Why do some Christians Proselytise ?


While these differences make me less comfortable attending her church than attending mine they are not extreme enough to make her religion wrong. They are outward trappings not core belief.

So the belief that the Pope is God's representative on earth and that he is infallible in doctrinal matters is not a core belief ?
I never claimed the concept of a trinity was exclusive to Christianity.
I never claimed you did but where do you think they got the idea from?

The trinity of the other religions you mentioned is not the same as that of The Bible. Most of those trinities consisted of a wife, husband and child, usually a son.
True,some were.Such as the Asarian resurection tale ..a classic tale of spiritual rebirth in their mythology.

The Triune God of Christianity is a single God in three persons, not three seperate gods. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are the same God in three aspects not three seperate gods.

Actually those separate Gods as you describe them simply represented various aspects of the one God at the heart of most paganistic religions. They were all derived from the same source essentially.

My personal belief system is that the Christian God is the true God
Or Yahweh is simply another version of God that has had the benefit of good marketing.
What I believe is simply that, What I believe.
Which you are free to do of course.
I could possibly convert...especially if it was for a hottie "Christie" look-a-like;)

No one converts for me. They do it for Him. :)

I always found it odd that Christians place so much importance on religious affiliation. I've had potential girlfriends break down and cry when they found out I wasn't Christian. They really liked me but they just couldn't get past that one thing. They're odd people.

It's a dealbreaker for me too. I won't date a non-Christian. Our souls and spirits are just too different.

...So the belief that the Pope is God's representative on earth and that he is infallible in doctrinal matters is not a core belief ?[/QUOTE]

Popo is the Catholic's big kahuna. God/Jesus Christ is the big guy for Christians--especially born-agains.

While these differences make me less comfortable attending her church than attending mine they are not extreme enough to make her religion wrong. They are outward trappings not core belief.

So the belief that the Pope is God's representative on earth and that he is infallible in doctrinal matters is not a core belief ?

It is a church policy that the Pope is infallible when speaking on church doctrine ex cathedra. This belief wasn't formalized until 1870 so in answer to your question no it is not a core belief in the same way the belief in the Triune God is.
“ Originally Posted by Till Eulenspiegel

I never claimed the concept of a trinity was exclusive to Christianity. ”

I never claimed you did but where do you think they got the idea from?

The fact that different religion may have similar ideas does not necessarily mean that one religion got it from another. The concept of a trinity could have arise independent of what existed in other religions.

“ The trinity of the other religions you mentioned is not the same as that of The Bible. Most of those trinities consisted of a wife, husband and child, usually a son. ”

True,some were.Such as the Asarian resurection tale ..a classic tale of spiritual rebirth in their mythology.

“ The Triune God of Christianity is a single God in three persons, not three seperate gods. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are the same God in three aspects not three seperate gods. ”

Actually those separate Gods as you describe them simply represented various aspects of the one God at the heart of most paganistic religions. They were all derived from the same source essentially.

While they represented different aspects of the religion, not of the one god, they were still considered seperate entities. If you read the Enuma elish, the Babylonian creation myth, you will see that the gods all had seperate identities. Father Apsu and Mother Tiamat and their son Mummu were a family not a single entity with three aspects. The same familial relationship carries through with the rest of the gods who followed, Anshar was a son of Apsu and Tiamat and Kishar was their daughter.This familial lineage carries right down to Marduk who was the son of Ea and Damkina and the great-great grandson of Apsu and Tiamat.
No one converts for me. They do it for Him.

How can you be sure ? You know what lying bastards those atheists are,

So the Pope is not a Christian ? You are sadly mistaken. He is Christ's representative on earth. It says so in the Good Book: " Tu est Petrus....."

That is Christ talking to Peter, Christ's successor on earth, the first of a long line of Pope's.

Of course if you don't believe the New Testament, there must be lots of other parts of the Bible which you don't believe. How did you achieve your unique insight? Which bits are ok and which not ? Do tell us!

I say : Replace President Bush with the Pope and a peace that passeth all understanding will reign in the US. The Conservatives will lie down with the Democrats, the Vets will lie down with the Liberal Do-gooders and so on.
I won't date a non-Christian. Our souls and spirits are just too different.

One of main reasons, which sandy has so succinctly put forth, for the downfall of mankind is the hatred, racism and bigotry espoused from cults such as Christianity, solely based on faith.

Does the person them self, with their desires, ideas and contributions mean anything to sandy? Clearly not. The theists mindset rests entirely on the afterlife and how well they win favor with their cruel and immoral gods. Life on earth is a mere trifling inconvenience.

Will mankind ever recover from this disease?
One of main reasons, which sandy has so succinctly put forth, for the downfall of mankind is the hatred, racism and bigotry espoused from cults such as Christianity, solely based on faith.

Does the person them self, with their desires, ideas and contributions mean anything to sandy? Clearly not. The theists mindset rests entirely on the afterlife and how well they win favor with their cruel and immoral gods. Life on earth is a mere trifling inconvenience.

Will mankind ever recover from this disease?
I believe so but it is a matter of faith
It is a church policy that the Pope is infallible when speaking on church doctrine ex cathedra. This belief wasn't formalized until 1870 so in answer to your question no it is not a core belief in the same way the belief in the Triune God is.

Catholics ( must ) believe that the Pope is Christ's Vicar on Earth. The authority for this is based on what Christ said to Peter at the Last Supper:

" Thou art Peter and I give to thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...."

So, when a Pope speaks ex-cathedra he is believed to be transmitting the word of God, and it is incumbent on Catholics to believe such doctrines as Articles of Faith.

If you do not regard what I have said as a core belief, ask yourself why Luther was excommunicated. He never stopped believing in the Holy Trinity. Apart fronm his objections to indulgences and so on, his besetting sin was that he defied the Pope's authority.
No one converts for me. They do it for Him.

How can you be sure ? You know what lying bastards those atheists are,

So the Pope is not a Christian ? You are sadly mistaken. He is Christ's representative on earth. It says so in the Good Book: " Tu est Petrus....."

That is Christ talking to Peter, Christ's successor on earth, the first of a long line of Pope's.

The commission was to Peter and Peter alone. No where in the exchange did Jesus say that Peter was to have successors. Peter finished the message of God. So you are tragically mistaken along with billions of others down throughout the millennia.

And All true catholic follow the teachings of the catholic church so when the church proclaims the limbo exists all catholics will accept it as the infallible truth revealed from God through the one and only true apostolic church and when the church proclaims that Limbo does not exist then all catholics will accept it as the infallible truth revealed from God through the one and only true apostolic church.

A catholic cannot be a catholic and reject any part of church teachings, Not one jot. All catholics must accept any teaching given to them from the catholic church. Any person who calls themselves catholic and rejects just one teaching of the church authority is not a catholic at all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Myles, I can't tell if your primary reason for being here is to discuss religion, or to trash and insult theism at every chance you seem to get.

The commission was to Peter and Peter alone

That's not what the Pope says and he is infallible

One line statement, a waste of space. The catholic authorities of today have given a public and recorded apology for the actions of the church in former times. This apology reveals the lie in the infallability claim you are making. Because if the former Authorities of the catholic church held the infallable mantle that the catholic church proclaims then it is sin to offer an apology for the infallable acts and policies of a former infallable authority.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Give me that Old Time Religion and let's hang a few Darwinist, atheist heretics from a sour apple tree to show them the power of God's love !

What??? Stop wasting your time pasting me with attitudes when you have nothing left to say worthy of saying.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is a church policy that the Pope is infallible when speaking on church doctrine ex cathedra. This belief wasn't formalized until 1870 so in answer to your question no it is not a core belief in the same way the belief in the Triune God is.

Catholics ( must ) believe that the Pope is Christ's Vicar on Earth. The authority for this is based on what Christ said to Peter at the Last Supper:

" Thou art Peter and I give to thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...."

So, when a Pope speaks ex-cathedra he is believed to be transmitting the word of God, and it is incumbent on Catholics to believe such doctrines as Articles of Faith.

If you do not regard what I have said as a core belief, ask yourself why Luther was excommunicated. He never stopped believing in the Holy Trinity. Apart fronm his objections to indulgences and so on, his besetting sin was that he defied the Pope's authority.

Myles, Since the Roman Catholic dogma of Papal infallibility when speaking on church matters ex cathedra was formalized only in the late 1800's that could not have been the reason Martin Luther was excommunicated.

Martin Luther was excommunicated because of one simple sentence. Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders. He was oredered to recant certain of his writings and refused.