Why do christians limit their reading material of extra-biblical sources?

M*W: I'm curious as to why christians restrict their own access to extra-biblical reading material? Many times most of us have posted bibliographies or websites as references, but how many times have christians actually looked up the references or made an effort to read them? They don't as a rule, and it becomes impossible to have a discussion with them about issues they refuse to know about much less crack a book other than their bible.

As atheists, we read their bible, and we are more familiar with it than even they are. What is it that they fear about learning?

All religionists and atheists please reply.

I've also wondered why most christians don't even read books written by their own scholars such a St. Augustin. No idea though.
St. Augustin, I think he's the Roman Catholic who came to England and slaughtered the Christians who were already there, and destroyed their ancient records.
IAC: Put it this way Med Woman, I read books and articles about four hours a day, and it's not Biblically based material.

M*W: Fine. I want to see your vast bibliographies, or at least a thorough sampling of them. Everytime I've been asked for such a list, I've provided it. I expect you to back up your claim that your read hundreds of thousands of non-biblical material. What kind of non-biblical reading material do you read? I want to see the list.
Let's do it this way Med Woman, you go google all the extra-Biblical information which I've cited in many of my posts, and then maybe you'll run across from where I got the info. If you think I'm going to sit here and type in every book and article which I've read through recent years, you're nuts.
We are not talking fiction novels here IAC. Nor documents from work, or the such, but philosophical works, either by theist or atheists!
Medicine Woman -

You obviously had a response planned before asking the question, so why bother asking it?
There are quite a few mentions of some of the volumes which I have read in my posts, go check them, and why don't you people present all the volumes which have brought you to your levels of intellectual acumen?
This thread is absurd. America is eighty percent Christian. Are you saying eighty percent of the population reads nothing but the bible?
I thought her intent was to discuss things like historical-based critiques of Christianity and such, rather than "Frankenstein" and "Nineteen Eighty-Four".
IAC: Let's do it this way Med Woman, you go google all the extra-Biblical information which I've cited in many of my posts, and then maybe you'll run across from where I got the info. If you think I'm going to sit here and type in every book and article which I've read through recent years, you're nuts.

M*W: That's because you don't read. You're a liar. If you can't make a simple bibliography, you don't have one. I knew you would end up dodging this. Typical christian. Typical ignorant christian.
MAW: This thread is absurd. America is eighty percent Christian. Are you saying eighty percent of the population reads nothing but the bible?

M*W: Could you provide your source for 80% of the American population is christian?
In American universities or in American highschools, SamCDKey?

In universities, yes. In highschools, no (which aren't religious).
There have been internal conflicts with every religion (involving war sometimes) since the beginning of religion. Someone always says: "No, that's bullshit. I starting my own religion, or sect of this relgion." And thus for every interpretation of the Bible which exists (millions upon millions) there is another minister's opinion, and another sect. This sect may be highly conservate, or highly extreme (suicide bombing, fasting for months, etc.).

In history, we know that for thousands of years the Catholic Church was literally a joke. It was solely in existence to give the priests, bishops, and popes more and more power and money. The pope and the emperor were fighting for overall rule of the empire for years. What a joke.

The point is, everyone has a different interpretation of the scriptures, and a different opinion or judgment on how to apply what is taught in the scriptures. So the result is millions of sects of religions which all think they are 100% true, when this is highly unlikely.
In American universities or in American highschools, SamCDKey?

In universities, yes. In highschools, no (which aren't religious).

In high schools.

If they are not taught ethics from a religious standpoint, are they taught it from a secular standpoint?

(PS My school for example taught a class in moral science using stories based on characters from all religions)