Why Do Muslims Hate the West?


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
* Because America alone (and the little America in the Middle East, Israel) prevents the expansion of Islamic rule?

* Because expansionist totalitarian movements, whether Soviet communism or radical Islam, always hate free societies, and America is the strongest free society?

* Because America is not only strong, it is religious (as opposed to Europe, which is weak and irreligious)?

* Because America is not only Christian; it is Judeo-Christian, the two religions the Islamists need to overcome to expand globally?
* Because America alone (and the little America in the Middle East, Israel) prevents the expansion of Islamic rule?

* Because expansionist totalitarian movements, whether Soviet communism or radical Islam, always hate free societies, and America is the strongest free society?

* Because America is not only strong, it is religious (as opposed to Europe, which is weak and irreligious)?

* Because America is not only Christian; it is Judeo-Christian, the two religions the Islamists need to overcome to expand globally?

Interesting allegations...
And now for some facts?
Interesting allegations...
And now for some facts?

Muslims are complaining America supports non-democratic countries, hence they are implying that they want open and free societies, which is the furthest from the truth as Islam prohibits open and free societies.

As well, wouldn't the Islamic world cheer if Israel was wiped from the map?
* Because America alone (and the little America in the Middle East, Israel) prevents the expansion of Islamic rule?

* Because expansionist totalitarian movements, whether Soviet communism or radical Islam, always hate free societies, and America is the strongest free society?

* Because America is not only strong, it is religious (as opposed to Europe, which is weak and irreligious)?

* Because America is not only Christian; it is Judeo-Christian, the two religions the Islamists need to overcome to expand globally?

Those points are correct but not the whole picture. One MAJOR problem the clerics - their leaders - have is that Western thinking is a huge - HUGE!! - threat to the control they have over their followers. Their power is dependent on keeping the masses in the dark and uneducated and therefore incapable of thinking for themselves. And the individuals thinking and reasoning for themselves is precisely what Western nations promote.

So their teachings of isolationism also include the concepts that all Westerners are impure infidels - less than truly human, in fact - and it's their DUTY to both shun and destroy them. When all the rhetoric is stripped away, it's all done for the sole purpose of the clerics maintaining their special privileges which includes respect and power over the common people.
The USA promotes individuals thinking and reasoning for themselves by taking out an elected leader & putting a dictator in his place, stealing land from a people who've lived on it for 1000 years & putting other people there, invading another nation to arrest the President for DRUG DEALING, starting wars to prevent a recently divided nation from joining together to be what it was for 1000 years, going to war to prevent a people from breaking away to form their own government (a right expressed in the revered Declaration Of Independence), continuing even into the 20th century to steal lands from the natives making it part of the US against the wishes of those natives, etc etc etc
The USA promotes individuals thinking and reasoning for themselves by taking out an elected leader & putting a dictator in his place, stealing land from a people who've lived on it for 1000 years & putting other people there, invading another nation to arrest the President for DRUG DEALING, starting wars to prevent a recently divided nation from joining together to be what it was for 1000 years, going to war to prevent a people from breaking away to form their own government (a right expressed in the revered Declaration Of Independence), continuing even into the 20th century to steal lands from the natives making it part of the US against the wishes of those natives, etc etc etc

Is your head always screwed on at a 25-degree angle? Form the majority of your posts, it sure seems that way.

Sure, the U.S. has done many things that none of us are proud of but you paint everthing with TOO broad a brush as if every American was guilty of all those various charges.

Incidentally, haven't many other nations done things just as bad AND even worse???
I'll go ahead and respond to your points from a Muslim point of view, since I once was one

* Because America alone (and the little America in the Middle East, Israel) prevents the expansion of Islamic rule?
Perhaps, but I don't think many Muslims are interested in conquest, and if they are, might makes right.

* Because expansionist totalitarian movements, whether Soviet communism or radical Islam, always hate free societies, and America is the strongest free society?
The Soviets were atheist left wingers, and were supposed to be a free and egalitarian society. "Radical Islam", luckily, is a huge minority. Regardless, what is a "free society"?

* Because America is not only strong, it is religious (as opposed to Europe, which is weak and irreligious)?
America certainly is powerful and very religious. What does that have to do with things? Muslims hate atheists more than Christians.

Europe isn't weak, either, and it isn't "irreligious" in all areas. Ireland? Italy? Greece? Poland?

* Because America is not only Christian; it is Judeo-Christian, the two religions the Islamists need to overcome to expand globally?
Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the one same God.
When all the rhetoric is stripped away, it's all done for the sole purpose of the clerics maintaining their special privileges which includes respect and power over the common people.

Very good point, RO. Nice summary.
The USA promotes individuals thinking and reasoning for themselves by taking out an elected leader & putting a dictator in his place, stealing land from a people who've lived on it for 1000 years & putting other people there, invading another nation to arrest the President for DRUG DEALING, starting wars to prevent a recently divided nation from joining together to be what it was for 1000 years, going to war to prevent a people from breaking away to form their own government (a right expressed in the revered Declaration Of Independence), continuing even into the 20th century to steal lands from the natives making it part of the US against the wishes of those natives, etc etc etc

Are you Sams sockpuppet?
I'll go ahead and respond to your points from a Muslim point of view, since I once was one

Since you are one.

Perhaps, but I don't think many Muslims are interested in conquest, and if they are, might makes right.

I suppose we'll just have to cut them where they stand, then, as violence is obviously their sole purpose. So much for the religion of peace, according to an ex-Muslim?

America certainly is powerful and very religious. What does that have to do with things? Muslims hate atheists more than Christians.

Considering that atheists have done absolutely nothing to Muslims and Christians have constantly warred with Muslims, the hatred must have something to do with Islam itself?

Europe isn't weak, either, and it isn't "irreligious" in all areas. Ireland? Italy? Greece? Poland?

Not all, but far less than the ME and the US.

Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the one same God.

Is that why their messages are identical to one another? :rolleyes: