Why do Christians hate gay people ?

yessiree, pretty soon Enmos will be rounding up a posse and pitch forks.

Why don't you answer my questions in post #4?

Also, you said:

First off, im not gay so that is not my motivation for posting this.

So what if we thought you were gay? Did you notice the guy in the video says it also?

Can you point out who ted haggert and his church is? we keep hearing about them but i have never seen on or know any. W=How many are there six?

I have never seen a group of Christians beating on gay people but i sure see plenty of non-religious people chasing them down, are they Atheists? Guess what Enmos???? YES THEY ARE. You see them in schools and on news shows, police reports etc.

Dont use gay peole to further an agenda.
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yeah, pretty soon Enmos will be rounding up a posse and pitch forks.

Why don't you answer my questions in post #4?

Also, you said:

So what if we thought you were gay? Did you notice the guy in the video says it also?

Can you point out who ted haggert and his church is? we keep hearing about them but i have never seen on or know any. W=How many are there six?

I have never seen a group of Christians beating on gay people but i sure see plenty of non-religious people chasing them down, are they Atheists? Guess what Enmos???? YES THEY ARE. You see them in schools and on news shows, police reports etc.

Dont use gay peole to further an agenda.

I didnt answer that... :rolleyes: Look again.
What agenda would that be ?

I dont think bias towards gay people is from religion. Get a group of about 5-10 non-religious men together and bring the subject up, like say in a bar or at a football game then see the reaction.
M*W: Yeah, right.
That's a good video, those are very good points.
However that's a big generalization. Not all christians hate homossexuals. There are all kinds of Christians. A Catholic, for instance, is very different then a Baptist, or an Anglican. They all have very different belief systems. To say that all Christians have the same beliefs is like saying that all atheists have the same beliefs.

Oh, btw, I consider myself sort of a "Christian" (not in terms of religion, but in terms of philosophy). I've had lots of gay friends and, for a matter of fact, I love gay men. They are usually very nice people and very kind (more so then a lot of christians). I'm also a swinger and I'm married. So there ya go. :)

Check out this video as well!
That's a good video, those are very good points.
However that's a big generalization. Not all christians hate homossexuals. There are all kinds of Christians. A Catholic, for instance, is very different then a Baptist, or an Anglican. They all have very different belief systems. To say that all Christians have the same beliefs is like saying that all atheists have the same beliefs.

Oh, btw, I consider myself sort of a "Christian" (not in terms of religion, but in terms of philosophy). I've had lots of gay friends and, for a matter of fact, I love gay men. They are usually very nice people and very kind (more so then a lot of christians). I'm also a swinger and I'm married. So there ya go. :)

Check out this video as well!

I know not all Christians are like that. Most arent. I stated that in my opening post as well.
see post #31.

John, i dont have anything against gay people and i dont have anything against Christians either.
Its a fact however that lots of christians do hate gay people because it says so in the bible. I just think the guy in the video has some really good points, thats all.
You dont have to feel offended. Im sorry if i did so, it was unintentional.
also sodom and ghamora (sp) was destroyed because of homosexualitie, so perhaps they are just living they're lives with what the bible thinks
M*W: No, this is not true, but it is the 'christian' understanding of the myth. S&G was a story about man's inhumanity to their fellow man (or woman) as in the case of Lot being kind to the angels but then his daughters turned around and raped him. Ahh, such is life.
M*W: "Yeah, right," because if you get a group of 10-15 men together, wherever, their homophobia will come out.

That is what i said. Do you think i go out with friends and tell them my brother is gay? Why not? many reasons and they are not religious at all. But every f'ng time a gay joke comes up i dont want them looking at me saying sorry. And it does bother me, but there is nothing to change it. What am i going to do spend my whole life fighting?

This video is wrong it is just a mask for Christian bashing. Big F'ng deal.
John, i dont have anything against gay people and i dont have anything against Christians either.
Its a fact however that lots of christians do hate gay people because it says so in the bible. I just think the guy in the video has some really good points, thats all.
You dont have to feel offended. Im sorry if i did so, it was unintentional.

it is just a forum, no apologies necessary:D.
That is what i said. Do you think i go out with friends and tell them my brother is gay? Why not? many reasons and they are not religious at all. But every f'ng time a gay joke comes up i dont want them looking at me saying sorry. And it does bother me, but there is nothing to change it. What am i going to do spend my whole life fighting?

This video is wrong it is just a mask for Christian bashing. Big F'ng deal.

So if they get the 'being gay = sin' part out of the bible like they did with a number of other things, wouldnt you be glad ?
So if they get the 'being gay = sin' part out of the bible like they did with a number of other things, wouldnt you be glad ?

Makes no difference to me, and why should it.

I will be glad when no kid ever has to get beat up just for being gay. Do you think these people have read the bible, or come out of church before attacking someone? I sure dont, and statistics support this.