why do religious people, call atheists, satanists.

Hey Josh where can I pickup a pack of "hands off" my local apothacary doesn't carry it and I can live with the thought of more kitten carnage.
I believe in fairies and leprachauns and unicorns, does that make me crazy or a satanist? :p
path said:
Hey Josh where can I pickup a pack of "hands off" my local apothacary doesn't carry it and I can live with the thought of more kitten carnage.

Believe it or not, you can actually buy a box at <a href="http://www.misspoppy.com/catalog/xcart/customer/home.php?cat=108">Miss Poppy</a> (albeit as a gag gift). $6.95 is a tad steep for a pack of gum, but for those of us who love kitties it's a bargain.

Or, if you're like me, you might need the super pack ($34.95).

Bells said:
Are you stoned?
southstar's, alway's stoned, have you read some of his other post.
normally he post the same answer's, and quote's from the bible.
he is an endless source of amusement, and long may he reign.
another one good for a laugh is enigma07, she does the same thing.
and I for one would not have It any other way.
good on them for amusing me.
Your point you seem to be making is "praying to Mary" => that someone is God. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Being able to hear a prayer is a god function. Being able to respond to prayer is a god function. If Mary can do these things then she is a god. If she can’t then it is simply idiotic to attempt to pray to her.

Webster – Pray: to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving.
When Catholcis pray to Mary, they are asking Mary to pray for them, to intercede for them, and to show us Jesus.
If she can hear and respond then she has godlike powers which make her a god. The reason why Christians pray to their other gods and try to claim there is only one god is simply internal rationalization. Outwardly Christianity has 5 primary gods.
Correct. Without God, even Mary would not have any power.
Pretty much like the lesser Greek gods with Zeus having the supreme power.

But due to Mary's closeness to God, her prayers are more effective than our doubt filled prayers.
If people who pray want maximum effectiveness then why not pray directly to the head god instead of a lesser god?

..to say that only praying to God benefits someone is not right.
This and the rest of your prayer dissertation didn’t answer the question and seemed to miss the point. If only God has the real power and is the only god then why pray to someone or anything else instead?

the preacher said:
southstar's, alway's stoned, have you read some of his other post.
normally he post the same answer's, and quote's from the bible.
he is an endless source of amusement, and long may he reign.
another one good for a laugh is enigma07, she does the same thing.
and I for one would not have It any other way.
good on them for amusing me.

islam is also a good source of entertainment for me too: :m:
I Just Want To Quickly Comment On All The Comments I Have Been Reading Over The Past 3 Pages. I Will Not Be Back, I Just Want You All To Know There Is Satan And There Is God! God Is Found In The King James Bible...our Job Is To Find Him, Honor Him, Be Fishers Of Men, Meaning, Tell The World About Him.

I Know First Hand Of Satan, He Is Real! My Pastor, A Baptist Man, Lead Me To The Lord On June 18, 2003. Since Then, I Have No Disturbances In My Life By Satan...i Am Not 100% Free From Stress Or Satan Trying To Upset My Life, Like He Does To Us All. However, I Have Jesus, God, Our Saviour! He Is Real, He Is Your Best Friend, You Are Required To Find Him (kjb) Know Him, And Reap The Benefits When You Die And Go To Heaven..provided You Accept And Love Your Creator! God Bless Us All!
Enigma'07 said:
I don't think they worship Satan, they just serve him.
By this rational Buddhists, Shinto, Mohammedans, and Taoists are Satanists as well. Basically anyone who doesn’t believe as Xian’s believe are Satanists.

Funny enough it’s only Atheists that seem to get the additional “Satanists” label.

I personally think this is because Atheists have the strongest counter arguments to Xianianty and therefore Xian’s “in the know” feel the need to perpetrate and perpetuate this idea that Atheists are Satanists. I find it insulting. A Satanist would have to have a belief in a God and or Gods and Atheists lack such a belief.

So why the label? It’s so that it will scare-the-living-shit out of any Church members thereby preventing them from talking to Atheists and potentially changing their belief. Hence the “doing Satan’s work” crap.
Enigma'07: Anyone that is not a Jew ( a direct decendant of Abraham though Isaac) is considered a Gentile.
M*W: That was the belief in 1880s America, but we know today the Gentiles were probably pagans.

Technically, the definition of a Gentile is someone who is neither Jew nor Christian. Perhaps the Gentiles were considered to be Pagans at one time!
I Have No Disturbances In My Life By Satan...i Am Not 100% Free From Stress Or Satan Trying To Upset My Life,
Do things get more contradictory than that? you have no disturbances from satan but are not 100% free from satan? How would that work?