Why did we get free will?


Registered Senior Member
The question is fairly simple, maybe I am missing something incredibly obvious, and I probably am, but, why did God give us free will?

EDIT: Shoot sorry guys, I don't believe in God at all, this was directed at theists who believe that free will was "given" to us. My bad.
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We have always had free will. Before there was a God there were humans here on earth walking around , living and doing whatever they needed in order to survive. That has been known for many years now. So free will is what we are born with , only religions want to make you think that a God somehow gave it to you. :(
You are asking why we got something we don't have. We don't have free will, whether or not there is a God is irrelevant. It's in our biology, our brain has a certain method of operation, so we do not have free will.
same thing goes with concept of God...realization of God existing would not come if God did not exist
by the way...we would not know of anything remotely having a free will if free will did not exist.

Unless we were "programmed" to speculate about it so that we remain happy.
same thing goes with concept of God...realization of God existing would not come if God did not exist

Now that's just silly - how many things have been thought of that don't exist?