No one converts for me. They do it for Him.
How can you be sure ? You know what lying bastards those atheists are,
So the Pope is not a Christian ? You are sadly mistaken. He is Christ's representative on earth. It says so in the Good Book: " Tu est Petrus....."
That is Christ talking to Peter, Christ's successor on earth, the first of a long line of Pope's.
The commission was to Peter and Peter alone. No where in the exchange did Jesus say that Peter was to have successors. Peter finished the message of God. So you are tragically mistaken along with billions of others down throughout the millennia.
And All true catholic follow the teachings of the catholic church so when the church proclaims the limbo exists all catholics will accept it as the infallible truth revealed from God through the one and only true apostolic church and when the church proclaims that Limbo does not exist then all catholics will accept it as the infallible truth revealed from God through the one and only true apostolic church.
A catholic cannot be a catholic and reject any part of church teachings, Not one jot. All catholics must accept any teaching given to them from the catholic church. Any person who calls themselves catholic and rejects just one teaching of the church authority is not a catholic at all.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days