Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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Is this an image of a person?
Right..Because in with the police photos of the crime scene there just happened to be a photo of a male teen screaming his head off that got double exposed on another.
It wasn't a crime scene.

It was the scene of an allegedly tragic accident. And somehow or other, those images have made it to ghost sites online with no corroborating evidence. Worse yet, they point to a police officer taking evidence and giving them to a clairvoyant.

I take it you did not even bother to look at the image you posted. There are other figures 'floating' in the background, not to mention light streaks. Which again clearly points to double exposure or over exposure of some sort.

Not to mention the scale of the screaming head is overtly large, and the clothing does not match that of the body in the car.

No..I'm not buying that for one minute.
Well why would you not?

You are quick to believe these bizarre stories and categorically refuse to believe anything remotely rational.

There is no evidence that is a ghost, and there is no evidence that is the ghost of the person who died in that crash and there is no evidence that it is what you are claiming it is.

You have not provided anything that is even remotely convincing and you have not provided anything that actually matches any description of what you are claiming about this image. The boy who died was wearing a white jacket. The upper body in the photo is wearing something else. Yet you claimed that the red shirt is somehow significant, when the boy who died was wearing a white top. So did his spirit have time to rush home and change clothes? Why are the clothes different?

Also a double exposed image isn't contorted and twisted like we see in that photo. The image is the same as what the photo of it is. Here's an example:
An artistic example.

Here are normal versions that happen to people often:


Here is a description from the guy who took the photo.

Notice similar streaks on the bottom right hand side of the image. Notice the size differences and how some of the children look abnormally big compared to the others and how there appear to be other figures in the image that aren't there. They aren't ghosts. The person who took the photo clearly stated it is double exposure that happened by accident when he took a photo of the kids at a cookout.

Here is another one:


Accidental double exposure is very common.

Not ghosts.

I don't see a body in the front seat at all. Show us this photo you saw. Surely you can post it. There were some claims that this photo also contained an image of the dog in his car. I'm chalking that up to pareidolia. I don't see that at all.
I actually linked to the page that apparently shows the body in the front seat. In the images posted on this site, you can see a white lump of some sort on the front passenger seat. The site that was discussing and provided so called background to the image you posted, also contained the image of the body clothed in white on the front seat of the car with clear indication of over or double exposure for those two photographs.

Here is the link again: http://www.iisis.net/index.php?page=reincarnation-spirit-photos-images

There is no evidence at all that the person floating above the car is the same person as the one that was allegedly dead in the car. For one thing, their clothes are different. Body in the car that crashed is wearing a white jacket. Person in the photo you posted is wearing a red shirt. What is tragic about this is that some twat of a police officer stole images from an accident scene and gave them to a clairvoyant (allegedly) and they used what is clearly over exposure and tried to use that to give some sense of legitimacy to their beliefs. Or evidence from accident scenes are being used to further people's beliefs.

For example, I asked you to please explain the other bodies floating in the image and you have consistently ignored that. Only one person died in the crash. Why is there some dude floating in the background with overalls and a white cap? Again, this points to double exposure or over exposure. The whole thing is a scam and frankly, if I was that kid's family, I'd be suing the pants off them.

You can chalk it up to whatever you want, does not mean you are correct.

You want people to believe that is the spirit of the boy who died in that car? Post a comparison photo of the boy when he was alive. Post the images of the negatives and all the other photos on that roll of film. One photo, with clear evidence of double or over exposure, does not a ghost photo make.
Yes..but it's still a cloud. The camera is recording exactly what is there.
So, you agree it's not really a face - it's a cloud with random detail that happens to loosely resemble a face.

As you said, you don't want to see a face, you just do.

You know here I'm going with this.

What do you see here?
LOL! Two brief replies:

The double-exposures show no contortion of the image. It doesn't happen. The images are normal and clear.

And 2. That white thing in the front seat is an airbag. It isn't a double-exposure of anyone sitting in the seat. And it certainly isn't a ghost. Try again?
As you said, you don't want to see a face, you just do.

You know here I'm going with this.

What do you see here?

I already told you what I see. The apparition of a young man in a red checkered shirt. What do you see? Another face-shaped cloud? lol!
I already told you what I see. The apparition of a young man in a red checkered shirt. What do you see? Another face-shaped cloud? lol!

1] When shown a photo of an object on Mars that loosely resembles a face, you see exactly that. You don't want to see a face, you just do. But you know it's not a real person.
2] When shown a photo of an object in the sky that loosely resembles a face, you see exactly that. You don't want to see a face, you just do. But you know it's not a real person.
3] When shown a photo of an object in a car accident that loosely resembles a face, you see a ghost.

The only difference between the first two and the latter, is that you want to see a ghost. So you that is what you conclude.
The only difference between the first two and the latter, is that you want to see a ghost. So you that is what you conclude.

What I want or don't want has nothing to do with it. And I'm not the only one who sees the apparition. This photo is world famous. Even those of you who are claiming it is double exposure are admitting it isn't pareidolia. That it is the image of a real person. Isn't that what you're claiming? Or are you sticking to the hidden officer's cloud theory? lol!
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To summarize for posterity.

Quotes only; none of these are my words.


Nobody would mistake that for an actual person.


There's a rock or hill on Mars that has a few features of half a human face. I'm seeing exactly what is there. Nothing is being made up.


It's a cloud. Can't you tell?


The apparition of a young man in a red checkered shirt.
To summarize the summary:
1] granted pareidolia.
2] granted pareidolia.
3] granted pareidolia.
4] actual apparition of a person.
To summarize the summary:
1] granted pareidolia.
2] granted pareidolia.
3] granted pareidolia.
4] actual apparition of a person.

Right..no pareidolia of something else in this case. Just an apparition of a young man. Got it?

So are you still claiming it is double exposure? Or are you changing your story now?
MR, why do you think that photo isn't pareidolia? I'm not talking about "ghost" photos in general, I'm talking about that specific picture.

Why are you so certain THAT one isn't pareidolia like the other three?
MR, why do you think that photo isn't pareidolia? I'm not talking about "ghost" photos in general, I'm talking about that specific picture.

Why are you so certain THAT one isn't pareidolia like the other three?

Because it's not something else from the apparition of a young man. There is no preexisting blob of light that just happens to look like a young man screaming. It IS an apparition of that. And by saying it is double exposure you are agreeing with me.
It's an over exposed photo, that much is pretty certain. Does that mean that I can tell you what it is floating over the car? No. But I don't think the most probable explanation is that it is the spirit of the deceased.
It's an over exposed photo, that much is pretty certain. Does that mean that I can tell you what it is floating over the car? No. But I don't think the most probable explanation is that it is the spirit of the deceased.

Overexposure results in a photo receiving too much light and gives the photos a washed out and pale appearance. Seeing this was taken at night, I doubt that's the case. Here's what overexposed photos look like:


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