Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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No you don't. The best explanation is the one that fits the facts. Always.
You've proven time and time again that you don't care about the best explanation, you have no interest in rational objectivity or critical analysis, all you care about is your crackpot pseudoscience BS.
Really?..Swamp gas. Hallucinations of normal people. Face-shaped rocks. Rock throwing bears that walk around on their hind legs. Mass hysteria. False memories. Elaborate pranks. The list of ridiculous explanations is extensive. And I'm like Buffalo Bill in a shooting gallery.
:) Sure you are, an the fact remains that extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence, of which there is none.
What does exist is hallucinations, gullibility, Swamp gas, Face shaped rocks, Mass hysteria, False memories, and the obvious pranks.
None stand up to scientific scrutiny.
You've proven time and time again that you don't care about the best explanation, you have no interest in rational objectivity or critical analysis, all you care about is your crackpot pseudoscience BS.

I always go by the best explanation and on a case by case basis. I've been doing this alot longer than you have.
:) Sure you are, an the fact remains that extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence, of which there is none.
What does exist is hallucinations, gullibility, Swamp gas, Face shaped rocks, Mass hysteria, False memories, and the obvious pranks.
None stand up to scientific scrutiny.

Seven compelling cases posted in this thread so far. Pick one.
True believers are the best at ignoring. They ignore anything that could demonstrate that their unfounded beliefs might be mistaken, they ignore the very concept of critical thought and they ignore the very laws of physics to push their woo.

They also ignore any actual evidence (by ignoring what the word means) to disprove their claims and wear their wilful ignorance like a badge of honour, instead of the cone of shame it truly is.
True believers are the best at ignoring. They ignore anything that could demonstrate that their unfounded beliefs might be mistaken, they ignore the very concept of critical thought and they ignore the very laws of physics to push their woo.

They also ignore any actual evidence to disprove their claims and wear their wilful ignorance like a badge of honour, instead of the cone of shame it truly is.

Really? What's the evidence for the non-existence of something? What would that even look like?
Do you still believe Ketchum really did find a bigfoot, and that it wasn't proven to be all a hoax?
Really? What's the evidence for the non-existence of something? What would that even look like?
:) Typical false premise as used by many cranks.......
Of course, the onus of proof is on you.
Another example of a "false premise" I've seen you use a lot.....
When someone has claimed doctored photos or some other form of unreliable evidence to explain away what you suggest, you have often mentioned that murderers are convicted on photos and hear say and such....While that is partly true, they are also convicted on extraordinary evidence....like that of a body!
So show me a dead Alien and you won't hear another peep out of me....:rolleyes:
:) Typical false premise as used by many cranks.......
Of course, the onus of proof is on you.
Another example of a "false premise" I've seen you use a lot.....
When someone has claimed doctored photos or some other form of unreliable evidence to explain away what you suggest, you have often mentioned that murderers are convicted on photos and hear say and such....While that is partly true, they are also convicted on extraordinary evidence....like that of a body!
So show me a dead Alien and you won't hear another peep out of me....:rolleyes:

Your believing me doesn't matter to me one bit. I'm just putting the evidence out here for the open-minded and unbiased. For the true explorers of reality's mysteries. Of which you certainly aren't one.
The paranormal is not extraordinary. It is rather ordinary and is totally supported by thousands of cases.

Uhm... yeah, no. The English language would like to have a moment with you...

Merriam-Webster said:
very strange and not able to be explained by what scientists know about nature and the world

Cambridge said:

oxford said:
Denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond thescope of normal scientific understanding:


Merriam Webster said:
a : going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary <extraordinary powers>
b : exceptional to a very marked extent <extraordinary beauty>

I think it's safe to say that "extraordinary" quite exactly defines paranormal.
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Again, butt out of our conversation. It's totally our business, not yours. We can continue OUR conversation, but I'm not listening to you pontificate about what other people mean and say.
This isn't a private conversation. It is a public discussion that all members can participate in on the public forum.

If you wish to have a private conversation and do not wish for others to participate in it, then I would suggest you make use of the PM function.
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This isn't a private conversation. It is a public discussion that all members can participate in on the public forum.

If you wish to have a private conversation and do not wish for others to participate in it, then I would suggest you make use of the PM function.

I will not have people tell me what other posters have said or mean and will ignore them freely if they do. That's my right. But then you knew that.
Really?..Swamp gas. Hallucinations of normal people. Face-shaped rocks. Rock throwing bears that walk around on their hind legs. Mass hysteria. False memories. Elaborate pranks. The list of ridiculous explanations is extensive. And I'm like Buffalo Bill in a shooting gallery.
Those explanations are real, have been documented and are tangible. Ghosts are none of those things.

See the difference?

Do you understand the difference?

I will not have people tell me what other posters have said or mean and will ignore them freely. That's my right.
Just as they have the right to remind you of what other posters have said.

See how that works?
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