Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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Refraction of sunlight. Not reflection.
A rainbow is a reflection of sunlight, is it? But not a reflection? Huh?

A reflection off what? Not mist, obviously, since you've told us that is impossible. What, then?

If you say so. lol!
But I thought you said you knew the Man of the Mountain wasn't a ghost. Now you say it could be. So which is it? Could it be a ghost, or not?

Similarly, is it possible that the screaming teenager is just mist and not a ghost?
A rainbow is a reflection of sunlight, is it? But not a reflection? Huh?

You can't read? I said it is a REFRACTION of sunlight, not a reflection. Get your eyes checked.

But I thought you said you knew the Man of the Mountain wasn't a ghost. Now you say it could be. So which is it? Could it be a ghost, or not?

The man of the mountain is indeed a mountain. We have solid evidence of it being so. Can a ghost look like a mountain? Who knows I said. Go ask one.

You've kinda blown a gasket over this haven't you? Trying to trap me into trivial contradictions like an obsessed maniac.. I shouldn't have been so hard on you. I didn't realize you were so fragile.
You can't read? I said it is a REFRACTION of sunlight, not a reflection. Get your eyes checked.
Sorry. My mistake. A rainbow actually involved both refraction and reflection, not just refraction.

Without reflection off mist, there would be no rainbow. This shows that reflection off mist is possible, contrary to your claims.

The man of the mountain is indeed a mountain. We have solid evidence of it being so. Can a ghost look like a mountain? Who knows I said. Go ask one.
Ok. So maybe a ghost can look like a mountain. Can mist look like a ghost?
Sorry. My mistake. A rainbow actually involved both refraction and reflection, not just refraction.

Without reflection off mist, there would be no rainbow. This shows that reflection off mist is possible, contrary to your claims.

So the image of the young man is a rainbow now? LOL! Now I've heard everything.

Ok. So maybe a ghost can look like a mountain. Can mist look like a ghost?

Not a bright apparition of a young man in a checkered red shirt.
It has been suggested that what you see as the "image of the young man" is in fact a reflection off some mist.

Is this impossible?

Yes. Like I said, mist doesn't reflect light like that. Even when it is a rainbow. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. There isn't even any mist where the face in the photo is. You're just making up shit again.
Yes. Like I said, mist doesn't reflect light like that.
No? Not even bright light from multiple sources? Not even light that is captured in a long-exposure photograph?

You are an expert in how mist reflects light, are you?

Even when it is a rainbow.
Have you never seen a bright rainbow?

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. There isn't even any mist where the face in the photo is.
If the face is a reflection from mist, then there is lots of mist right where the so-called "face" is. Obviously.

You're just making up shit again.
I think your "screaming teenager" is the made-up shit, more likely.
A murder suicide isn't normal but evidence for it is. The Big Bang wasn't normal but the evidence for it sure is. Black holes aren't normal but there is plenty of normal evidence for them.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All of those examples are normal events with normal explanations based on normal science. Don't equivocate normal with frequent.

... you define paranormal as beyond normal. It is not.
Then you need to clarify your definition.
If the face is a reflection from mist, then there is lots of mist right where the so-called "face" is. Obviously.

It isn't a reflection in the mist because there's no mist there. Look at the photo again:

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All of those examples are normal events with normal explanations based on normal science. Don't equivocate normal with frequent.

No..normal isn't whatever science can explain. Normal is whatever the norm is. Most living human beings are conscious even though science if far from explaining it. Abnormal is whatever is not the norm. Albinism is abnormal even though science has an explanation.

Then you need to clarify your definition.


It's a common and very normal psychological phenomenon, in which the pattern-recognition function of the human mind "perceives" familiar patterns (or patterns that it's more motivated to discover) in objects of perception that bear only a faint resemblance to what's "seen". It's most commonly exemplified by "seeing" human faces in inanimate objects like clouds or rocks.


A fascinating thing is that this phenomenon also occurs in computer vision programs. I would expect to see it in situations where 'neural networks' (whether organic or computer) are trained to detect certain patterns and become highly sensitive to them. With human beings, for obvious reasons it's other human faces.
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Normal is whatever the norm is.

Albinism is abnormal even though science has an explanation.
We're not talking about ABnormal; we're talking about PARAnormal.

The definition you cite, "of or relating to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena," is exactly what I've been saying. Paranormal means without scientific explanation. It implies supernatural.

A thousand years ago, electricity was considered paranormal - because there was no scientific explanation YET. The correct response to electricity in 1016 was not, "God did it," or, "spirits did it," or, "space aliens did it." The correct response was, "We don't know - YET."
Paranormal means without scientific explanation

Only without explanation now. Like entanglement and consciousness and other mysteries it may be explained one day.

It implies supernatural.

Paranormal is not the same as unexplained to the extent that it invokes supernatural causes for physical phenomena. If I say a ghost is doing it, that is an explanation no less than saying the wind did it. The paranormal posits agencies beyond perception manipulating physical events.
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It's a common and very normal psychological phenomenon, in which the pattern-recognition function of the human mind "perceives" familiar patterns (or patterns that it's more motivated to discover) in objects of perception that bear only a faint resemblance to what's "seen". It's most commonly exemplified by "seeing" human faces in inanimate objects like clouds or rocks.


A fascinating thing is that this phenomenon also occurs in computer vision programs. I would expect to see it in situations where 'neural networks' (whether organic or computer) are trained to detect certain patterns and become highly sensitive to them. With human beings, for obvious reasons it's other human faces.

If it's pareidolia it's an awfully coincidental case of one. I mean look at the image closely. The hair, the eye, the nose, the mouth, the ear, the jawline, the v neck of the shirt, and the red plaid design of the shirt. Notice how the coloring all matches up too. It would be almost as amazing as a ghost if this were just a fleeting shape of a cloud. A cloud doesn't exhibit the sharp lines and color differences this image does. Maybe ghosts can manifest by some synchronistic manipulation of environmental glitches.

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The photo seems to have elements where the camera is steady however there are many indications that the camera was moved significantly during the exposure.
I have a little experience in photography including astro photography and suggest the photo should not be offerred as proof of anything other than it is an extremely poor capture with so many observable problems it should be discarded.

I think trying to use it in support of anything paranormal would do damage to the credibility of anyone seeking to use it as evidence.

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