Why did the flood happen?

Jeff 152

Registered Senior Member
When god first began creating stuff, he would have seen that everyone would become corrupt and he would have known that he was going to flood the earth and kill thousands of people. So why didn't he just create noah to begin with and have him populate the Earth as if it were after the flood and save a lot of time and slaughter?
He was just enjoying the game, sorta' like a little video game, while he was sipping on a mint julep in the shade.

Baron Max
Because God doesn't care about anyone or anything, and thus is equal to all...that's why...the reason the flood happened was because of the karma at that time...in another universe with different karma it never happened that way...God is never in contact with material nature, when God punishes or rewards it is only because of the karma...
When god first began creating stuff, he would have seen that everyone would become corrupt and he would have known that he was going to flood the earth and kill thousands of people. So why didn't he just create noah to begin with and have him populate the Earth as if it were after the flood and save a lot of time and slaughter?

It's only a mythical story,not to be taken seriously.
When god first began creating stuff, he would have seen that everyone would become corrupt and he would have known that he was going to flood the earth and kill thousands of people. So why didn't he just create noah to begin with and have him populate the Earth as if it were after the flood and save a lot of time and slaughter?
M*W: Technically, the myth of NatF was written before the myth of the GoE, even though it does not appear in that chronological sequence in Genesis. The error came about when the authors of Genesis copied from the myth of Gilgamesh.
Because it's God's world. He created it. It's His will. When he gave man free choice everything went to hell. (Figuratively, of course...)

"Karma" is just the Biblical principal of "sowing and reaping" with a new age twist.

It all goes back to Him. Everything.

God does care about all His children and everything that happens to them. I think He wants us to make the right choices according to His word. And when we don't, and we fall out of fellowship with Him, that opens the door for the devil who then attacks: our thoughts, our lives, our everything.:(
When god first began creating stuff, he would have seen that everyone would become corrupt and he would have known that he was going to flood the earth and kill thousands of people. So why didn't he just create noah to begin with and have him populate the Earth as if it were after the flood and save a lot of time and slaughter?

If we're going to go that way, then why did he create anything?

I would say Sandy is the closest on the money.
God does care about all His children and everything that happens to them.

Yet, he has no problem killing near every living thing on the planet. Is that how he shows his caring?
I don't see Him killing anything. I see man killing a lot. I see our poor choices killing us.

I see His word unfolding here and now as the book of Revelation says. It's absolutely awesome to watch it and have no fear.:worship:
Because it's God's world. He created it. It's His will. When he gave man free choice everything went to hell. (Figuratively, of course...)

M*W: If this is god's world, then god is definitely NOT omnipotent, omniscient nor omnipresent. The state of this world proves there is no god. If there is a god, he is not fair nor efficient. People believe in a god because they're afraid not to. They 'fear' him! That's a joke! They fear this god who has made a mess of our world! People who believe in this god don't accept responsibility for the mess they've made of their world. There cannot be a god. I certainly expect more from any god. You, apparently, are content with this gruesome world your god has both created and then allowed you to ruin.

"Karma" is just the Biblical principal of "sowing and reaping" with a new age twist.

M*W: "Karma" is not a new age concept. It's been around forever. Every age is a new age not a one-time event.

It all goes back to Him. Everything.

M*W: This is the very reason no one should believe in a god.

God does care about all His children and everything that happens to them. I think He wants us to make the right choices according to His word. And when we don't, and we fall out of fellowship with Him, that opens the door for the devil who then attacks: our thoughts, our lives, our everything.:(

M*W: Keep on dreaming. BTW, if god really existed, there would be no devil and there wouldn't be a need for a holy book supposedly with god's word. We'd all know about god instinctively.
Well said MW.

Does it seem to you that the adoption of the Doomsday Philosophy by many religions is the only thing worth hanging onto for them? Each time there is conflict and death somewhere in the world it gives believers a kind of quasi proof that God is still there and His plan is going as scheduled? Bizarre how the Xian religion for one, depends on war and suffering to make their case for the existence of a peaceful, loving god.
Ancient people thought God did everything, including tsunamis. Such an event would be kept alive in legend just like those Indonesian tribespeople that knew to get to higher ground in the recent tsunami event due to their oral history.
I think very few (if any) born-again Christians were killed in the tsunami. Or 911. I read a story about a born-again Christian who commanded a huge wave to cease. It did.* Many people realize that by serving God they get a lot of His power.

*CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewed a man who stopped the tsunami wave using the name of Jesus Christ. Daylan Sanders of DC moved back to his native Sri Lanka to build an orphanage. When the waves came Sunday, he gathered all 28 children, put them in a boat, and raced the waves to safety....

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Maybe that's because there are very few of them, especially in Indonesia, a predominately Muslim country.
The minds of the religiously brain damaged.

If it did slow down (which I seriously doubt) there are several other hydrodynamic explanations that should be considered first. And even if jesus did help this dude out, what about the thousands of others that died, who I guarantee were screaming for jesus fucking christ to save them?
I think very few (if any) born-again Christians were killed in the tsunami. Or 911. I read a story about a born-again Christian who commanded a huge wave to cease. It did.* Many people realize that by serving God they get a lot of His power.

*CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewed a man who stopped the tsunami wave using the name of Jesus Christ. Daylan Sanders of DC moved back to his native Sri Lanka to build an orphanage. When the waves came Sunday, he gathered all 28 children, put them in a boat, and raced the waves to safety....

Scroll down to "this looks legit"


I have read that report. It was on the east coast of Sri Lanka.

Anyway i read another good report about a small community of Christians on the western coast of Sumatra. the Indonesian island that was devastated by the wave the most.

Well this small community of Christians was told by the majority mulsim population of the town that they where not allowed to celebrate Christmas in the town . This is the typical type of islamic persecution that happens all the time in the islamic world. Anyway so they had to grab all their stuff and camp outside the town to celebrate Christmas. Now the coast is very steep where they lived so they decided to go up a nearby hill to have their Christmas celebrations. Because it took them so long to get up there they decided to sleep on this hill and stay there for another day.

Well we all know what happened when the wave came. Thousands of muslims in their town where drowned but not one Christian was killed. Now the mulsim survivors are wondering why their moon god alla killed them and not their Christian neighbours whom they have persecuted like a true muslims are supposed to do.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Yes even persecution can work to the good of those who love the Lord.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: If this is god's world, then god is definitely NOT omnipotent, omniscient nor omnipresent. The state of this world proves there is no god. If there is a god, he is not fair nor efficient. .

M*W: God is more than fair. One must consider all of God's attributes, not just limiting one's perspective to some philosopher's "omnipotent, omniscient ... omnipresent" theoretical limitations of a god.

M*W: Keep on dreaming. BTW, if god really existed, there would be no devil and there wouldn't be a need for a holy book supposedly with god's word. We'd all know about god instinctively.

M*W: On what do you base this ex-cathedra statement? On how you would like things to be?
Yet, he has no problem killing near every living thing on the planet. Is that how he shows his caring?

That is how he shows his holiness, among other things.

Now consider the inherent philosophical assumptions of your statement and adjust your values accordingly.

Thank you.