Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

This "truth", is always proven by the atheists, which is a conflict of interest.
You think? Evidence please.
Extra: the way the church (or religion generally) had a monopoly of "the truth" for centuries? And if you disagreed you could end up burnt at the stake.

We need an unbiased third party to decide. Polititian tend to tell you what you expect to hear.
Third party? What politicians?

Because change is normal in science, dogmatic insistence of truth, using the current state of the art, is an illusion based on science history data.
And who has used a "dogmatic insistence" on current state of the art? Strawman.

Unless you are objective to the changing trends in science history, dogmatic insistence make atheism a religion.
Still wrong. What "dogmatic insistence"?

This is enforced by using a prestige effect as though the word science carries magical attributes that make the temporary appear steady state.
Are you conflating science and "atheism" here? As if they are inseparable?

I come up with new ideas all the time, since I know permanent is a religious illusion.
Irrelevant. And specious.

Empirical black box science uses the same special effects that are tradtionally called an oracle. With an oracle, one is on the dark (black box) trying to predict the future. It does not use reason and logic, exclusively, but looks at signs from the oracle.
One word: bullshit. What "black box science"? Examples please.

We need a third party to arbitrate.
And you need to get a brain.
The topic is why do Americans dislike atheists? Atheist can't learn IF they remain in irrational denial.

But, then again, under those circumstances, no one can.
Take a look at theists, for example.
wellwisher, no atheist, not even Richard Dawkins (praise be unto him) states that there is absolutely, 100% no possibility of a god ever existing. This is not our position. Our position is that there is no evidence for god and quite a lot of evidence that religion in general is man-made. This is how scientific truth is established, by a preponderance of evidence or the lack of it.
I was under the impression that Atheism is accepted by the the Americans since there are already many open atheists there...

If you want God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, the 10 Commandments removed from a court house, or a nativity scene removed from the town's xmas exhibit, you are seen as un-American. Believe me, I know.
I've even gotten a hard time about being an atheist from co-workers. I don't talk about my current beliefs. I just now say "I was raised...."

Maybe there are American atheists who actually feel some nostalgia for the above. They don't mind it in the same way non-royalists in the UK don't mind / even would not like to see an end to the monarchy.

America becoming openly atheist means an endless amount of clerical work and re-theorising to clean up all religious references in the law, not to mention a violent war with Christians.

It's simply easier for everyone - religious and atheist alike - if America remained a Christian country. I mean why risk a bloody war when there (seemingly) is enough freedom in America to educate and raise your kids as atheists if you wanted.

Of course everyday life would be easier if there didn't have to be a need to be a closeted atheist - but if the price of that is war - and everyone knows how violent Christians are - I'd say (if I were American) not in my lifetime, no thanks.
Americans hold the right to publicly dislike anything and everything at every moment. Then change their minds about it. It's what makes this country beautiful. Founded and sustained by hypocrites.
America might not be a Christian country--after all, Italy got there first--but it most certainly is a country whose people were lead out of slavery to the evil King, by the prophet Washington (pbuh).

It's why he got his likeness carved into a mountain, so the people can worship in the high places. That way they won't feel like they've been forcibly denied access to their pagan roots and fashion a golden calf to worship. OMG, wait a sec, here . . .
But, then again, under those circumstances, no one can.
Take a look at theists, for example.


Jolly good, Jolly good. Quite right, quite right.

Seriously though. It seems to me, wellwisher, you have just proved Fraggles point, and, well, it's embarrassing, isn't it?

There are SO many, I mean, really, quite a few people on this board that are VERY religious. And yet, here you are, just about the only one of them, willing to sit here and argue the point. If no religious person sits here and argues the point, it's moot, it doesn't stand and proves itself false now, does it? At least among Americans in this forum. So I guess the Opening Post, or the opening premise should have been, Why do most Americans still dislike atheists?

But with your contempt and bile, you just prove him right, don't you? How embarrassing. :eek: YOU are the only truly religious person on the board. Most people on the board that aren't atheists are more spiritual than religious. And I guess that's the lesson here. Spiritual and philosophical people don't hate Atheists. They understand the integrity of the individual to choose their own ethics, morality, beliefs, and destiny. Freedom of choice is a core tenet of the liberated soul.

I seriously doubt you would ever see a Buddhist give an Atheist any flak for their beliefs. Likewise, I doubt you would you see any thing but love from a Unitarian Univarsalist, or a member of Opus Dei for that matter. Nope, probably not. Only people that aren't spiritual aware, and have no respect for the values and ethics embraced in the OP are going to continue to bitterly argue and debate the OP.

Yes, it's true. MANY Americans still dislike atheists. Those that strictly follow the teachings of their spiritual leader, and those that have their ancient religious tombs interpreted in a unenlightened repressed back-word way blindly following a spiritual leader find the liberated free thinking ways of those who are not under the yoke of a patriarchal paternalistic organized hierarchy threatening to them, their families, their communities, and their children. This breeds fear. Fear breeds hatred. Hatred stems from ignorance.
They're lining them up as the next target after the War on Terror is over? :shrug:
Actually, I have it on good authority that there will be a false flag attack by extra-terrestrials. :runaway: If we can fight a war on an illusory network of terrorists, we can fight just as good a long drawn out war against E.T. :eek:

And the great thing? This will work to unite the planet together! One world government, money, army, (one world religion) etc.
Doesn't bother me: I've got my Anti-ET Underpants.
Reading Comprehension problems? Or do you just not know what false flag means? When the UFO's are spotted, they will be from TPTB silly. NO E.T.'s will be around. lol Of course, that's not what the media will report, nor what will be discussed on the forums here.

Count on me to tell you it is all a conspiracy and that the government is behind it all though, ok? And of course, to keep your Anti-ET shorts in the draw, b/c the best possible folks to help us out of the mess will probably be the REAL ET's. :p
Are those made of tinfoil? do they crinkle when you walk?

No, fuckin' titanium, those probes are tough stuff. And they don't crinkle, more of a straight legged, cowboy style mosey walk is required and is quite comfortable.
Well here in the US it starts off with things like the OP's post, which effectively says, "Look how much better we are than you, how can you not like us!" LOL

It ends with the response that many atheists give when presented with the topic. Instead of just saying something to the effect of "I don't care I'm an atheist" which I would be fine with, the response is more like "THEIR IS NO GOD AND YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU BELIEVE OTHERWISE" which nobody is ok with.

Don't get me wrong, the knee jerk reaction of many believers to an atheist is "YOUR GOING TO HELL" which is never a nice thing to say to someone even if they don't believe in it. It comes from both sides really.

Personally I believe, but I don't feel the need to correct people or rub their noses in it.

To each his own.

(Also I speak for my entire country so you can take my word!)