Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

See, there's the problem with all organized religions: They expect you to serve them, and cut God out of the deal. Another reason I don't need gods to be whole.

Indeed. Religions have always had things backwards. Jesus even said that he had come to serve mankind yet Christians cannot seem to make that connection. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. I extrapolate from that that Jesus would also say that religions and Gods are created for man and not man for them.

I guess Christians like to grovel too much to actually step up and take control of themselves. It is so much easier to use scapegoats.

This world does belong to satan metaphorically and those who are scum rise to power and their minions inherit and rule the earth too. It really is one group nature favors while it allows for or tolerates some others and this minority group includes the small percentage of intelligentsia as well because they are of practical use. I used to think it was the best nature selected for but it's the opposite when it comes to the majority and who really has power, shapes and defines how society is run as well as socially/culturally. It selects for two hideous major criteria for the majority: predation and corruption, converged is manipulative intelligence and that's it. It seems strange but its as if there is some type of identity conspiracy. the truly good will be destroyed while they take on their attributes, giving themselves a character that is not genuine. It favors the sterile as well as the corrupt, stealing life and the truth while wearing masks and distorting or degrading what could have been of much higher or better quality expressed by those who they oppressed if they werent so self-centered or jealous inappropriately and let good be as an example. not bring down or destroy so it's no longer competition.

this is one of the character faults of nature as you have society that regresses as well as progresses constantly because it allows for the use of base and primitive to overpower better in some aspect but less powerful so you get substandard or poor results overall in society and quality. The lesser always salivates with the evil green eye knowing they can easily crush or destroy what is more fragile even if of better quality if allowed. Competition doesn't always result in the best as there are other variables to consider in how nature and laws of nature work which are frankly imperfect and rather not ideal. To put it simply since nature came from shit, so shit will feel most entitled and deserving and that includes shitty people as well as nature with it's modus operandi make sure they always end up getting the major or most of the piece of the pie. It's not about better or ideal, it's about whatever is better or ideal for shit lifeforms and everything is there to serve them and to this end.

the most important but simple truth to answer every shitty thing that occurs in nature and in society is that at the very root/seed is predatorial, always be and will always prefer, select for and is the name of the game no matter what civil adornments, masks and contrivances people use.
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People that want to argue this need to read C.S Lewis and Machiavelli, Mark Twain and Tolkien, Clarke, Niven and Pournelle, Thomas Aquinas and von Clausewitz before offering up the one true answer.

Among many, many others...

Edit: This may speak to it, but I'm not going to try to argue the point.

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To me, one cannot say Eve did this out of malice or defiance, but rather ignorance.

If anything, the only culpability God has in that would be not explaining WHY not to eat from the tree... which, one can make the argument, would not have helped as they would not have understood; think of it much the same as a parent trying to tell a four year old not to touch the stove because it is hot - until the child is burned at least once, they do not really understand.

"the only culpability God has in that would be not explaining WHY not to eat from the tree"

Dont God bein culpable for that perty much "gut" Christanity... in that God is fare an just.???
This world does belong to satan metaphorically and those who are scum rise to power and their minions inherit and rule the earth too. It really is one group nature favors while it allows for or tolerates some others and this minority group includes the small percentage of intelligentsia as well because they are of practical use. I used to think it was the best nature selected for but it's the opposite when it comes to the majority and who really has power, shapes and defines how society is run as well as socially/culturally. It selects for two hideous major criteria for the majority: predation and corruption, converged is manipulative intelligence and that's it. It seems strange but its as if there is some type of identity conspiracy. the truly good will be destroyed while they take on their attributes, giving themselves a character that is not genuine. It favors the sterile as well as the corrupt, stealing life and the truth while wearing masks and distorting or degrading what could have been of much higher or better quality expressed by those who they oppressed if they werent so self-centered or jealous inappropriately and let good be as an example. not bring down or destroy so it's no longer competition.

this is one of the character faults of nature as you have society that regresses as well as progresses constantly because it allows for the use of base and primitive to overpower better in some aspect but less powerful so you get substandard or poor results overall in society and quality. The lesser always salivates with the evil green eye knowing they can easily crush or destroy what is more fragile even if of better quality if allowed. Competition doesn't always result in the best as there are other variables to consider in how nature and laws of nature work which are frankly imperfect and rather not ideal. To put it simply since nature came from shit, so shit will feel most entitled and deserving and that includes shitty people as well as nature with it's modus operandi make sure they always end up getting the major or most of the piece of the pie. It's not about better or ideal, it's about whatever is better or ideal for shit lifeforms and everything is there to serve them and to this end.

the most important but simple truth to answer every shitty thing that occurs in nature and in society is that at the very root/seed is predatorial, always be and will always prefer, select for and is the name of the game no matter what civil adornments, masks and contrivances people use.

Do you realy beleive all that is true???... or did you post it in hope sombody might prove it wrong an show a way to escape it.???
This world does belong to satan metaphorically and those who are scum rise to power and their minions inherit and rule the earth too. It really is one group nature favors while it allows for or tolerates some others and this minority group includes the small percentage of intelligentsia as well because they are of practical use. I used to think it was the best nature selected for but it's the opposite when it comes to the majority and who really has power, shapes and defines how society is run as well as socially/culturally. It selects for two hideous major criteria for the majority: predation and corruption, converged is manipulative intelligence and that's it. It seems strange but its as if there is some type of identity conspiracy. the truly good will be destroyed while they take on their attributes, giving themselves a character that is not genuine. It favors the sterile as well as the corrupt, stealing life and the truth while wearing masks and distorting or degrading what could have been of much higher or better quality expressed by those who they oppressed if they werent so self-centered or jealous inappropriately and let good be as an example. not bring down or destroy so it's no longer competition.

this is one of the character faults of nature as you have society that regresses as well as progresses constantly because it allows for the use of base and primitive to overpower better in some aspect but less powerful so you get substandard or poor results overall in society and quality. The lesser always salivates with the evil green eye knowing they can easily crush or destroy what is more fragile even if of better quality if allowed. Competition doesn't always result in the best as there are other variables to consider in how nature and laws of nature work which are frankly imperfect and rather not ideal. To put it simply since nature came from shit, so shit will feel most entitled and deserving and that includes shitty people as well as nature with it's modus operandi make sure they always end up getting the major or most of the piece of the pie. It's not about better or ideal, it's about whatever is better or ideal for shit lifeforms and everything is there to serve them and to this end.

the most important but simple truth to answer every shitty thing that occurs in nature and in society is that at the very root/seed is predatorial, always be and will always prefer, select for and is the name of the game no matter what civil adornments, masks and contrivances people use.

Thanks for this but I cannot agree as I see nature and evolution as trying, inadvertently, to move each entity created to it's best possible end.

Sure, some will find that evil is profitable for them but most of us are not of that ilk.

"the only culpability God has in that would be not explaining WHY not to eat from the tree"

Dont God bein culpable for that perty much "gut" Christanity... in that God is fare an just.???

I think so. Although I do not see how a believer could think that a genocidal son murderer might be fair and just.

Bible God is anything but those.

Thanks for this but I cannot agree as I see nature and evolution as trying, inadvertently, to move each entity created to it's best possible end.

Sure, some will find that evil is profitable for them but most of us are not of that ilk.


Please stop trying to anthropomorphise nature or evolution

The Universe does not have a brain and is incapable of anything but just being

Just to throw a rock into the gear train, what if the universe is God in the process of evolving? Everyone has heard of the Gaea principle, which allows as how the earth is a conscious and evolving being or collective organism.

Why not extend that and think the entire universe a retort, and the product is coming? Why not a brain, not in the sense that we think we have, necessarily, but a different thing, maybe an infinite bureaucratic Turing machine that never ends until funding runs out?

Entropy sucks.
Thanks for this but I cannot agree as I see nature and evolution as trying, inadvertently, to move each entity created to it's best possible end.

Then you should have no problem with their belief in god as nature and evolution that you tout as being so wonderful created them in the way they are and the way they think and wired. What is so innocent about nature and evolution is what i don't understand that seems to be a implication which is farthest from the truth and someone's fucked up belief in a amoral, powerhungry god?? Two have more in common than differences.

If you believed nature needs to be improved upon or even some of it overcome then it would make sense just as religion needs to be modified for it to be better. Otherwise, on the moral front, neither are better than the other honestly.
Just to throw a rock into the gear train, what if the universe is God in the process of evolving?
It is not

Everyone has heard of the Gaea principle, which allows as how the earth is a conscious and evolving being or collective organism.
It is not

Why not extend that and think the entire universe a retort, and the product is coming?
It is not


and it is not

Why not a brain

It is not

not in the sense that we think we have, necessarily, but a different thing,

It is not

maybe an infinite bureaucratic Turing machine

It is not

that never ends until funding runs out?

It is .... oops it will end

There is no funding to run out

I think he convinced a third of the heavenly host that God was unworthy to judge as he asked for bribes, pay offs or sacrifices to alter his usually good judgements.

We do not have much in scriptures about before creation but that one has a quote.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Nor do we have much in modern published works (SM scriptures?) about before Big Bang . . . . . so maybe that (BB) also is incorrect!
I think he convinced a third of the heavenly host that God was unworthy to judge as he asked for bribes, pay offs or sacrifices to alter his usually good judgements.

We do not have much in scriptures about before creation but that one has a quote.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.


How many were a third?

Were they same as god always in existence?

What if all our Universe is nothing more than a small part of a single cell set within billions of similar cells that make up a small part of a hair of a mouses fur?
Yes . . . . .'what if ' that were true Alex . . . . . . care to explain your 'hypothesis' scientifically . . . . .