Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

I will write a book if you buy one.
I am honoured you have elevated a crazy thought to the status of hypothesis.
Thank you.
Only if it is a book of truths . . . . . hey, Alex . . . . . ALL hypotheses (crazy or not) start-out with . . . . ."What if?" (or possibly, "In the beginning . . . . .!")
What if all our Universe is nothing more than a small part of a single cell set within billions of similar cells that make up a small part of a hair of a mouses fur?
i am a firm believer, due to my experience and observations, that we are living in a universe that is wholly contained within the excrement (or a fart particle) being secreted by some large scavenger in a macro-universe we will never be able to imagine or see... mostly because we will kill each other off violently before we ever get the opportunity to explore our galaxy... and that will happen because some anti=gun nut-job will ban all the guns and then a worse criminal nut-job who doesn't obey laws anyway will then, subsequently, kill off the nut-jobs that are unarmed because he leads the only people who are armed, causing some horrendous Armageddon that stimulates one anti-gun person to create a super-virus that makes all life permanently dead before anything can evolve an immunity because guns are bad

and that is my optimistic perspective
the more likely scenario is far worse...
i am a firm believer, due to my experience and observations, that we are living in a universe that is wholly contained within the excrement (or a fart particle) being secreted by some large scavenger in a macro-universe we will never be able to imagine or see...
May I offer you an opportunity to co author a book, now it has to come across religious so we get some tax advantages.
May I offer you an opportunity to co author a book, now it has to come across religious so we get some tax advantages.
i can start a 501(c)3 here easily making it a tax free donation and protecting us from taxes as well... is there something similar there, or should we set up off-shore accounts?

i am a firm believer, due to my experience and observations, that we are living in a universe that is wholly contained within the excrement (or a fart particle) being secreted by some large scavenger . . .
I didn't have to read any more than that . . .

about the OP itself...
Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?
i prefer to use epicurian logic on that one

the problem with the OP is this... in order to answer the question, one must first make the assumption that satan exists, and as such, one must accept the abrahamic and christian philosophies as being factual or true... so when it is posted that
God created Eden as his heaven on Earth so that he could, some day come down and rule over us.

He cast Satan out of heaven. I guess because she was creating a huge division there, and decided to send her to Earth, to also create division here, which she did.
you have to assume this is legitimate before you can speculate about the answer...

but what if there is no satan?
what if the construct of "evil" is simply a human personification of things they simply don't like?

so when you say:
Why would a good God curse the Earth by sending Satan, the personification of evil, to Earth?
there can be multiple answers starting first with god and satan absolutely must be the same deity, but different aspects and ending with there is no god or satan and therefore this question is nonsensical

as stated above -
i prefer viewing this from epicurian logic: http://strangenotions.com/wp-content/uploads/Epicurus1.jpg

the simple fact that this is debated is indicative of there being no god at all as well as demonstrative of our own anthropomorphism
Whats an example of that.???

Look at any seed.

Do you think that it expends energy to develop to be the least it can be or the best it can be?

I see them as expending energy to live, not die as living is the best possible end for any life and all life seeks to be the fittest of its kind.

Please stop trying to anthropomorphise nature or evolution

The Universe does not have a brain and is incapable of anything but just being


Hence my use of the word "inadvertently".

Do not have such a petty mind and recognize that man anthropomorphises many things.

Just to throw a rock into the gear train, what if the universe is God in the process of evolving? Everyone has heard of the Gaea principle, which allows as how the earth is a conscious and evolving being or collective organism.

Why not extend that and think the entire universe a retort, and the product is coming? Why not a brain, not in the sense that we think we have, necessarily, but a different thing, maybe an infinite bureaucratic Turing machine that never ends until funding runs out?

Entropy sucks.

Any other extended consciousness or cosmic consciousness is just wishful thinking or speculative nonsense unless that entity makes contact with us.

Then you should have no problem with their belief in god as nature and evolution that you tout as being so wonderful created them in the way they are and the way they think and wired. What is so innocent about nature and evolution is what i don't understand that seems to be a implication which is farthest from the truth and someone's fucked up belief in a amoral, powerhungry god?? Two have more in common than differences.

If you believed nature needs to be improved upon or even some of it overcome then it would make sense just as religion needs to be modified for it to be better. Otherwise, on the moral front, neither are better than the other honestly.

I do not think nature needs to improve. I think humans do.

Belief in nature is good. Belief in a supernatural God is idol worship along with moral and intellectual dissonance and is evil.

Nor do we have much in modern published works (SM scriptures?) about before Big Bang . . . . . so maybe that (BB) also is incorrect!


What was this deflection meant to accomplish for you?

Are you not aware that both science and religions have now created their Gods of the Gaps and hid them to a time before the big bang?

So who do you want to believe? Science or religions?


How many were a third?

Were they same as god always in existence?


All biblical characters are fiction and fantasy.

In esoteric terms, what the bible shows in its stories are metaphors for what happens in our minds as we seek wht Jung and Freud call our Father Complex.

Look at any seed.

Do you think that it expends energy to develop to be the least it can be or the best it can be?

I see them as expending energy to live, not die as living is the best possible end for any life and all life seeks to be the fittest of its kind.


Classic anthropomorphism

but what if there is no satan?
what if the construct of "evil" is simply a human personification of things they simply don't like?

Then we would be talking reality and not fantasy.

I am interested in the fantasy at present but you are correct in that evil is subjective and based on what we like.

the simple fact that this is debated is indicative of there being no god at all as well as demonstrative of our own anthropomorphism

No supernatural God, I agree.

Scriptures have always been about anthropomorphism of the Gods. As above, so below.

In my Gnostic Christian tradition, we see Jesus as an archetypal good man regardless of whether a real biblical type Jesus ever lived or not.

The fact is that that Jesus is not here now so should be considered dead the same way all our ancient ones are dead.
