Why do Christians hate gay people ?


Valued Senior Member
First off, im not gay so that is not my motivation for posting this.
My motivation for posting this is because the guy has a point, a very good point.
I found this movie while looking for some Jesus action-figure movies and well.. lol.. just watch it. Then, discuss..


The only thing i disagree with in the movie is that the guy makes it look like ALL Christians hate gay people. I dont think that is true.
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So why would you start your post this way:

First off, im not gay so that is not my motivation for posting this.

If there is nothing wrong with it then why announce you are not gay?

Christian don't hate gay people, or the number that do is probably consistent with the rest of society.

You should look at the statistics of hate crimes to see that, at least in U.S, they are not motivated by religion.

Is there some other point the video makes.
So why would you start your post this way:

If there is nothing wrong with it then why announce you are not gay?

Christian don't hate gay people, or the number that do is probably consistent with the rest of society.

You should look at the statistics of hate crimes to see that, at least in U.S, they are not motivated by religion.

I started off like that to show that it was not my motivation for posting this, like i said..
Christians dont hate gay people.. i believe i said that i dont think all christians hate gay people. The movie is about more than christians hating gay people alone.. did you see it ?
Yes i watched it.

Do you think being gay is a comparable lifestyle to being straight? I dont treat anyone differently based on stuff like that and think most are born that way but what about those who are not.

Would you recommend this to them as a viable alternative?

Would you attempt to dissuade for example a younger brother from being gay?
Emm, the people that hate gay people are probably the most gay themselves :eek:.
Repressed gay people have anger issues :D
The typical response from those deluded by the spell of christianity is that they "hate the sin, not the sinner." However, this semantic argument doesn't follow since the results of their "hatred" is the same: the oppression of someone who isn't like them.

The more complicated version is that culture groups, particularly religions, need an "other" that they can use to unify their membership against a common enemy or noble cause. Homosexuality presents an easy target since the majority of their membership is heterosexual and finds the idea of sex with the same sex revolting; their religious mythology has a few convenient passages regarding homosexuality; and there is an unsubstatiated fear primarily among many of the least educated (though among some of the better educated as well) that homosexuality is something that can be "caught" like the common cold or something that will "catch on" among their kids like bell-bottoms and mullets.

Personally, I'd rather my child grew up to be an adult homosexual rather than sport a mullet or wear bell-bottoms, but then I don't see homosexuality as anything to be feared nor does it repulse me to know that others are only attracted to the same sex.

Most Christians are able to realize that hatred of individuals does not comply with the teachings of their alleged messiah, so they pretend that they are "hating the sin" while loving the sinner. But the results, like I said, are the same. Homosexuals are marginalized, demonized, oppressed, and unfairly criticized by well-meaning Christians who are deluded into thinking that the "war on homosexuality" is key to winning their eternal salvation.

Interstingly enough, their religious mythology says relatively little about homosexuality when compared with other "sins," particularly in the New Testament, which is often reported to be the "new law" laid down by the alleged messiah. It is also interesting that other "sins" that are mentioned as frequently or more than homosexuality in the bible are all but ignored, relatively speaking. Where are the protests and editorials by Christians against adultery, divorce, working on the sabbath, and petty theft.

Each of these "sins" get mentioned by their mythology as being "evil," wrong, or against the commandments of their god. Yet we don't see the Westboro Baptist church holding up signs reading "God hates adulterers." Or divorcees. Or convenience store clerks. We don't see calls for boycotts of sitcoms on television for the reason that it portrays premarital sex in a positive light or that the lead actor has had 3 wives.

The reason may be, perhaps, that the majority of their membership faces these issues every day and, if these issues were to be used to create an "other," membership would decline because they would feel uncomfortable attending services were they are referred to as "abominations of god" or if they are reminded weekly that they are going straight to hell.
First off, im not gay so that is not my motivation for posting this.
My motivation for posting this is because the guy has a point, a very good point.
I found this movie while looking for some Jesus action-figure movies and well.. lol.. just watch it. Then, discuss..


The only thing i disagree with in the movie is that the guy makes it look like ALL Christians hate gay people. I dont think that is true.

perhaps because it says in the bible that "any man who lies with anouther man, has wth a woman should be stoned to death" not that i agree with that statement.

also sodom and ghamora (sp) was destroyed because of homosexualitie, so perhaps they are just living they're lives with what the bible thinks

I dont think bias towards gay people is from religion. Get a group of about 5-10 non-religious men together and bring the subject up, like say in a bar or at a football game then see the reaction.
The typical response from those deluded by the spell of christianity is that they "hate the sin, not the sinner." However, this semantic argument doesn't follow since the results of their "hatred" is the same: the oppression of someone who isn't like them.

The more complicated version is that culture groups, particularly religions, need an "other" that they can use to unify their membership against a common enemy or noble cause. Homosexuality presents an easy target since the majority of their membership is heterosexual and finds the idea of sex with the same sex revolting; their religious mythology has a few convenient passages regarding homosexuality; and there is an unsubstatiated fear primarily among many of the least educated (though among some of the better educated as well) that homosexuality is something that can be "caught" like the common cold or something that will "catch on" among their kids like bell-bottoms and mullets.

Personally, I'd rather my child grew up to be an adult homosexual rather than sport a mullet or wear bell-bottoms, but then I don't see homosexuality as anything to be feared nor does it repulse me to know that others are only attracted to the same sex.

Most Christians are able to realize that hatred of individuals does not comply with the teachings of their alleged messiah, so they pretend that they are "hating the sin" while loving the sinner. But the results, like I said, are the same. Homosexuals are marginalized, demonized, oppressed, and unfairly criticized by well-meaning Christians who are deluded into thinking that the "war on homosexuality" is key to winning their eternal salvation.

Interstingly enough, their religious mythology says relatively little about homosexuality when compared with other "sins," particularly in the New Testament, which is often reported to be the "new law" laid down by the alleged messiah. It is also interesting that other "sins" that are mentioned as frequently or more than homosexuality in the bible are all but ignored, relatively speaking. Where are the protests and editorials by Christians against adultery, divorce, working on the sabbath, and petty theft.

Each of these "sins" get mentioned by their mythology as being "evil," wrong, or against the commandments of their god. Yet we don't see the Westboro Baptist church holding up signs reading "God hates adulterers." Or divorcees. Or convenience store clerks. We don't see calls for boycotts of sitcoms on television for the reason that it portrays premarital sex in a positive light or that the lead actor has had 3 wives.

The reason may be, perhaps, that the majority of their membership faces these issues every day and, if these issues were to be used to create an "other," membership would decline because they would feel uncomfortable attending services were they are referred to as "abominations of god" or if they are reminded weekly that they are going straight to hell.

Thank you ! :)
perhaps because it says in the bible that "any man who lies with anouther man, has wth a woman should be stoned to death" not that i agree with that statement.

also sodom and ghamora (sp) was destroyed because of homosexualitie, so perhaps they are just living they're lives with what the bible thinks

Exactly. Please watch the video now :)
I dont think bias towards gay people is from religion. Get a group of about 5-10 non-religious men together and bring the subject up, like say in a bar or at a football game then see the reaction.

That is not the point. Please watch the video.
Do you think being gay is a comparable lifestyle to being straight?

You mean do gay people fall in love; seek to have families and be involved in their communities; or that they hope to find Mr. or Ms. "Right?" Yes. The lifestyles of homosexuals are very much comparable to heterosexuals. Their humans, after all. With the same drives and motivations as the rest of us with the exception that they are attracted to the same sex and not the opposite.

I dont treat anyone differently based on stuff like that and think most are born that way but what about those who are not.

What about them? How do you differentiate those that aren't naturally homosexual from those that are? It might be this question that makes it easier for most Christians to simply consider all homosexuality to be a "choice" rather than a situation of nature.

Would you recommend this to them as a viable alternative?

It isn't a career choice or a combo meal at McDonalds. You can no more recommend homosexuality as an alternatitive than you can recommend being tall to a short person.

Would you attempt to dissuade for example a younger brother from being gay?

The only reason for such a dissuasion is if you are a bigot or ignorant. One can't be "dissuaded" from being short if you prefer they were tall. You cannot "dissuade" someone from being bald if they have male pattern baldness. You can only give them platform shoes or a hairpiece. But, at the end of the day when they go to bed they are each gay, short, and bald, respectively.

I dont think bias towards gay people is from religion.

If you re-read my post, you'll see that I said as much. But the religiously deluded will certainly use homosexuality as an issue. As to your informal test, I know many, many non-religious people. I can't think of a single one that would react hatefully toward homosexuals. Christians, however, do with hypocritical abandon. That is, by the way, the topic of the thread.
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That is not the point. Please watch the video.

So why dont you tell us what YOU got out of it.

ylooshi, you are taking this too personally. Get rid of Christians and Muslims, the guy did mention Muslims (one time:rolleyes:), and i honestly think it will have no effect on this bias being discussed.
That Christians (not all) use the bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals. They are hating homosexuals because God tells them to, its in the bible. The guy in the video saysthat God has given you free will, so you dont have to agree with God. Therefore, these are your own ideas. He also says that some other things have been taken out of the bible over time. Like stoning people to death for adultery. So why hasnt the homosexual-hating thing been removed from the bible. The guy says that its because Christians really do hate homosexuals even if they had been atheists.

I dont know why im typing this, you saw the movie now i think..
Yeah, I totally agree with him.

HAHA! It's obvious he's reading! :D
He has a good voice too. He should be in a radio... (Just listen without looking.)