Why do Christians hate gay people ?

Makes no difference to me, and why should it.

I will be glad when no kid ever has to get beat up just for being gay. Do you think these people have read the bible, or come out of church before attacking someone? I sure dont, and statistics support this.

It at least would stop some christians from believing it, if not now then in the future. Even non-believers will take the bible texts as an excuse to beat up gay people.
It might not be ethical to say so but here in Holland its most often guys from islamic countries (Morrocco, Turkey) that beat up gay people, because its in the Koran.
And although christians may not be the most frequent offenders, they do spread these ideas on, for example, television etc.
I think nothing can be used to excuse your behaviour; absolutely nothing exept of your own conscience. So people have used the Bible or Koran or any religious text to excuse their actions, and guess what, they were fooled big time, and they fell for it.

What a stupid thing is to be obedient to others.
I think nothing can be used to excuse your behaviour; absolutely nothing exept of your own conscience. So people have used the Bible or Koran or any religious text to excuse their actions, and guess what, they were fooled big time, and they fell for it.

What a stupid thing is to be obedient to others.

Its stupid to be obedient to others without questioning. Its not stupid persé to obey someone you agree with.
In a free society, people should be permitted to hate anyone that they want to hate.

Baron Max

I agree. What makes people nervous about certain Christians is that they want to bring back laws that will act out that hatred and restrict the freedom of others. Sometimes it's good to react early to people who are trying to move things in that direction and be very public in pointing out how loopy they are. I am sure no one thought the nazis would end up actually trying to literally eradicate jews (and homosexuals) from the world. It was great that there were certain Germans who caught the intent behind the printed and spoken hate and challenged them. Sadly it was ineffective.

I have seen a lot of hatred and anger directed at Christians but I have never met anyone who wanted to legislate Christianity out of existence or deny Christians housing, jobs or a specific job, etc, because they were Christians.
Manson Family ? I don't know who they are but i said "Its not stupid persé". It still can be stupid, but not persé..

Charles Manson was/is a very intelligent man who went violent, psycho batshit, and was able to bring others along. A left wing death squad leader as it were.
I read the book "In his own words"; I was impressed with his intellect, and startled by his persuasiveness; and horrified by his methods.
He thought he was going to start the Race war and bring down the aristocracy.

While the vid is interesting, he does go on a bit.
Oh, atheists only think they are rational and open minded, There are many who are just as locked up in their worship of "Our Lady Of The Scientific Method" as any theist.
Come on, Enmos, That's rather broad. What with gay Episcopal (et. al.) priests, and all the progressive churches...

That's a 'funda-mental-ist' (sic) thing. :D