why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!


Registered Senior Member
Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!
You ever realize how in the bible. When 1 of the messengers died, "God" abbandoned them? Read the end of Joshua. The god of the bible. most likely didn't exist. It was created to boost confidence.
There's been lots of messengers. Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Haile Selassie, me, just it's difficult to know who to preach to these days.
I think some body pissed him off. Maybe it was that little thing about killing his only begotten son?
I think some body pissed him off. Maybe it was that little thing about killing his only begotten son?

Nope, that's not it. God sent him down here to get killed..
I think it would sooner be because we didn't ever change our ways.
Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

Didn't you know? God has adopted the new age and technology.

You just need to make sure you're on his email friend's list and that your mobile number is saved so he can SMS you. Why bother sending people when you can get your message across at the touch of a button?
On the contrary, there is literally tons of theistic discourse available

ever wondered how those little bibles end up in all those motel rooms?
Even if genuine messenger did pop up, they would throw him in the looney bin unless he started turning water into wine or some shit.
Why would timeless wisdom require to be revamped?
So that's a "no".
Why do you think that new Scripture would necessarily revamp existing Scripture? You don't think that the world could benefit from more "timeless wisom"?

And you seem to have avoided the follow up - how would you recognize new Scripture if it were written?
Do you think that there might be new Scripture that you haven't recognized?

NB - I would have thought a more apt OP header for atheists would be GOD, stop sending messengers!!
What an odd, irrational, and irrelevant thought. :shrug: