Why did the flood happen?

and stop saying god is killing people....

you people don't understand that people have to die, its just a part of the world.. everything lives and dies, some live for a while longer, some live for shorter, god put his part in that so that there would be space on earth for new living, emotion for people on earth. If it wasn't for pain and suffering there wouldn't be so much beauty on Earth. Sandy i do not agree if most of the stuff you've been writing that i have been reading here all day, but don't let them argue about god killing people.. because it isn't him.. its our own people and its the way it has always worked...

if there are aliens, they too die.. the only way they wouldn't die is if they are maybe 12 in total and have everything they need to live forever...

i can't stand that bull about god killing people....noobs
and stop saying god is killing people....

you people don't understand that people have to die, its just a part of the world.. everything lives and dies, some live for a while longer, some live for shorter, god put his part in that so that there would be space on earth for new living, emotion for people on earth. If it wasn't for pain and suffering there wouldn't be so much beauty on Earth. Sandy i do not agree if most of the stuff you've been writing that i have been reading here all day, but don't let them argue about god killing people.. because it isn't him.. its our own people and its the way it has always worked...

if there are aliens, they too die.. the only way they wouldn't die is if they are maybe 12 in total and have everything they need to live forever...

i can't stand that bull about god killing people....noobs

You might call it bull (about God killing people) but the Bible is filled with stories where he has ordered people (including children and babies) to be killed, not to mention the others where he was directly responsible for their death. For example:

2 Samuel 6:6,7
6:6 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor , Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it
6:7 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God

The dude was trying to keep God's ark from smashing into a billion pieces...he was truly trying to help and God thanked him by getting pissed off and killing him because the guy made an error. Poor Uzzah should have backed up and let the sucker smash.
'Go forth and multiply' was in Genesis when there was hardly anyone on earth. God needed people to reproduce. Now we don't need it as much.
And we especially don't need people having children they can't afford.

The Bible has everything to do with God. It's His Word. And it's Christian's handbook for everyday life.

Then, please quote the passages that state your claims? Where does it say 'Go forth and mulitply, until the world population reaches...' and ' don't have children you can't afford...'