have been a prophet? I mean, if it's really, it seems like they'd be happy to know of a new prophet - as it would bring them closer to Jesus.

3) Is it a good thing to teach little children that Mohammad was Satan possessed? I mean, this is exactly what they are doing in Sunday schools all across the World. All across China little Chinese Christians are learning of the Satanic possession of Mohammad. Hmmmm.... could you see any negative ramifications from this sort of teaching, or, meh... it's all good, each to their own.
Oh course, Ron said he was a reincarnated Christ.

Joseph Smith basically the American version of Mohammad. He added his book to the NT. For Mormons Joseph Smith was the Last Prophet.
Oh course, Ron said he was a reincarnated Christ.

Joseph Smith basically the American version of Mohammad. He added his book to the NT. For Mormons Joseph Smith was the Last Prophet.

and he was either a) a compleat nutter who needed hospitalisation or b) a conman who should have been thrown in jail for fraud

hey theres a through, could we charge all the churches with fraud for "Selling a product which doesnt exist"?

might be worth a try:)
wha??? I've never heard that. :shrug: Was their a poll taken?
Oh course, just visit the first Baptist Church you come across and ask the Preacher is there's any chance of Mohammad being Satan? You won't be long before you hear yes.

The majority of Xians are 100% sure that Mohammad was possessed. Not Satan himself, but possessed by Satan. Or a Demon. Or both, you know, possession for awhile, then Mohammad lives his normal life, then Satan comes along and possesses him again. Like when he's reciting a verse, all of the would be Satan. The whole angel thing would be Satan. That's why there's the Satanic Verses.

RE: Joseph Smith
A descendent of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline.

OK, now lets look for Ron HUbbard:
Not as easy to find as (a) Scientologists are pretty good about cleaning up the Net and (b) most Christians instead seem to think Scientology is a Scam?!??! They don't seem to realize it's a bonefide religion, like Islam and Mormonism. Weird......

Ron Hubbard Jr. remembers that when he was ten years old, his father, in an attempt to get his son in tune with his black magic worship, laced the young Hubbard's bubble gum with Phenobarbital. According to Ron Jr. drugs were an important part of Ron Jr.'s growing up, as his father believed that they were the best way to get closer to Satan--the Antichrist of black magic.

Yeah, those Christians, can't seem to accept other people have there own prophets and Gods. Nope. It's like they think Jesus is the LAST and the BIBLE is the ONLY PERFECT book from God and everyone else are "Satanic" (or at least corrupted/screwed up). Well, this has been the case for 2000 years and according to some people here - well, that's damn well proof enough it's good. Not only GOOD it GREAT! Maybe even Godly? It's great to teach kids that Muslims worship out of the Qur'an, also known as Satan's Bible. Yeah, that's never led to war in Iraq or anything.
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Oh course, just visit the first Baptist Church you come across and ask the Preacher is there's any chance of Mohammad being Satan? You won't be long before you hear yes.

The majority of Xians are 100% sure that Mohammad was possessed. Not Satan himself, but possessed by Satan. .....

The majority are 100% sure? Well I think that's just crap you made up. There's not a single christian I know that believes that.
The majority are 100% sure? Well I think that's just crap you made up. There's not a single christian I know that believes that.

I'll agree with that. I was raised in the "bible belt" in a devoutly Christian home, and I've never heard anyone say that either. To the Christians I know, Mohamad was just man.
I'll agree with that. I was raised in the "bible belt" in a devoutly Christian home, and I've never heard anyone say that either. To the Christians I know, Mohamad was just man.

Exactly. Most Christians I know would tell you Mohammad was a kick ass boxer back in the day and they loved his movie.