Why Do Muslims Hate the West?

Regardless, the people in the Middle East that hate us do so because of the propaganda they are fed by their criminal leaders.

Hmm so if the situation were reversed [they were doing in the west EXACTLY what the west is and has been doing there], you would not hate them?
It's instinctual. We are rival tribes competing for tenure of the globe. All the religious and political excuses are just that, excuses, attempts to justify our instincts in a way that makes sense to ourselves or other people.

In reality it's just an innate eternal bloodlust muslims/persians/saracens/whatever have for christians/the west/pagans/whities/whatever, and vice versa.
It won't go away untill one extinguishes the other.
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It's impossible to fuck each other forever, and never mingle enough to give a shit.

-well, maybe it is for ulu.
Why do Christians hate the Middle East?

The thing that society is missing about the whole concept of religion is that they're all lies.

Christianity is a lie, the christian bible even says so. Every christian I've ever met breaks every one of God's commandments in that book. Why do you think the Christ called them a brood of vipers and a den of thieves, that they were of their father the devil? The whole conflict between East and West is because they both believe that their religions are the truth when if fact they're both lies. I don't care if you're a muslim, christian, jew, mormon, Buddist or any other false religion, don't blow your horn J.W. you're so far out in left field I worry about you the most. I've listened to them all and they're all wrong and if anybody thinks that some great and mighty wonder is going to come floating down out of the sky and throw a restoratory tea party they have rocks in their heads and if anyone thinks that they're going to go floating up into some imaginary golden bliss well we have medication for that too. For everybody else it's simple, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye
(Q) said:
America is the strongest free society?
Is it really? Depends how you define "free". If you mean "American freedom" then America would be the place with the most of that. Although they try hard to introduce other parts of the world to "American freedom", starting with Coca-Cola, then McDonald's and cars and TVs. If that doesn't work they start sending soldiers. Good thing we Kiwis like drinking that shitty stuff (except me), and we scoff millions of burgers every year (I don't though), so we're good; there was that little kerfuffle about nuclear-armed ship visits back in the 80s, but we don't have vast oil reserves, thank goodness, so the Yanks aren't worried about building a military base here (yet).
MrHamtastic said:
Doesn't the cat that runs Iran say that it's his goal to wipe Israel from the map?
Who is this "cat who runs Iran"? I didn't know they had one of those?
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Not certain why but I'm reminded of many times someone points "up" saying "That's where I'm going when I die". I often ask them to stay like that for 12 hours then tell me if that's where they're going.
The thing that society is missing about the whole concept of religion is that they're all lies.

Christianity is a lie, the christian bible even says so. Every christian I've ever met breaks every one of God's commandments in that book. Why do you think the Christ called them a brood of vipers and a den of thieves, that they were of their father the devil? The whole conflict between East and West is because they both believe that their religions are the truth when if fact they're both lies. I don't care if you're a muslim, christian, jew, mormon, Buddist or any other false religion, don't blow your horn J.W. you're so far out in left field I worry about you the most. I've listened to them all and they're all wrong and if anybody thinks that some great and mighty wonder is going to come floating down out of the sky and throw a restoratory tea party they have rocks in their heads and if anyone thinks that they're going to go floating up into some imaginary golden bliss well we have medication for that too. For everybody else it's simple, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye
M*W: Welcome to SciForums! You think along the lines that I do. I'm an ex-christian, and I've researched in depth about those lies. Just be forewarned that the other members of this forum will probably think you are the sock puppet of me, because we think alike. Looking forward to hearing more from you on the Religion Forum.

~ Medicine*Woman
Hmm so if the situation were reversed [they were doing in the west EXACTLY what the west is and has been doing there], you would not hate them?

What exactly are they doing...? Oh, right, nothing. See, I understand if you've bought into the same lies, because you've already proven yourself to be an intellectual midget.

The leaders there use America as a scapegoat to keep their people busy hating a distant enemy rather than the real enemy--themselves.
What exactly are they doing...? Oh, right, nothing. See, I understand if you've bought into the same lies, because you've already proven yourself to be an intellectual midget.

The leaders there use America as a scapegoat to keep their people busy hating a distant enemy rather than the real enemy--themselves.

You've been reading too much MEMRI.