Why do Christians need TWO Bibles?

The Egyptian god Seth, and his wife Nephthy's, right? If its not them Im gonna be disappointed.

How so? I don't mind criticism.

If one can't be confident in himself, then what can one be confident in?

He who hath an ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the church. Thats from the Book of Revelation, he says that line about 7 times. This was my first thought, about how fucked up all religions are. I would be an atheist, but I whole heartily believe in God.

God told me.

Interesting read btw. are you the author? I'd be interested in picking up a copy. I see the decline you are talking about. Are culture is being reduced to ash, especially in America. We are a culture who worships celebrities, and lets fellow humans starve to death, yet we have the audacity to post on a forum that God is evil. The decline your talking about is happening now, we are living it. We are fighting multiple wars in a region of the world we have no business. We send our finest to slaughter every day for oil when we have two perfectly good legs to walk on. For Gods sake, we have stores scattered through out the town, why not just have a town center like so many great civilizations before us? The car has made us fat, and the television has corrupted our youth. Chivalry is dead on top of it all. We still have religions where only ONE can be correct, but the sad thing is they are all equally wrong. We have been in a downward tailspin as a people since the 1920's. We are headed towards a major social cataclysm, and another great war, brace yourself.

My government has betrayed me, why should I follow any "modern thinking?"

Pharaoh ? No ones told you my name yet . Pharaoh is a big hint . Seth now he is more of a back up singer . Ahkenaton Pharaoh is the one . He stated the One god thing in the area . He is my son . He gonna save your ass . Thank God . That be Me and his mom . She is Righteousness and I am Justice. The Sumerians talked about us even then . Kuttu and Mattu I think is how they said it best . We watch over the son of Righteousness Bro . Can you believe that shit ? Fuck I can hardly believe it . If I was not reminded daily I might forget . His name is Ahkenoton Pharaoh of all things . It is in American of course . The name . It means "Man of light from the Great House" That is his name
Answer: Jesus was a jew.

According to the first version though we are all sinners for not wearing tassels on my cloths. I cannot even make tassels or sew so I guess i am condemned.

If I'm already condemned I may as well break a few other commandments and have a bit of fun.

The command is recorded in two places in the Bible:

You shall make yourself tassels on the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself. (Deuteronomy 22:12)

The LORD also spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue. "It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot, so that you may remember to do all My commandments and be holy to your God. "I am the LORD your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God; I am the LORD your God." (Numbers 15:37-41)

Maybe I'll go into a church and give a sermon on tassels. Then when the god fearing old ladies and men sitting in the front row can show no tassels in their families garments, I can yell at them calling them sinners and demons.

Repent old woman! Sinner! Repent! (I'd get a large stick I can bang on furniture as well).

(this message does not apply to most sciforum users; as you probably have tassels.)
Dywy just likes to argue for arguments sake without justification.

They were married.

Nephthys conceived no children with her husband Seth. Her son, Anubis was conceived from a union with Osiris. It is said that she tricked Osiris into this union by making him drunk, or by disguising herself as Isis.

However; Dywy did spell Seth as "Set". He will undoubtedly argue that "Set" is the correct spelling. Dywy just likes to provoke people. He/She is a classic troll.
You seem like a douche bag. He who judges will be judged.
There's something contradictory in those two sentences.

Re Dwyddwdrd,
Dwy isn't a troll.
He does your head in, but he's not a troll.
Perhaps he can explain the denial that Set was married to his sister Nephthys.

Set (also spelled Seth, Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh or Suty)
Seth is usually used to denote the third son of Adam and Eve.
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This was my first thought, about how fucked up all religions are. I would be an atheist, but I whole heartily believe in God.

Our culture is being reduced to ash, especially in America. We are a culture who worships celebrities, and lets fellow humans starve to death, yet we have the audacity to post on a forum that God is evil. The decline your talking about is happening now, we are living it. We are fighting multiple wars in a region of the world we have no business. We send our finest to slaughter every day for oil when we have two perfectly good legs to walk on. For Gods sake, we have stores scattered through out the town, why not just have a town center like so many great civilizations before us? The car has made us fat, and the television has corrupted our youth. Chivalry is dead on top of it all. We still have religions where only ONE can be correct, but the sad thing is they are all equally wrong. We have been in a downward tailspin as a people since the 1920's. We are headed towards a major social cataclysm, and another great war, brace yourself. My government has betrayed me, why should I follow any "modern thinking?"

Knowledge, that is surely the best post I have ever read in this thread. You wake up to THIS subject, and I agree with your assessment. (If you need a free copy, I'll send you one. I'm at: charlesbrough at gmail.com Just substitute "@" or "at").
Answer: Jesus was a jew.

According to the first version though we are all sinners for not wearing tassels on my cloths. I cannot even make tassels or sew so I guess i am condemned.

If I'm already condemned I may as well break a few other commandments and have a bit of fun.

Maybe I'll go into a church and give a sermon on tassels. Then when the god fearing old ladies and men sitting in the front row can show no tassels in their families garments, I can yell at them calling them sinners and demons.

Repent old woman! Sinner! Repent! (I'd get a large stick I can bang on furniture as well).

(this message does not apply to most sciforum users; as you probably have tassels.)

I understand there are over six hundred such commandments in the Bible.
Knowledge, that is surely the best post I have ever read in this thread. You wake up to THIS subject, and I agree with your assessment. (If you need a free copy, I'll send you one. I'm at: charlesbrough at gmail.com Just substitute "@" or "at").

Wow man that means a lot. I'd love to read your book. I'll send you an email.
I would have to say that Christians still admire biblical people such as Moses and Abraham because they represent the state of the world before Jesus came into it. Having the two testaments acts like a contrast. Many of the things in the Old Testament pertain to God "the Father" (Genesis, Ten Commandments) and the New Testament pertains to God "the Son" (Love is the first commandment, etc.)
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