why do some theists believe in Darwinian evolution?

Because they are PC?

Because they fear for their safety and reputation, and don't have the kind of belief in God that would protect them from the dangers of living among the "heathens"?

Because they don't actually believe the Bible and/or other scriptures?

Because they are proud - or creative - and thus write their own theology, disregarding theistic tradition?
Because Evolution as science and Evolution as understood by you atheists is not the same thing. Refer to my God of Science thread for some background. I'm not interested in responding I rarely come here :)
Because Evolution as science and Evolution as understood by you atheists is not the same thing.
Really? What about the atheists who are scientists? :rolleyes:

I'm not interested in responding I rarely come here :)
In fact so "not interested" you pop in to post a nonsensical claim.
Well done.
This is aimed at theists who believe in scripture.


Because we realize that 7 days for a being to whom time and space are no obsticle can be a very long time to us. About 15 billion years give or take.

Also, IF it is actually God speaking to man then we would have been stupid at the time when it was dictated. The concept of a billion was not even full realized at this time. Even if the person that it was dictated was shown the light, how would that person explain it to the masses? It knew that we would figure it out eventually.
Really? What about the atheists who are scientists? :rolleyes:

? what about the Christians who are scientists? You don't really prove anything...:eek: And you completely don't understand what I said, hence the reason for your comment.

In fact so "not interested" you pop in to post a nonsensical claim.
Well done.

Your brain is so closed that it will seem nonsensical. How you understand Evolution as pure science vs how you use it to understand the world philosophically is not the same thing. See I said it again :D
? what about the Christians who are scientists? You don't really prove anything...:eek:
You made a claim: support it.

Your brain is so closed that it will seem nonsensical. How you understand Evolution as pure science vs how you use it to understand the world philosophically is not the same thing. See I said it again :D
Um, evolution is a scientific process.
This is aimed at theists who believe in scripture.


Because there is NOTHING in scripture that contradicts it.

Scripture tells us that God created life, but doesnt tell us how.

Any religion that claims its god as creator of the universe must take into account the physical phenomena we observe in the universe.
Because there is NOTHING in scripture that contradicts it.

Scripture tells us that God created life, but doesnt tell us how.

Any religion that claims its god as creator of the universe must take into account the physical phenomena we observe in the universe.

Well, actually yes, there are a few scientific falsehoods in the genesis story.
I'd like to walk you through the reasoning. Because you won't get it otherwise ;)
And now another evasion.

Then answer the question.
What question? The "And so?"?
Okay: evolution is a scientific process, not a philosophical one. Hence using it in a philosophical sense is a misuse.

Socratic Spelunker said:
Because there is NOTHING in scripture that contradicts it.
Scripture claims we were created ab initio as fully-formed humans. Evolution states otherwise.

How you understand Evolution as pure science vs how you use it to understand the world philosophically is not the same thing

How so ?

Understanding that we evolved here in a way that is in conflict with religious texts certainly places a burden on the belief in most religions. IOW, they are wrong if evolution is right, therefore it, evolution has a direct impact on our philosophical views.

Which is why most Theist's don't take their creation stories literally.

At least not in front of people who will question or challenge them :D
I'd like to walk you through the reasoning. Because you won't get it otherwise

But you don't.

OTOH, this is the religion thread, nothing said here really has to make any sense.
Understanding that we evolved here in a way that is in conflict with religious texts certainly places a burden on the belief in most religions.

Okay and in what way does it contradict? By the way the OP doesn't specify the type of 'theist'- so to bring in the specificity of the different religions probably won't do you good.

The topic is more general: theists and why they can believe in evolution.

Peace be unto you ;)
Okay: evolution is a scientific process, not a philosophical one. Hence using it in a philosophical sense is a misuse.

Perfecto. So where does evolution say God does not exist? If it doesn't there is no contention between theism (generally speaking) and evolution.

The OP didn't specify any category of theists so there is no reason to go further :D
Well, actually yes, there are a few scientific falsehoods in the genesis story.

Depending on your interpretation maybe, but many Old-Earth Creationists set them hand-in-hand pretty well. It's mostly in Young-Earth Creationism and other forms of fundamentalism that you find those falsehoods... among others...