Why do Christians need TWO Bibles?

Actually there are a lot more than 2 bibles . That is also considering the Captains idea that there is one including both old and new testament. Agreed Captain like you state ( A collection of stories ) The Book has been interpreted and reinterpreted many many times in many many languages . That makes for lots of Bibles . Some are worth a fucking fortune . Some were hand written by monks and some have mistakes that make them more valuable than ones with out the mistake . The Printing press is what changed everything . It made for the release of the Gutenberg bible if I remember the history right. There was that wacky King James who commissioned the English version to be written . I don't if any of you have read the original text of the King James version but it is not like your modern interpretations . That was my first bible I studied good . Fuck you think my speach is funny know you should of known me back then . Thou Thee and all that . Read like a legal document. So in the end there are more Bibles than you can shake a stick at . Who knows how many . I sure would like to find one of those ones worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in a garage sale
Editions of the Bible, yes, thousands. Some leave books in, some take them out.
All are translations, most are translations of translations, and that leaves a hell of an amount of room for meddling with the message.

As for the King James, I bet if you went back to look at it now, you would be blown away by it.
In fact, I can see its influence on the way you use language now.
As a child you would be mystified by it.

This is from Job. Was there ever a description of a man kicked down too many times by life, and wishing for release than this?

My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle,
and are spent without hope.

O remember that my life is wind:
mine eye shall no more see good.

The eye of him that hath seen me shall see me no more:
thine eyes are upon me, and I am not.

As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away;
so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.

He shall return no more to his house,
neither shall his place know him any more.
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We all know there is a vast difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The older one is the Judaic Bible. It recounts the history of an historically obscure, monotheistic tribe which, in Numbers, Deuteronomy and other parts describes their invasions and slaughtering of the men women and children of the lands they stole.:eek:

In comparison to the brutal Judaic Bible, the New Testament is generally a beacon of pragrance and light---even though, of course, there are exceptions. Being only half as ancient and hence that much less out-of-date, the offensive parts are much less in number: such as the admonitions to hate your family (Luke 14:26), Kill Jesus's enemies (Luke 19:27 and Math. 10:34), regarding dealing with slaves (Eph 6:5) and the subjection of women (1Tim 2:11-12).:(

Since there is this vast difference between the two Bibles, why is the Jewish Bible considered part of the Christian Scripture?:shrug:

Actually, since the Catholic and Protestant Bibles are slightly different (as are the Orthodox and Ethiopian Bibles, as I understand it*), there's that to consider as well. On the New vs Old Testament, there was a debate among early church fathers regarding how much "jewishness" to include in the bible. In the end the construction of an official Bible was done by committee and votes were taken. It was decided that elements of Judaism, and particularly their history and the history of mankind was important in understanding the New Testament.

(* N.B.: Wikipedia has a nice chart of the differences, but I hadn't considered looking there until after this was posted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Books_of_the_Bible)

In the Christian view that the council of Nicaea adopted, remember, Jesus was God, and the God of the Old Testament was identical with that of the New (not all early Christians believed this, believed that Jesus was divine, believed that Jesus became a man, believed that he died for our sins, etc., so the committee really did set a major precedent in settling on a single doctrine). As the son of God, the coming of Jesus was "foretold" in the Old Testament, and the New Testament has allusions to the Old throughout.
i always thought of it as a parental analogy..

the old testament is designed for the younger children,who do not know how to reason,they need rules and consequences, they do not get the why's of behavior, (why can't i play in the street?)

The new testament is for the mature, the ones capable of understanding the why's.
i always thought of it as a parental analogy..

the old testament is designed for the younger children,who do not know how to reason,they need rules and consequences, they do not get the why's of behavior, (why can't i play in the street?)

The new testament is for the mature, the ones capable of understanding the why's.

i think it is the exact opposite. The new is loving and forgiving more like the love of a mother and the old is like the harshness of a father .

Both the old testament and the new tell of Me coming . Even Jesus abuses my Great Name . That little punk was a thief you know . You go to hell for stealing just the same as killing

See you can tell That white Man council ( I am assuming they were White , Maybe not ) left out big stuff . I got to wonder when verses reference the other books they left out . Like the verse that says Is this not all written in the Book Of Jashor ( ? Spelling ) Pretty much telling us to go to the book of Jashor and confirm it . Oh except we don't have a book of Jashor in our bible . You know those guys fucked it all up by being a dysfunctional comity . Most comity are you know . It is the disconnect that causes it . Like Politicians . They want to know what makes there subjects happy , but there so out of touch with the plight of people they insert the missing piece based on there own life of privilege. Like my City councilman that said . We going to pass this law whether the public likes it or not cause the public don't know what is good for then . I found surprising is He still got elected after saying that . Progressives ??? What the fuck . There the same group that told Me I could go work in another state if I was a good enough Carpenter. O.K. spilled Milk, Old hat , They didn't Have a Clue I was a great musician. I kept that a secret . So what the hell !! They love Musicians cause they want the Tourist trade to be the main industry right behind the University and the Hospital( Medical industry ) So I guess in away they forced Me out of Hiding . If My industry of building custom Homes was not crushed I don't think I would have ever come out of hiding . So go figure . Every thing happens for a reason i guess . Cause and Effect is real !!!!!!!!!!
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Book of NMSquirrel
online now at sciforums..
<warning contents of said book is not guaranteed to be in any form capable of being easily read..>
Actually, since the Catholic and Protestant Bibles are slightly different (as are the Orthodox and Ethiopian Bibles, as I understand it*), there's that to consider as well. On the New vs Old Testament, there was a debate among early church fathers regarding how much "jewishness" to include in the bible. In the end the construction of an official Bible was done by committee and votes were taken. It was decided that elements of Judaism, and particularly their history and the history of mankind was important in understanding the New Testament.

(* N.B.: Wikipedia has a nice chart of the differences, but I hadn't considered looking there until after this was posted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Books_of_the_Bible)

In the Christian view that the council of Nicaea adopted, remember, Jesus was God, and the God of the Old Testament was identical with that of the New (not all early Christians believed this, believed that Jesus was divine, believed that Jesus became a man, believed that he died for our sins, etc., so the committee really did set a major precedent in settling on a sinbut ygle doctrine). As the son of God, the coming of Jesus was "foretold" in the Old Testament, and the New Testament has allusions to the Old throughout.

Yes, that is all historically accurate. But we need to add another factor that is involved---such as that every religion has had a (mythical) "explaination" for our origin and history. It would not have been in all religions if it had not been essential to their success. So, with the Roman world crumbling, people had to find sometthing better. They needed a model.

The solidness and sobriety of the tight Judaic communities of the Empire had gained respect. Alsok, the desciples still regarded themselves as "Jews." So, their "god" was the Judaic one, and human origins and history, was Judaic also.
In fact, Christianity was "kicked out" of the synagogues as it veered more to Greek converts and became the first great "universal brotherhood" faith---unlike racial Judaism.

All that was a long time ago, however, and the old origin, history, etc. is now obsolete. We need a new, non-theisti more advanced belief system capable of replacing all the obsolete ones that now divide the world---replace them just as the old faith itself once replaced the polytheistic faiths that had once divided the Roman world.

I hate nit-pickers
For the last time; Christians, Jews, Muslims, Islam, Believers of Egyptian deities you are all equally wrong. Your religion was made by man. It does not give you a get into Heaven free card. He who has an ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the church.

It does however give you a good blueprint for success, but so few of you even follow it. He who knows how to please the lord, but does not will meet a wrath far more terrible than the man who simply does not believe.

If God thought man needed a religion he would have supplied one to us in his name, not the name of his son.
because the first one wasn't convincing enough.

wait for Testament 3.0, it can save Christianity.
Christians need the Old Testament to lend the New Testament an air of tradition and gravitas.
For the last time; Christians, Jews, Muslims, Islam, Believers of Egyptian deities you are all equally wrong. Your religion was made by man. It does not give you a get into Heaven free card. He who has an ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the church.

It does however give you a good blueprint for success, but so few of you even follow it. He who knows how to please the lord, but does not will meet a wrath far more terrible than the man who simply does not believe.

If God thought man needed a religion he would have supplied one to us in his name, not the name of his son.

You have an interesting, Egyptian, ikon. :)
Your post, however, is puzzling. I don't understand how you can speak with such certainty yet be inconsistent with modern science and thinking. It is not even consistent with any scriptures. You surely did not make it all up by yourself, so what do you base you beliefs on? :shrug:

You have an interesting, Egyptian, ikon. :)

The Egyptian god Seth, and his wife Nephthy's, right? If its not them Im gonna be disappointed.

Your post, however, is puzzling.

How so? I don't mind criticism.

I don't understand how you can speak with such certainty yet be inconsistent with modern science and thinking.

If one can't be confident in himself, then what can one be confident in?

It is not even consistent with any scriptures.

He who hath an ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the church. Thats from the Book of Revelation, he says that line about 7 times. This was my first thought, about how fucked up all religions are. I would be an atheist, but I whole heartily believe in God.

You surely did not make it all up by yourself, so what do you base you beliefs on? :shrug:

God told me.

Interesting read btw. are you the author? I'd be interested in picking up a copy. I see the decline you are talking about. Are culture is being reduced to ash, especially in America. We are a culture who worships celebrities, and lets fellow humans starve to death, yet we have the audacity to post on a forum that God is evil. The decline your talking about is happening now, we are living it. We are fighting multiple wars in a region of the world we have no business. We send our finest to slaughter every day for oil when we have two perfectly good legs to walk on. For Gods sake, we have stores scattered through out the town, why not just have a town center like so many great civilizations before us? The car has made us fat, and the television has corrupted our youth. Chivalry is dead on top of it all. We still have religions where only ONE can be correct, but the sad thing is they are all equally wrong. We have been in a downward tailspin as a people since the 1920's. We are headed towards a major social cataclysm, and another great war, brace yourself.

My government has betrayed me, why should I follow any "modern thinking?"
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the question is, who's working on it? maybe the Pope? but he has accepted the theory of evolution and i heard the Catholic church even spent some money to fund science. maybe Testament 3.0 will be written by scientists?

i also find it mind boggling that the church claims that science is compatible with the Catholic faith when science has refuted every single major "historical fact" cited in the Bible such as the story of Creation, and the birth of Jesus. but these stories were the main reason Christianity has gotten as large as it is today. people signed up because they BELIEVED in these stories.

so now that these stories have turned out to be "metaphors," what is left of Christianity? moral teachings? can we just get that by watching Dr. Phil or re-run episodes of Oprah? at least they are more up-to-date and relevant to today's life.