Why did God divide the people of Babel?

But how we act depends on what we believe.
Don't you think?

There is another verse about that. It distinguishes between belief and action.

Qur'an 2:177
It is not righteousness
That ye turn your faces toward East or West;
But it is righteousness -
To believe in God
And the Last Day
And the Angels
And the Book
And the Messengers;{this is all belief}
To spend of your substance out of love for Him
For your kin
For orphans
For the needy
For the wayfarer
For those who ask,
And for the ransom of slaves;
To be steadfast in prayer
And practice regular charity;
To fulfil the contracts which ye have made;
And to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity
And throughout all periods of panic.{this is all action}
Such are the people of truth the God-conscious.

Another one:

"Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, ... whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day and those who do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve ." Quran 2:62

Which is getting preachy now, but there is belief and there is action. And when there is diversity in belief it challenges us to question our ethics and our actions because we are forced to consider more than one way of thinking about any issue
I don't know the Babel myth but in the Qur'an it says:

"But they have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in its belief." Qur'an 23:53 - so the precedent is that even if people begin with one religion, they will break it up into many sects


"If God willed, He would have made you one nation but that He may test you in what He has given you. So strive in good deeds." Qur'an 5:48 . I take that to mean that even though there are different nations [ummah, community, tribe, peoples] whats important is not what you believe but how you act.
The exchange . The cross Roads of humanity . Trade ! Disbursement. The god that was cut into many pieces all just to come back together again at set intervals . Like Music and the journey you go on in the song . Would you think a bridge is evil because it has left the home ( The Home in music is the key , the key is reflected in the key signature at the beginning of the song. It is called the root . The root is called home, the bridge is the trip ) Exploration is the out come . To explore S.A.M. you know what that means . I wish I could explore S.A.M. No No no can do . Wishful thinking . Not all wishes come true . Sorry Sara . Me and my Magol Mouth . It is your fault for having that grand magnetism of yours . Stop it your making me turn beat red . You know I am shy .


"O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. " Qur'an 49:13. For example, in this forum, the people who agree with each other rarely have anything to discuss. Its the people who disagree with each other that really explore the thoughts, opinions and ideas of the other.

Because they needed a good story to explain all of the different languages of the world.


If the Christian God is a just God why does he send anyone who makes an honest mistake of not believing in him sent to hell for all eternity? That is NOT JUST.

Go Atheism!
if you are gonna ask a question about a specific thing in the bible,it helps to have the relevant verses..

3 They said to each other, "Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth."

this is the verses i have heard referred to concerning the reasons why God confused the languages..
it speaks of presumption,arrogance and ego..
The highlight is the indication of pride by the people.

If the Christian God is a just God why does he send anyone who makes an honest mistake of not believing in him sent to hell for all eternity? That is NOT JUST.

Go Atheism!

As is above, so is below. If you don't have faith now, you won't have faith then. To the bottomless pit thee. You will have your chance to repent, worry not.
My personal opinion is that our production of stuff has been both good and problematic, and perhaps it will even be the whole planets downfall - at least the crust of nature on it. But I am not Christian and this is not a Bible based opinion.

I could guess at some reasons: perhaps God wanted people to focus on other things than technological approaches to solving life's issues. More than they were. Perhaps God wanted disunity since this teaches us a lot about who we are and what a good person is.

There a couple of guesses.

And good ones as well.

Thing is, they were already doing quite well and that was part of God's problem and the disunity that you point to is what has had man at war against man ever since.

Not quite a benefit to mankind.

I like diversity myself and promote it but you can have diversity within a single common and still be part of a whole.

The U S and Canada were built on that concept.

maybe because ppl were dumber back then..?:shrug:


I do not think they were dumb at all.

We still cannot do some of the things that they did back then and many of our scientific achievements began with the thinking of the ancients.

Material sciences had to catch up but much of the theoretical work is ancient.

Check ancient temple machines if you are so inclined.

My story is like a ladder: once you've climbed it, it has to be discarded, but this doesn't mean it wasn't useful.

If anyone survived to tell the story - then you know it could have been much worse.

How about a middle way:
God can preempt everything, being omnimax and all that, but to do so would lead the humans to feel like puppets without free will and become suicidally depressed, or make them go crazy with indulging in all kinds of nasty things - so total preemption would be counterproductive for human progress and happiness.
So God allows for some hardship to happen, but not for all.

I do not know how any Christian can see God's idea of free will-----do things my way or burn forever,---- as free will and not a threat.
If they believe it and are not already thinking they are slaves, then their delusion is so deep we need not worry about them.

Let us let them live in their delusion.

I don't know the Babel myth but in the Qur'an it says:

"But they have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in its belief." Qur'an 23:53 - so the precedent is that even if people begin with one religion, they will break it up into many sects


"If God willed, He would have made you one nation but that He may test you in what He has given you. So strive in good deeds." Qur'an 5:48 . I take that to mean that even though there are different nations [ummah, community, tribe, peoples] whats important is not what you believe but how you act.


"O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. " Qur'an 49:13. For example, in this forum, the people who agree with each other rarely have anything to discuss. Its the people who disagree with each other that really explore the thoughts, opinions and ideas of the other.


have you seen many Christians and Muslims debating and discussing anything to any kind of conclusion where one will change his mind about a piece of his theology.

I have not.

In fact, some Ex muslims that I know, cannot even get topics started in Muslim religious site. Plus, anytime I have tried to chat with Muslims, they are generally less tolerant than literalist and fundamental, and those are quite intolerant from the word Go.

The highlight is the indication of pride by the people.

And end time says that in that day the elect will be one, the others destroyed and the people one with one God.

That is still pride except this time god will condone it.

So much for I change not.

You should also remember that god indicated his pride in his so called son Jesus.

Before he put the ransom on him that is and demanded his murder to pay it.

As is above, so is below. If you don't have faith now, you won't have faith then. To the bottomless pit thee. You will have your chance to repent, worry not.

Why repent if it goes unnoticed.
A repentant soul who is kept in torture without purpose is only being punished for the pleasure it give God to torture.

That is why hell would be an immoral construct that a good God would never create.

You show the hate of your own heart. Not that of your mythical sky daddy.

You will reap what you sow.


have you seen many Christians and Muslims debating and discussing anything to any kind of conclusion where one will change his mind about a piece of his theology.

I have not.

In fact, some Ex muslims that I know, cannot even get topics started in Muslim religious site. Plus, anytime I have tried to chat with Muslims, they are generally less tolerant than literalist and fundamental, and those are quite intolerant from the word Go.


You seem to have a very narrow perspective. If people with differences in belief are not discussing their faiths, how do you have Christians Muslims and Jews Hindus Buddhists in all corners of the globe? Why aren't there Jews only in Judea, Christians only in Nazareth, Buddhists only in Bihar and Hindus and pagans only in the tribes they came from? And why are there sects in those religions? But even within sects, they rarely discuss similarities, they more often discuss differences.

The very fact that ex-Muslims want to discuss religion with Muslims should tell you that. I used to frequent a board run by ex-Muslims and most of the members stop after some time because there is only so much time you can spend discussing what you don't like about religion with people who don't like religion
I do not know how any Christian can see God's idea of free will-----do things my way or burn forever,---- as free will and not a threat.
If they believe it and are not already thinking they are slaves, then their delusion is so deep we need not worry about them.

Let us let them live in their delusion.


Its not a threat its a ultimatum, you can not live dead in the kingdom of Heaven if you do not follow the word of God on earth. You are the one in delusion from my point of view.

You need to say more.

Yeah that is the way I learned it as a Mormon . The pride of people thrown to the ground . Humanity got to prideful thinking they could be God . Nimrod particularly . I think that is why the insult calling someone a Nimrod is still today . Have you heard that expression " You Nimrod what the fuck you do that for ? You are a fucking Nimrod ! A hole personalities is the insinuation . Puffed up with Pride so to speak . B personalities understand the phrase quite well for the most part as they shake there heads at the As lots of times and say to them selves ( what a fucking nimrod ) Now you can see the disparity between the 2 groups , A language barrier that separates the 2 groups , One says out Load You fucking Nimrod and the other says to them selves ( You fucking Nimrod ) A brake down in communication . A divide by perception A/B
Why repent if it goes unnoticed.
A repentant soul who is kept in torture without purpose is only being punished for the pleasure it give God to torture.

That is why hell would be an immoral construct that a good God would never create.

You show the hate of your own heart. Not that of your mythical sky daddy.

You will reap what you sow.


Im sorry, did you just say im hateful?! Don't shake the bee hive, friend.
Why repent if it goes unnoticed.
A repentant soul who is kept in torture without purpose is only being punished for the pleasure it give God to torture.

That is why hell would be an immoral construct that a good God would never create.

You show the hate of your own heart. Not that of your mythical sky daddy.

You will reap what you sow.


Big Sky Daddy . How many times do I got to correct that . Big Sky Daddy for the last time . Get it right or don't use the phrase . One more time " Big Sky Daddy . There is lots of us too . I am not the only one . We live in the Big Sky Country and we have kids . Google Big Sky ! It is a place on earth . Us that live in the bliss of the forest and have kids are Big Sky Daddys . My Mountain is in the center of Big Sky Country . Yeah Big Sky Daddy has a Mountain named for Him . It is in the Snowy Mountains . The tallest peak in the Snowy Mountains . My personal snow man imagery. Hallelujah Big sky country . I'ma meet my maker in big sky country , Kissing time good-bye . I'ma go listen to the Song " Big Sky Country" by that Cris Guy Makes Me feel better
Later Nimrods

I came back . What a great song Chris Whitley is the Guy who sings "Big Sky Country . I think he was the father of that girl in the band "Black Dub" . If so I see were she gets her talent . Genetic

O.K. for real Nimrods and I mean that with the best of intentions , Later Night Night
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