Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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Actually the burden is on you to provide evidence for your claims.
You mean like, if I was to claim that people sometimes see faces in images that don't really show faces, then I would need to provide some examples?

If you claim all these people are lying show me the evidence.
We've already established that I make no such claim. Many times now. Why do you keep insisting that I'm claiming people are liars? Why the need for this repeated straw man of yours?

Either a person is lying or they aren't.
Yes, and unless you have evidence either way, both possibilities remain open.

There is no actual state of "well they could be lying."
Wrong. The default state is "Well, they could be lying." That is equivalent, by the way, to the state "Well, they could be telling the truth."

You're like Donald Trump: "Well I never said Mrs Cruz messed around. I just said she COULD have."
Unfortunately, lots of people don't keep an open mind when people like Trump say those kinds of things. It is, of course, possible that she "messed around". If Trump actually accused her of "messing around", without evidence, then he was making up a story and acting unethically. But let's suppose that he did actually just say she "could have". Then merely raising the possibility should not, in an ideal world, prejudice anybody against Mrs Cruz. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal world. In our real world, merely raising the possibility that somebody did something wrong can be enough for some people to conclude that it is likely or probable that the person is guilty as charged. It's not fair that people make those kinds of snap judgments and it shouldn't happen, but it is common.

All I can say is that I have higher standards of decency than Donald Trump apparently has. I am not trying to smear anybody's character if I say it is possible that they lied about something. In such cases, it remains, for me, an open possibility that the person was telling the gospel truth as they understood it.
Of course, all this assumes that there is the warped image of a male teen in that photo. That remains to be proved; it should not be assumed from the start.

That's what it looks like. Denying that is just intellectual dishonesty at this point.
I am not trying to smear anybody's character if I say it is possible that they lied about something. In such cases, it remains, for me, an open possibility that the person was telling the gospel truth as they understood it.

Right. Anybody could be lying at any time. The newsman could be lying about the news. The store clerk could be lying about the price check. All sorts of possibilities out here. But just saying it is possible they are lying doesn't mean they are. You need to provide compelling evidence for it being plausible. You never did that. And you have smeared their characters by making up shit about them you have no evidence for. That's a pathetic thing to do James. Especially when it is all for the self-serving purpose of just denying the paranormal. I hope Telly Savalas comes back and haunts to shit out of you. He'd make one helluva a ghost.
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People all over the world see the face of the Man of the Mountain, and the Face on Mars, and face of Moustache Cloud Man (if you show it to them).

Are they all ghosts, too?
People all over the world see the face of the Man of the Mountain, and the Face on Mars, and face of Moustache Cloud Man (if you show it to them).

Are they all ghosts, too?

They see a mountain, and a hill on mars, and a cloud. Why would we call those ghosts?
They see a mountain, and a hill on mars, and a cloud. Why would we call those ghosts?
So a ghost can manifest as a blurry light, but not as a rock or a cloud? Why?
A ghost will usually manifest as an apparition, a light, a mist, a dark form, or even an orb. But then you knew this didn't you?
Usually, but not always? So sometimes a ghost could be a rock or a cloud?

How do you know the Man of the Mountain (rock) is not a ghost?
So reflection off mist or fog is a possibility in the car-crash photo with the so-called "screaming teenager"?
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