Why do people believe?


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
"In answer to the question, “Why do people believe?,” the first explanation is that believers have not been exposed to the factual critiques of their faith. These critiques apply to the cognitive basis of their belief.

Accordingly, a second explanation for this is that noncognitive tendencies and impulses are at work, tempting believers to accept the “unbelievable.” This disposition to believe in spite of insufficient or contrary evidence has deep roots in our biological and social nature."


The author, Paul Kurtz, establishes that people believe because they have been indoctrinated to accept the irrational and improbable due to lack of critical thinking skills, and will continue to believe where no amount of evidence will suffice.

Beliefs enticed the imagination to believe in things unseen for the purpose of satisfying needs and desires in primitive men unable to cope with disasters, pain and sorrow.
People believe because they cannot not believe, belief always covers that which is not fully understood under whatever the cause of such misunderstanding...and there is also some sort of missing understanding.
They don't have enough confidence in themselves and look elsewhere to get that confidence.:(
"In answer to the question, “Why do people believe?,” the first explanation is that believers have not been exposed to the factual critiques of their faith. These critiques apply to the cognitive basis of their belief.

Accordingly, a second explanation for this is that noncognitive tendencies and impulses are at work, tempting believers to accept the “unbelievable.” This disposition to believe in spite of insufficient or contrary evidence has deep roots in our biological and social nature."


The author, Paul Kurtz, establishes that people believe because they have been indoctrinated to accept the irrational and improbable due to lack of critical thinking skills, and will continue to believe where no amount of evidence will suffice.

Beliefs enticed the imagination to believe in things unseen for the purpose of satisfying needs and desires in primitive men unable to cope with disasters, pain and sorrow.
why do people believe that they don't believe ....
People are very gullible as well and can be led down many paths in life because of their lack of confidence in themselves and listen to others to guide them through life and sometimes those others only want to manipulate others to their own benifit and well being. :(
That may go for the majority of people, but there are a few, true believers, whether it be atheism or theism, that believe mainly because they choose to believe. (I'm tempted to add, "choose to believe the illusion of choice")
A true believer would only believe in themselves, not some mythological story being told to them by someone who only wants to gain control over others.
By believing in myself I can listen to all of those that talk, write and sing about their own "beliefs" and tolerate them knowing just how far out of touch with reality they are. Common sense seems to be lacking today with many people and I attribute that to lack of confidence in themselves. Many must be told how to think or what to do instead of just realizing what it is that needs to be done for themselves. Society deems it necessary to have religions, I ask why? Not many others that believe in religions ask this simple but profound question. Then religion takes control over those not ready for seld awareness and manipulates them by telling them their myths and stories of whatever they "believe" in. :mad:
By believing in myself I can listen to all of those that talk, write and sing about their own "beliefs" and tolerate them knowing just how far out of touch with reality they are.
what do you believe is reality?
Common sense seems to be lacking today with many people and I attribute that to lack of confidence in themselves.
what do you believe is common sense?

Many must be told how to think or what to do instead of just realizing what it is that needs to be done for themselves. Society deems it necessary to have religions, I ask why? Not many others that believe in religions ask this simple but profound question. Then religion takes control over those not ready for self awareness and manipulates them by telling them their myths and stories of whatever they "believe" in. :mad:
hence my question, what do you believe is the self?
what do you believe is reality?

Reality is where I live, what I do, who I meet, who I choose as friends and associates and what I read, buy and consume. How I interact with others around me by trying to tolerate them is a daily effort in futility at times. My reality is my life day to day. ;)
Reality is where I live, what I do, who I meet, who I choose as friends and associates and what I read, buy and consume. How I interact with others around me by trying to tolerate them is a daily effort in futility at times. My reality is my life day to day. ;)
so what do you believe is your "I"?