why do religious people, call atheists, satanists.

Catholics pray to Mary so she must be a god.

Zulu's pray to AmaDlozi. Is this a god? No. Not all Catholics are Christians, only some. She has no supernatural powers.

Satan has supernatutal powers so he must be a god.

Angels have supernatural powers. Are they a god. No.

Father, son and ghost have three distinct personalities so they are three gods.

Just because someone is a fireman, librarian, and truck driver doesn't mean they are three people. they are just capable of doing several things.
§outh§tar said:
Since atheists do not believe in God, they do not obey this commandment, you agree? And my point was, neither does Satan.

So, logically, all people of faiths other than Christianity must be Satanists too, right?

This makes two categories of human beings: Christians and Satanists. Once again, how handy for you.
Not all Catholics are Christians, only some. She has no supernatural powers. - in regards to Mary

But Kat said they pray to her. If she is not a God, that is idolizing someone other than God.. a big no-no.

- N

Zulu's pray to AmaDlozi. Is this a god? No. Not all Catholics are Christians, only some. She has no supernatural powers.
That doesn’t matter – Christians only pray to their gods, so Mary must be a god. But if she doesn’t have super powers then she is useless – just goes to show that Christians are stupid – talking to a dead person who isn’t a god and can’t do anything for them.

What type of catholic is not a Christian?

Angels have supernatural powers. Are they a god. No.
Sure they are, just lesser gods than the biggies. Christians just give them another name because they want to pretend their religion is monotheistic. The Greek gods had a hierarchy as well just like the Christian super beings.

Just because someone is a fireman, librarian, and truck driver doesn't mean they are three people. they are just capable of doing several things.
So when Jesus prayed and talked about the holy spirit he was really talking to and about himself then? And when he asked his father on the cross why has he forsaken me he was talking to himself then?

So just how would Jim the fireman talk to Jim the librarian, and if he did how long would we wait before having him committed?

Your not making any sense Katazia. Asking someone to pray for you is different from worshiping them as God.

Mary would seem to have supernatural power because she is with God and filled with God's grace but any power comes from her relationship with God.
JustARide said:
So, logically, all people of faiths other than Christianity must be Satanists too, right?

This makes two categories of human beings: Christians and Satanists. Once again, how handy for you.

It seems to actually be Jews and Gentiles.

Your not making any sense Katazia. Asking someone to pray for you is different from worshiping them as God.
I don’t see where I suggested anything like this.

Mary would seem to have supernatural power because she is with God
Seem? Meaning she doesn’t actually have any power, right?

and filled with God's grace but any power comes from her relationship with God.
And now she does have power. Which is it, does she have power or doesn’t she (don’t care where it comes from)?

But why pray to an intermediary instead of directly praying to the primary god figure? If Christianity were truly a monotheistic religion then there is no point praying to anything else other than the one G, right?

That doesn’t matter – Christians only pray to their gods, so Mary must be a god

Christians do not pray to Mary. Catholics do. Not all Catholics are Christians

What type of catholic is not a Christian?

The ones that believe salvation is by faith + works. Christians believe faith is the ONLY requirement.

But Kat said they pray to her. If she is not a God, that is idolizing someone other than God.. a big no-no.

Yes you are right. That is why I am not a Catholic. I believe that I can pray directly to God and He hears me. Mary was only the mother of Christ, not a god of some sort.

Sure they are, just lesser gods than the biggies. Christians just give them another name because they want to pretend their religion is monotheistic. The Greek gods had a hierarchy as well just like the Christian super beings

Angels are NOT gods. The creation cannot be greater than God.

So just how would Jim the fireman talk to Jim the librarian, and if he did how long would we wait before having him committed?

That is why we describe God as a trinity (tri+ unity) It is something we do not fully understand, yet we take it in faith.

PS. I talk to myself. We have alot of great discussions.
Anyone that is not a Jew ( a direct decendant of Abraham though Isaac) is considered a Gentile.

Christians do not pray to Mary. Catholics do. Not all Catholics are Christians
Well I’m not sure I care but I can see from all those permutations that you present that there is a subset of Christians (Catholics who you deem Christian) who pray to Mary.

But really if anyone believes that Jesus is a god then they are Christian – how you argue among yourselves in the 22000 sects and cults you have created, and how you decide what fantasy characteristics you each prefer is entirely your own business I guess.

The ones that believe salvation is by faith + works. Christians believe faith is the ONLY requirement.
Seems like a trivial distinction between rival Christian sects.

Mary was only the mother of Christ, not a god of some sort.
But some Christians disagree and treat her as if she is godlike. So looking from the outside at the big picture of the whole of Christian beliefs she must be considered as another god.

Angels are NOT gods. The creation cannot be greater than God.
But that’s merely your particular opinion of what a god would be. Christian angels have super powers and in most religions that makes them gods. I don’t care if they have lesser power than the chief god – they can still be classed as gods.

That is why we describe God as a trinity (tri+ unity) It is something we do not fully understand, yet we take it in faith.
LOL. It is something you invented in a botched attempt to resolve an insoluble paradox of your own making – OT clearly says there is only ONE god. When the myth of a physical savior expected to come and save the Jews evolved into a divine savior myth, you ended up with a mess of having multiple gods and direct contradiction of the OT. The attempt to resolve this farce was the Nicene creed which is the hocus-pocus of the trinity. Three-in-one.

It can’t be understood because it is pure nonsense. And believing this human invented church policy as truth on faith is considerably stupid.

PS. I talk to myself. We have a lot of great discussions.
LOL, right, and I wish all of you the best of health.

I don’t see where I suggested anything like this.
Your point you seem to be making is "praying to Mary" => that someone is God. Nothing could be further from the truth. When Catholcis pray to Mary, they are asking Mary to pray for them, to intercede for them, and to show us Jesus. Worship means treating or worshiping Mary as God, for which the Church condemns.

Seem? Meaning she doesn’t actually have any power, right?
Correct. Without God, even Mary would not have any power. But due to Mary's closeness to God, her prayers are more effective than our doubt filled prayers.

But why pray to an intermediary instead of directly praying to the primary god figure?
Someone who is as holy as Mary reflects the light of Christ perfectly, and viewing her life as blessed is not wrong.

If Christianity were truly a monotheistic religion then there is no point praying to anything else other than the one G, right?
No, there's a difference. Someone who prays by themselves is not wrong. In fact, there's several forms of prayer, and people like myself have a difficult time praying in public. But to say that only praying to God benefits someone is not right. It denies the power of other's prayer, and it also ignores the witness given by those who are more holy and have more faith than we are. For the book of James says "pray for another" and "The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful." Who then can not say Mary is blessed when Luke says all nations will call her blessed? Thus the way to pray is to be united in communion, and then the prayer given behalf of the believers in unity leads us to having one voice.
@ okinrus

Treating Mary with such reverence is actually severe blasphemy.


John 14
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know[1] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

I do believe the verse is very clear and speaks for itself on such matters.
§outh§tar said:
It seems to actually be Jews and Gentiles.

What the fuck does that have to with anything? We're talking about who Christians consider Satanists, and by your definition, we must assume anyone who isn't a Christian is a Satanist, despite one's opinion on whether or not Satan even exists.

If you want two categories to split the world into, try idiots and freethinkers.

Or we could cut out the middle man and admit that it always comes down to "people who think like me" and "people who are wrong."
JustARide said:
Or we could cut out the middle man and admit that it always comes down to "people who think like me" and "people who are wrong."

As Connie Marble put it in John Waters infamous film Pink Flamingos, "There are two kinds of people in the world; my kind of people, and assholes."
JustARide said:
What the fuck does that have to with anything? We're talking about who Christians consider Satanists, and by your definition, we must assume anyone who isn't a Christian is a Satanist, despite one's opinion on whether or not Satan even exists.

I already clarified the statement on the first page for you.

If you want two categories to split the world into, try idiots and freethinkers.

Or we could cut out the middle man and admit that it always comes down to "people who think like me" and "people who are wrong."

Freethinkers think they are free. Think about that for a moment and realize just how amusing that is..
I already clarified the statement on the first page for you.

Lol... How can you clarify something a page before its even been written?

Not only that, but you didn't even mention jews and gentiles on page 1, but consistently bought up and compared atheists to satanists.

You're a bizarre boy, really.

It's like you're on brain wiping drugs or something. Tell me.. does life look like a fluorescent pink cloud?

Freethinkers think they are free. Think about that for a moment and realize just how amusing that is..

Kindly explain. How is it amusing?
§outh§tar said:
I already clarified the statement on the first page for you.

OK, well, I've already successfully refuted your argument on page 6 then.

Freethinkers think they are free. Think about that for a moment and realize just how amusing that is..

Free thinkers think they're free. Hmmm... Oh, I see! You've reversed the root words! Free thinkers think they're free.
*claps hands* Oh, how frightfully clever! Pray, Mr. Wilde, when shall we hear another of your witty comebacks?

You know what I find amusing?

<img src="http://www.jesus21.com/img/ads/kitten.jpg">
Everyone is atheist in a sense cause they dont believe in other peoples' gods :p So tell me which god is the right one :p
I have always been an agnostic. Even as a child I was more agnostic, much to the dismay of my parents. But after having read through this thread, athiesm is looking better and better. All of you religious nutters (you know who you are) seem to think that 'mine is better and bigger than yours'. You're complete turn-off's.

Christianity is broken up into several branches. Each interpretation is different. The same applies to Jews and Muslims. There are different sects within the whole group. None is better than the other. All are as bad as each other.


As for the Mary issue, many catholics pray to Mary to pray for them because she was the mother of Christ and therefore seen to have been blessed. Kooky I know, but that's how it is seen within the church itself. Although there are many Catholics who do not pray to Mary. Some Catholics also pray to saints, asking the Saint to help them and to pray for them to God.

§outh§tar said:
Well, guess who Christians become like in accepting God? Christ.
Guess who atheists become like in rejecting God? Satan.
Are you stoned?

Atheists don't reject God, nor do they accept Satan. Athiests simply do not believe in God or in Satan. Therefore South, one cannot reject what one does not believe in. Because to reject something, one must acknowledge it's existence before one rejects it. But atheists do not acknowledge God's existence because as far as they are concerned, there is no such thing as God, as in God does not exist. Therefore, if God does not exist, neither does Satan, a creature created by God who then went against his creator. Think about it South. Think hard now... How can someone not believe in the existence of something, but become like the being created by that something? In atheists not believing in God, they do not become more like Satan, because to atheists, Satan also does not exist. So how can they become like something that does not even exist to them?