Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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I can direct you to a site that has 16000 first hand accounts of the paranormal. There are probably thousands of audio recordings of voices in haunted buildings. There are photos and videos and investigations by the thousands that prove their existence. You'd have to be an ignorant denialist to claim there's no evidence for the paranormal.

And once more, I direct you to the fact that human perception is incredibly adept at picking out patterns, putting two and two together and getting fish - a proven psychological fact.

EMF meters that spike in unpowered locations. Thermal cameras that pick up cold spots. Infrared cameras that can see in the dark. Full spectrum cameras that film ultraviolet ranges of light. Audio analyzers that examine the voices recorded on digital recorders. Motion detectors that alarm when set off by changes in a laser beam. Vibration detectors that sense vibrations on the floor. Need I go on?

EMF Meters:

I asked Cook what, exactly, the scientific rationale was behind the equipment he sold.

"At a haunted location," Cook said, "strong, erratic fluctuating EMFs are commonly found. It seems these energy fields have some definite connection to the presence of ghosts. The exact nature of that connection is still a mystery. However, the anomalous fields are easy to find. Whenever you locate one, a ghost might be present.... any erratic EMF fluctuations you may detect may indicate ghostly activity."

In the final analysis, Cook admitted, "there exists no device that can conclusively detect ghosts."

So, right off the bat, we have a peddler of "ghost hunting" equipment ADMITTING that none of it can conclusively detect a ghost... charming.


EMF meters are perhaps the favorite tools. EMF meters detect electromagnetic fields, and are used in ghost hunting on the premise that ghosts emit electromagnetism, though this claim is rarely supported by any suggestion of what the power source might be. There are many different types of EMF meters. More affordable units, such as those typically used by television performers, need to be held precisely for a period of time at each of the three axis to get a reading, and so they are clearly not used on television in a manner that would produce any useful result. When they are, or when a more expensive three-axis meter is used, they are designed to detect the operation of electrical appliances or wiring. Ghost hunters are usually thoroughly accessorized with every electronic gizmo under the sun: radios, cell phones, flashlights, cameras, TV cameras, and other ghost hunting accessories; and all of these will produce a result on the EMF meter. Building wiring or appliances will also be detected. But, even in an environment with no electrical devices at all, the presence of the TV camera alone renders the EMF readings totally useless. Even without ghost hunting equipment, electrical wiring, or a TV camera, a sensitive meter can even detect the oscillation of a steel filing cabinet vibrated imperceptibly by footsteps. In the midst of all the absurd amounts of EMF pollution on a TV ghost hunting set, the pretense that the alleged EMF field of a ghost (who's not carrying any batteries) can be identified, is foolish.

So... simply put, just by having other electrical items in proximity, those EMF meters are, in essence, worthless. Plus, what on a ghost would be electromagnetic?

Infrared Thermometers:
Infrared thermometers are the most blatantly misused of the ghost hunting tools, so are a great place to start. These handheld devices measure the temperature of the object they are pointed at. They work exactly like your vision, except that they are sensitive to far infrared instead of the visible spectrum. They measure surface temperatures, just like your vision measures surface colors. If you can see something, an IR thermometer can measure its temperature. However, ghost hunters use these devices to detect what they believe are cold spots in rooms. IR thermometers are not capable of detecting something without a visible surface. In fact, an IR thermometer is even less likely than your vision to see a hazy apparition. Firefighters use infrared because the longer wavelengths of infrared penetrate smoke more effectively than the shorter wavelength of visible light; so if there were a hazy invisible apparition floating in the middle of the room, infrared is perhaps the worst technology to detect it. Variations of IR readings inside a room are merely showing temperature gradations on the walls, caused by heating and AC, insulation variances, studs, wiring, or pipes behind the wall, radiant heat, recent proximity of another ghost hunter, sunlight, temperatures in adjacent rooms, or countless other causes.

So... the claim that an infrared thermometer can detect a ghost is absurd... it needs a physical thing to get a reading from; a smokey substance in the air simply won't do it!

Various Cameras:
Cameras of different types are used by ghost hunters. Sometimes they'll take a conventional visible spectrum camera and snap away, in the hope that spirit orbs or other manifestations will appear on the processed film. Since this phenomenon has already been thoroughly discussed in our episode on orbs, there's no need to repeat it here. Suffice it to say that all such images are well established artifacts of photography and of cameras, and well understood by knowledgeable photographers. They happen every day in photographs that have nothing to do with ghosts. Near infrared photography is the monochromatic "night shot" video that you see all the time, and that your home video camera probably offers. The light source is an infrared bulb on the camera, similar to the invisible light source inside your TV remote. These cameras record only what near infrared light is reflected from the subject, and of course they also record other near infrared sources, which are relatively common. Far infrared photography is the thermal imaging discussed previously. It's simply a visual display of the same heat sources detected by IR thermometers and motion detectors.

Now, given that everything from TV remotes to night-vision security cameras emit infrared spectrum... plus, again, what on a ghost would be emitting infrared?

As far as audio recordings:
Audio recording gear is used when the ghost hunter hopes that EVP. or electronic voice phenomena, will appear on the recording. EVP's are discussed often enough to warrant their own Skeptoid episode, and we'll be discussing them in detail in the future. An EVP is said to be the voice of a ghost, and the claim is that ghosts can talk perfectly well but can only be heard on an electronic recording. This means that recording gear has the ability to convert inaudible frequencies into audible ones. Engineers do not design this capability into most recording gear, since a change of frequency of perhaps tens of thousands of hertz would render all recordings completely useless and horrible to listen to. So, like they tend to do with all the electronic gear they carry, ghost hunters completely misunderstand, misuse, and mischaracterize the functions of these instruments.

How, exactly, would this audio equipment pick up an inaudible ghost noise when it is designed to work on the same principles as our ears?
LOL! So when you're not perceiving 99% of the world outside your house or the rest of the world, then it's not part of reality?
Red Herring, not to mention blatant intellectual dishonesty. We are aware of the world outside our house (well, those of us with the mentality greater than a 2 year old and who have this little thing called Object Permanence) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_permanence
Just because it is outside our field of view at the time, we are still aware it exists. Any rational person can understand the difference between what is beyond the wall of their house vs what is beyond our ability to detect in the universe. But, hell, lets make it even simpler - what is happening out of our solar system has, essentially, zero bearing on our lives, and thus is not part of our reality - or, do you really spend your time cowering in fear at the prospect that a rogue black hole could hurtle through the cosmos and bisect our galaxy, drawing our planets from their orbits and essentially killing us all?

So because I believe in the supernatural based on evidence
You have yet to present ANY good evidence.
and first hand accounts, and you believe in the supernatural based on...let's see...the Bible?
Red herring - I've not attempted to assert that my beliefs are real, physical, or in any way correct, where as you have repeatedly asserted that ghosts are real, UFO's are real, and aliens really like to abduct people.
, then I'M the psychotic? That's pretty flawed logic there if you ask me.
Actually, quite sound - a personally held belief is just that. You, on the other hand, are attempting to claim your beliefs as fact.

You haven't poked any holes in my evidence or arguments so far. You just swoop in like usual and call me names like psychotic. That's troll behavior and you know it. Own your own actions.
Oh, I do own my actions, and you are psychotic. The holes were poked long ago (such as your whole bigfoot debacle, or perhaps you need a refresher in your dangerous anti-vaccination bulshit?) ; like the typical intellectual DELINQUENT you are, you waited a while for people to forget, then started making the same asinine claims.

Need I remind you:
18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Trolls are damaging to online communities because they attempt to pass as legitimate participants in discussions while actually seeking to disrupt normal conversation and debate. If permitted to remain, trolls tend to reduce the level of trust among members in an online community. One consequence may be that truly naive posts are rejected by sensitised members as just more examples of trolling.

Trolls tend to follow certain patterns of behaviour that may include:
  • Posting of similar responses and topics repeatedly.
  • Avoiding giving answers to direct questions put to them.
  • Never attempting to justify their position.
  • Demanding evidence from others while offering none in return.
  • Vanishing when their bluff is called, only to reappear in a different thread arguing the same point.
  • Deliberately derailing discussions onto tangential matters in order to try to control the flow of discussion.
Trolls are not tolerated on sciforums.

You are the very model of a troll.

LOL! After which Scrooge spends the entire night with three real spirits. I don't think you should be quoting "A Christmas Carol" as evidence of there being no ghosts.

Oh dear, it seems that example was too difficult for you to comprehend... or, you are intentionally avoiding the point. How terribly boring.

Face facts MR - the only thing Magical about you is your imagination. You have zero ability to debate a topic with facts and evidence, and when you get backed into a corner by opposing evidence, you start putting people on ignore and refusing to answer their questions. I have witnessed five year olds giving better debates. Give it a rest - nobody is buying your bullshit.
Red Herring, not to mention blatant intellectual dishonesty. We are aware of the world outside our house (well, those of us with the mentality greater than a 2 year old and who have this little thing called Object Permanence) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_permanence
Just because it is outside our field of view at the time, we are still aware it exists. Any rational person can understand the difference between what is beyond the wall of their house vs what is beyond our ability to detect in the universe. But, hell, lets make it even simpler - what is happening out of our solar system has, essentially, zero bearing on our lives, and thus is not part of our reality - or, do you really spend your time cowering in fear at the prospect that a rogue black hole could hurtle through the cosmos and bisect our galaxy, drawing our planets from their orbits and essentially killing us all?

You have yet to present ANY good evidence.

Red herring - I've not attempted to assert that my beliefs are real, physical, or in any way correct, where as you have repeatedly asserted that ghosts are real, UFO's are real, and aliens really like to abduct people.

Actually, quite sound - a personally held belief is just that. You, on the other hand, are attempting to claim your beliefs as fact.

Oh, I do own my actions, and you are psychotic. The holes were poked long ago (such as your whole bigfoot debacle, or perhaps you need a refresher in your dangerous anti-vaccination bulshit?) ; like the typical intellectual DELINQUENT you are, you waited a while for people to forget, then started making the same asinine claims.

Need I remind you:

You are the very model of a troll.

Oh dear, it seems that example was too difficult for you to comprehend... or, you are intentionally avoiding the point. How terribly boring.

Face facts MR - the only thing Magical about you is your imagination. You have zero ability to debate a topic with facts and evidence, and when you get backed into a corner by opposing evidence, you start putting people on ignore and refusing to answer their questions. I have witnessed five year olds giving better debates. Give it a rest - nobody is buying your bullshit.

Reported for insults, flaming, and trolling.
Reported for insults, flaming, and trolling.

Oh wahh, looks like someone is upset he's been called out on his bullshit...

Guess what bucko - tough. If you are going to act like a fool, you are going to be treated as a fool, and nobody with an ounce of sense is going to come to your defense.

PS - thanks for proving my above accusations to be 100% on point - when you can't kick and scream your way out of being caught up in your dishonesty, you get angry and try to deflect. Not happening - your bullshit is in the spotlight for all to see
And once more, I direct you to the fact that human perception is incredibly adept at picking out patterns, putting two and two together and getting fish - a proven psychological fact.

EMF Meters:

So, right off the bat, we have a peddler of "ghost hunting" equipment ADMITTING that none of it can conclusively detect a ghost... charming.

Funny how you just quoted him saying:

"Whenever you locate one, a ghost might be present.... any erratic EMF fluctuations you may detect may indicate ghostly activity."

So... simply put, just by having other electrical items in proximity, those EMF meters are, in essence, worthless. Plus, what on a ghost would be electromagnetic?

No..the emf detectors spike when there are no electrical items in proximity and in areas where there is no power. I've already posted several instances of this in this thread.

Infrared Thermometers:

So... the claim that an infrared thermometer can detect a ghost is absurd... it needs a physical thing to get a reading from; a smokey substance in the air simply won't do it!

Then why are infrared images of full bodies picked up in investigations? See the example I've posted in post 603.

Various Cameras:

Now, given that everything from TV remotes to night-vision security cameras emit infrared spectrum... plus, again, what on a ghost would be emitting infrared?

Those things aren't present in the haunted locations. These are usually powerless old prisons, santitariums, asylums, cemeteries, battlefields and deserted old mansions.

As far as audio recordings:

How, exactly, would this audio equipment pick up an inaudible ghost noise when it is designed to work on the same principles as our ears?

Who knows? It just does..

And once more, I direct you to the fact that human perception is incredibly adept at picking out patterns, putting two and two together and getting fish - a proven psychological fact.

You can't "pick out" an enunciated sentence in response to your question, a scream down a hallway, a conversation going on in an empty room, a child's singing in a deserted reformatorium, or heavy booted footsteps in the attic. These things are confirmed over and over by human ears and audio recorders.
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Oh wahh, looks like someone is upset he's been called out on his bullshit...

Guess what bucko - tough. If you are going to act like a fool, you are going to be treated as a fool, and nobody with an ounce of sense is going to come to your defense.

PS - thanks for proving my above accusations to be 100% on point - when you can't kick and scream your way out of being caught up in your dishonesty, you get angry and try to deflect. Not happening - your bullshit is in the spotlight for all to see

Back to ignore..You're not going to get another one of my lively threads shut down with your trollish insults and hysterical ranting..
Back to ignore..You're not going to get another one of my lively threads shut down with your trollish insults and hysterical ranting..

The only one who gets your threads shut down is you, through your utter lack of actual evidence and inability to acknowledge even a basic scientific process.

Again, thanks for proving exactly what I was saying - when you get faced with overwhelming evidence showing you are wrong, you take to ignoring it. It is a delicious bit of intellectual dishonesty - I can only assume it is allowed to continue as some form of jester-like entertainment.
Funny how you just quoted him saying:

"Whenever you locate one, a ghost might be present.... any erratic EMF fluctuations you may detect may indicate ghostly activity."
And yet he goes on to say it is not conclusive.

No..the emf detectors spike when there are no electrical items in proximity and in areas where there is no power. I've already posted several instances of this in this thread.
So... how are they recording these EMF detectors spiking? How are they recording these "ghostly moans"? On a stone tablet? Maybe with carbon paper?

Then why are infrared images of full bodies picked up in investigations? See the example I've posted in post 603.
Obviously the equipment picked up a signature of that form on a wall or other object. You cannot ignore the simple way this equipment is designed to work.

Those things aren't present in the haunted locations. These are usually powerless old prisons, santitariums, asylums, cemeteries, battlefields and deserted old mansions.
Then explain why a ghost would supposedly be giving off this spectrum - the premise alone makes no sense.

As far as audio recordings:

Who knows? It just does.

Then I submit that, for my belief in God (or anyone else's belief in anything) that "it just does" is, apparently, sufficient evidence.

You can't "pick out" an enunciated sentence in response to your question
Yes, you can - it's very easy. You are expecting and hoping to hear something in response - thus, you hear it. Self fulfilling prophecy, clustering illusion, and Observer-expectancy effect, with a dash of confirmation bias and/or bandwagon effect.

a scream down a hallway, a conversation going on in an empty room, a child's singing in a deserted reformatorium, or heavy booted footsteps in the attic. These things are confirmed over and over by human ears and audio recorders.

See above - to make matters worse, what evidence do you have that these "ghost hunters" are not fabricating or adding the more supposedly audible signals in edit? After all, they have motivation - money is a POWERFUL motivator (and if you don't believe the people on shows like "Ghost Hunters" aren't making a mint from that production, then I have some wonderful ocean front property in Colorado to sell you.

Once more, Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. Occams razor - the simplest answer (which, in this instance, is also backed by the most visible and available evidence) is the best answer.
See above - to make matters worse, what evidence do you have that these "ghost hunters" are not fabricating or adding the more supposedly audible signals in edit? After all, they have motivation - money is a POWERFUL motivator (and if you don't believe the people on shows like "Ghost Hunters" aren't making a mint from that production, then I have some wonderful ocean front property in Colorado to sell you.

That's a pretty bold claim that just because paranormal investigations are televised then they must be faked. Do you have an evidence for that claim? It must have escaped the media who would've been all over stories of these programs being faked. Do you have any testimony from the scores of ex-employees who left the show for various reasons saying that the show was totally faked? I don't think you do. And I'm not about to dismiss good evidence based on the faulty assumption that because it is televised it is faked. Too many good reality shows like "Mythbusters" and "Man Vs. Wild" and "Survivor" and "Naked and Afraid" hang in the balance.
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That's a pretty bold claim that just because paranormal investigations are televised then they must be faked. Do you have an evidence for that claim?
Certainly - it is a far simpler explanation (and fits with what is accepted and proven by scientists with years of actual research and study) that some of the so called "ghost hunters" that are less scrupulous would take such simple steps in order to boost ratings... after all, imagine how very boring Ghost Hunters would be if, in every episode, the "super spoopy ghosties" were revealed to actually be the mundane happenings they more than likely are... it wouldn't make for good television! And yet, you are trying to pass them off as documentary.

It must have escaped the media who would've been all over stories of these programs being faked.

It didn't... they have been torn a new asshole over it... several times! Including by other "paranormal experts":
Ghost Hunters has attracted various critics and skeptics, such as Joe Nickell of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, Skeptical Inquirer author Lynne Kelly, James Randi, and Benjamin Radford. The Skeptical Analysis of the Paranormal Society (SAPS) was founded with the intent to recreate and debunk segments of the show.

In June 2008, Ghost Hunters was awarded The Truly Terrible Television (TTTV) Award by Independent Investigations Group for peddling pseudoscience and superstition to its audience.

Do you have any testimony from the scores of ex-employees who left the show for various reasons saying that the show was totally faked? I don't think you do.
Yes, actually; from Donna Lacroix, former member and case manager of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International...
Recently I heard one of GhostDivas’ podcast in which they interviewed Donna Lacroix. A former TAPS team member. I love GhostDivas. These ladies are ruthless and funny.

In what at first appeared to be a disgruntled former-employee, Donna quickly made sense and defended her point of views about her former bosses.

In the interview she talks about some really juicy gossip:

  • Ghost Hunters is a completely entertainment show.
  • Jason and Grant are ‘the kings’ and they had their whipping-boy in Brian and that she feels that Brian was exploited to the point of mental abuse.
  • Everyone is out to stab you in the back.
  • Rumor has it that there is a staging crew.
One of the more interesting revelations is how Jason and Grant mentally abused Brian. Donna mentions how they were “brutal” and “mentally abusive” towards Brian Harnois

Also of note:
Making a call-in appearance on the radio show “Ghost Divas,” Donna Lacroix let it all fly with one of the most difficult to listen to diatribes that I’ve ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Within a span of 30 minutes, Donna pulled out all the stops and in between ridiculous rants from the Ghost Divas she served up the following tidbits:

- Calling it ‘shenanigans’ and ‘shitty ethics’ she commented on the various shows where it was claimed that the GH team was investigating a place for the first time, when in fact it had been investigated numerous times by other paranormal teams.

- Her contract with GHI, as well as Brian’s and Andy’s which were the same as hers, were so bad that the three of them ‘almost went bankrupt’ and that is why they all left GHI one-by-one, but that she believe Jason and Grant are set for life due to their producer’s rights and portion of the merchandising. She went a step further to say that she isn’t sure if Jason and Grant knew or not, but then added that they didn’t give a sh*t. She added that she, Brian and Andy all had the same entertainment lawyer that was supposed to be good, but apparently wasn’t.

Oh, and more!

- When asked if she noticed anything being ‘faked’ she replied that she hadn’t but that the team knew how she would react to something like that so they must have hidden that stuff from her. She then states that there was an instance (she refused to name the show) when she was a victim of ‘editing’ and that she cried for 4 days over it and she was lied to and told to ‘keep your mouth shut.’

- She repeatedly called the TAPS phenomena a ‘cult mentality,’ that not everything you see is real, people need to start thinking for themselves, and that she was expressing anger toward the GH production company when she was photographed at a paranormal lecture in her GHI hoodie and flipping the bird. Going a step further she mentioned repeatedly that she was threatened and that ‘they have their minions.’

- She admitted that she ‘is bitter.’ That she has to work all the time because the show put her in such a financial hole. That she is living with her parents due to the same financial issues.

Hardly seems like an "up and up" outfit
And I'm not about to dismiss good evidence based on the faulty assumption that because it is televised it is faked. Too many good reality shows like "Mythbusters" and "Man Vs. Wild" and "Survivor" and "Naked and Afraid" hang in the balance.

Man vs Wild is faked/staged...

Man vs. Wild star Bear Grylls has apologized for staging aspects of his hit survivalist show. For the series, the British-born Grylls was supposedly abandoned in the wild and left to fend for himself. But a program consultant revealed last year that, during one Hawaii shoot, he stayed in a motel.

Do note, this is the same Bear Grylls that:

Channel was accused of fakery last night after it emerged producers set up a water supply and let loose two crocodiles on survival show The Island with Bear Grylls.

It has also emerged that four of the “13 ordinary men” marooned for a month were TV professionals with experience of extreme conditions and at least two had worked with Grylls before.

In last week’s opening episode, the dehydrated camp-mates came close to despair as time ran out to find a source of fresh drinking water.

When they eventually found it, viewers were not told that the murky supply was actually a rubber-lined pool put there by the production crew.

Survivor is also equally staged... do you REALLY think they would be able to risk someones lives?


Are the cast members ever alone?
No. Producers and camera operators stay at their camps all day and all night — in part to make sure they don't miss footage, but also to ensure the cast's safety. They work nearby in off-limits, camouflaged areas known as camera camps, where there are cots, food, and equipment storage. Those camps are very primitive when compared to base camp, however, and tribe camp crews work different shifts, so they return to base camp and are not always living out of the camera camps. At Exile Island (called just Exile in Gabon), a producer with a camera stays with the exiled cast member.

How do contestants get treated for injuries?On-location producers will mention any concerns to the medical staff, and can call for medics if there's a significant problem. Before and after every challenge, contestants visit individually with the show's medics. But as medic Craig "Squizzy" Taylor told me, "During the game, though, they're playing the game of Survivor for $1 million. So, we try to have as little to do with them as possible." He said that minor injuries are "part of the game." While a few major injuries forced people out of the game last season, nearly all of the (mostly minor) injuries or illnesses treated by medics affect the show's hundreds of crew members, who, of course, greatly outnumber the 18 contestants.

How do contestants get from tribe camps to challenges and Tribal Council?
Although they are often shown setting off with packs and walking sticks, making it seem as if they traversed miles on foot, those images only show the first or last part of the trip. They're transported. In Gabon, they were driven in vehicles with black plastic covering the windows. That prevents contestants from seeing where they are, and from seeing parts of the production such as base camp. After arriving, they're kept in a waiting area until Jeff Probst calls them in to the challenge, which is what we see on TV. They are not allowed to talk to one another until cameras are rolling either at the challenges or back at camp, ensuring that viewers won't ever miss a critical moment.

Even Survivorman is staged to an extent (although for most of that, Les Stroud is, at least, on his own, as opposed to surrounded by a camera crew)
First does Survivorman Actually Film The Show By Himself?
Yes! he does. Many has questioned, is there actually is a film crew shadowing Les Stroud? Anyone who has actually watched the show knows that Les makes many comments about his film and safety crew. The truth is, yes, they actually do leave Les alone once they drop him off on Day 1. So what about all those extra shots and editing that seem like there is no way Les Grabbed those pictures?

Les himself describes in this Behind the Scenes Video that the job of the film and safety crew once they drop him off are to get beauty and nature shots. After all they are filming a show and alot of these shots get mixed and spliced and edited into many of Les's shots to help give the show more visual appeal.

Does Les Cheat and Go to Hotels each Night?
No, he actually spends 7 days alone. There is one website out there suggesting that in the Lost at Sea episode Les went back to a hotel each night after filming, which has lead many to discuss that survivorman is a entirely fake but there is no evidence supporting the claim.

So, What is Faked?
Les Stroud gets intense training on the terrain before he is dropped somewhere. He meets the locals, gets to know the edible plants, animals like snakes nearby and even spots some and goes back to the same place to shoot. In the Australia episode he sits under a tree which is allegedly occupied by snakes due to snake nests. Later it is shown that Les Stroud actually checked out the tree before hand and knew there were no snakes before being under it. He shows that he did not know and was lucky that there was no snake to add suspense to the show and gain viewers. Just like Mermaid Documentaries, do not believe everything Animal Planet and Discovery Channel shows you. Not everything you see on TV is real. Many clips are edited and faked to make them more intense and entertaining to gain viewers.
So... once more - now that you can peruse the readily-available evidence yourself that things are not what they may appear... what evidence do you have that ANY of this is "real", and not done up pretty for good ratings? Remember, this IS a television show - if people don't watch it, they get canned, so of COURSE they need to make it look good!
So... once more - now that you can peruse the readily-available evidence yourself that things are not what they may appear... what evidence do you have that ANY of this is "real", and not done up pretty for good ratings? Remember, this IS a television show - if people don't watch it, they get canned, so of COURSE they need to make it look good!

LOL! I was using those as examples. In any case you present no evidence those shows are faked. And no Survivor isn't faked just because there's cameramen with them. Where's your evidence that paranormal investigator shows such as Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures are faked. I've checked. There's no evidence those shows are faked. Oh and I read that interview with Donna. Remember this?

"When asked if she noticed anything being ‘faked’ she replied that she hadn’t"

That's good enough for me! Oh, and further clarification:

"First of all it’s important to know that Donna Lacroix actually stated in her “tell all” interview that she never saw any evidence faked. She said that “they would have hid that from her”. Many people have pointed to this interview as the ultimate evidence that Ghost Hunters Is Fake. But in reality..She never said it. Also it is important to know that as the original case manager for T.A.P.S., she was admittedly bitter over how she ended up. (Which is broke and living with her parents) while Jason and Grant seemed to be set for life. So it is easy to dismiss anything Lacroix says as simple bitterness and spite. It can be easily passed off as nothing more than a purposeful attempt to discredit T.A.P.S. Ghost Hunters." - See more at: http://mostlyghosts.com/ghost-hunters-real-or-fake/#sthash.aRXaSON4.dpuf

There's also a nasty false story circulating about Ghost Adventures. So don't even quote that lie:

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So because gravity isn't repeatable in a lab, it isn't real?
Since when is gravity not repeatable in a lab?

Darwin repeated nothing about evolution in a lab.
Darwin didn't have to repeat it himself. The whole point is that other people can repeat his observations. YOU could do the same science and - if you did it honestly - you'd come up with the same results.

The same can not be said for paranormal "research". A priori belief is a prerequisite. You see what you want to see.
Since when is gravity not repeatable in a lab?

Has any scientist been able to create gravity in a lab? No..

Darwin didn't have to repeat it himself. The whole point is that other people can repeat his observations. YOU could do the same science and - if you did it honestly - you'd come up with the same results.

Right..which proves my point. Not all phenomena need to be repeated to acknowledge they are real. Evolution wasn't repeated when Darwin discovered it. Likewise the paranormal doesn't need to be repeated to study it.

The same can not be said for paranormal "research". A priori belief is a prerequisite. You see what you want to see.

Actually many times the same phenomena are encountered at the same locations. Many people hear the same voices or experience the same disturbances in certain rooms. Thus it is a repeating phenomena, though not one that is specifically repeatable.
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Has any scientist been able to create gravity in a lab? No..
Don't be silly. Scientists can't create a tree in the lab either but they can damn well observe trees and figure out how they work. Same with gravity. NOT the same with ghosts.

Not all phenomena need to be repeated to acknowledge they are real. Evolution wasn't repeated when Darwin discovered it.
Yes they do. Evolution certainly has been repeated since Darwin.

Thus it is a repeating phenomena, though not one that is specifically repeatable.
The same people making the same observations over and over again is often confirmation bias. To be repeatable to the satisfaction of science, a skeptic would have to be able to make the same observations. Instead, we have skeptics giving alternative explanations and you laughing at them.
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