Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

Well i dont know how to break this to you but did it ever occur to you that the vast\overwhelming majority (say around 90% or higher) of theists dont give a fuck what your belief is?

And they are all wrong. As I said. Show me the money (i,.e. evidence).
I know how to punctuate sentences.
Then why don't you? It is really rude to force everyone who reads this thread to slow down and read your post one letter at a time because you're too lazy to hit the shift key to capitalize the pronoun "I" and to move your pinky one key to the right to put the apostrophe in "don't."
. . . . the fact that Atheists make a claim with no proof . . . . .
What "claim"? And shall I assume you mean "evidence" rather than "proof" because your choice of words is as lazy as your typing and the sentence makes more sense that way? Or are you simply violating the scientific method by demanding that we prove a negative?
Organised religion and the fact that Atheists make a claim with no proof is very different.
Atheism is not a religion and atheists are not members of a religion. Neither word is capitalized.
Then why don't you? It is really rude to force everyone who reads this thread to slow down and read your post one letter at a time because you're too lazy to hit the shift key to capitalize the pronoun "I" and to move your pinky one key to the right to put the apostrophe in "don't."What "claim"? And shall I assume you mean "evidence" rather than "proof" because your choice of words is as lazy as your typing and the sentence makes more sense that way? Or are you simply violating the scientific method by demanding that we prove a negative?Atheism is not a religion and atheists are not members of a religion. Neither word is capitalized.

Thats because you are an old man and everything bothers you.
Thats because you are an old man and everything bothers you.
No. It's been well documented that when people read they take in an entire word at once. If the first letter and the last letter are in the right place, and all the correct intermediate letters are there, even if they're mixed up, they will often not even notice the jumble. But if a letter (or a punctuation mark such as an apostrophe) is missing, or if a letter that is supposed to be capitalized is in lower case, they have to stop and read the word one letter at a time, the way a beginner reads a language like Russian or Arabic that doesn't use the Roman alphabet.

You are forcing everyone who reads your post to slow down and waste their time, so that one rude, lazy person can save a couple of keystrokes. It's just like cutting in front of someone in line at the supermarket: you're stealing someone else's time because you believe you are more important than they are.
I dont think my writing is so difficult to read, given that i have a disability and get the letters in the worng place. Sometimes i fix it but even still i can read it. What am i supposed to do?
I would like to see an atheist country . I would like to see how such society woulds live , would they progress ,would they survive or would they eventually become extinct, would freedom of expression exist . ete. ete. sts.:p
I would like to see an atheist country . I would like to see how such society woulds live , would they progress ,would they survive or would they eventually become extinct, would freedom of expression exist . ete. ete. sts.:p

And is what is your best guess (i.e. opinion) about those things?
You are forcing everyone who reads your post to slow down and waste their time, so that one rude, lazy person can save a couple of keystrokes. It's just like cutting in front of someone in line at the supermarket: you're stealing someone else's time because you believe you are more important than they are.

Lol..its not like some rude lazy person complained about it cause he didn't want to slow down and take the effort to read it...:eek::bugeye:;)
Lol..its not like some rude lazy person complained about it cause he didn't want to slow down and take the effort to read it.
As a moderator it's part of my job to make this an efficient and convenient experience for the members. Why should all the people on this thread have to stop and pick their way through the rubble of a garbled sentence because one person doesn't have enough respect for them to learn his way around a keyboard?
And is what is your best guess (i.e. opinion) about those things?

He didnt answer so i will take a crack at it. I dont think that true atheism is possible since no living person has experienced death then how can they say what comes after? That said, if they assumed the poition of 'atheist' for whatever reason, would it be fundamentalist atheism, coerced atheism or volunteer atheism? Big difference if you ask me and how do you get everyone on the same page? I mysefl am Agnostic, how would you get me to become full blown atheist?
He didnt answer so i will take a crack at it. I dont think that true atheism is possible since no living person has experienced death then how can they say what comes after? That said, if they assumed the poition of 'atheist' for whatever reason, would it be fundamentalist atheism, coerced atheism or volunteer atheism? Big difference if you ask me and how do you get everyone on the same page? I mysefl am Agnostic, how would you get me to become full blown atheist?

That's about the stupidest answer I could imagine. Death has nothing ... let me repeat NOTHING to do with atheism.

The fact is there is NOTHING after death. Any rational person knows that.
As a moderator it's part of my job to make this an efficient and convenient experience for the members. Why should all the people on this thread have to stop and pick their way through the rubble of a garbled sentence because one person doesn't have enough respect for them to learn his way around a keyboard?

i do not actually know which post you are referring to..but
i often miss type or forget to put the proper punctuations in.(hey! i use spell check way more than i used to..)

its not a point to stress about..
all the people
did you ask everyone if it is a problem?
whatever happened to Clueluss? (i haven't seen his posts much)
or the color crayon guy..
IOW, no matter how bad it is, it could be worse..
i do not actually know which post you are referring to..but
i often miss type or forget to put the proper punctuations in.(hey! i use spell check way more than i used to..)

its not a point to stress about..
all the people
did you ask everyone if it is a problem?
whatever happened to Clueluss? (i haven't seen his posts much)
or the color crayon guy..
IOW, no matter how bad it is, it could be worse..

Yes clueless here and on other forums as well. If we're gonna enforce grammar, spelling and punctuation, then let it rain on all.
