Why can't religon and science be friends?


science man

I just don't understand why? Especially since I discovered one day that creation and evolution can be friends.
Science and religion are mutually exclusive; the mindset of both sorts is not compatible with the other.
I discovered one day that creation and evolution can be friends.

That would require a whole lot of creativity. No pun intended..

|| Thread moved to 'Religion'. Any comments or complaints about this move can be directed to me by PM.
Odder things have happened.

We can be and are friends. I am proof. I am the most on-fire-for-Jesus Born-Again Christian I know. I also have a degree in science and used it in a previous job. I have several Christian and Jewish doctor friends. We're out there. I find them to be the most awesome doctors I ever met.
Especially since I discovered one day that creation and evolution can be friends.
What makes you think they can be friends?
Creation specifies how the universe started: goddidit.
Science is trying to find out - without invoking god at all.

Religion says: this is how it happened and you needn't ask questions.
Science does nothing but ask questions.
They are friends... Unfortunately the masses want to separate them.

Peace be unto you ;)
What makes you think they can be friends?

Well, you could have the Big Bang as the moment of creation - remember in science Steady State was the theory for a long time. And then evolution came after - long after, when the world coalesced, cooled down and nucleotides managed to get consensus.
Science does nothing but ask questions.
We have to stop those research grants then. I mean questions are nice but they don't help the economy.
another way to ask the question is:
can one be both a scientist and religious?

The answer should be obvious.

Religion and science can't be friends because they are not people.
Well, you could have the Big Bang as the moment of creation
You could, but if god does exist then science is pointless since it could all change on a whim.

We have to stop those research grants then. I mean questions are nice but they don't help the economy.
The tentative answers come in useful now and again. (Despite spawning more questions).
I just don't understand why?
They can. The trouble comes when some religious people refuse to adapt their religious teachings in the event of new scientific knowledge, as Creationism demonstrates.
On the upside, most religions do adapt and accept scientific knowledge. However, people tend to accentuate the negative and focus on the more absurd vocal minorities that espouse rigid fundamentalism.
Science and religion can't get along because science, since the reasonassnce, has continuly kept proving religion wrong.

If religion says god created the world. Science says it was already here.
If religion says god created mankind. Science says man evoved.
If religion says god created light. Science says the light is an energy wave emitted by the sun.

They can live side by side, but they can never agree.
religionists posit a belief hoping science will prove them right eventually. lol

this they call friendship. they want scientists to do all the real work while they just point to the finish line.

religionists are mentally lazy and are users. they leave all the real work of having to be lucid to others while they daydream.

religionists posit a belief hoping science will prove them right eventually. lol

this they call friendship. they want scientists to do all the real work while they just point to the finish line.

religionists are mentally lazy and are users. they leave all the real work of having to be lucid to others while they daydream.

i'm not too relegious, i just love my relegion, and i do love science and i'm not lazy, lol,
but i hate waking up at 7 am :Z to go to school at 8

well, relegion and science, can agree some times,
when it don't comes about the existence of God
in islam, they beleive in the univerce expantion, also alien life, and itelligent alien life and other complete ecosystemes on other planets
we belive that the sun is a ball of fire, live on explositions in it, and produce the light, from that energy,
we also beleive in the worholes,
also that babies come from combiningin the (that something, don't know it's english name, but you know it anyway) with the small ones that men shoot it, and just one enter to the woman's one(forgot it's english name) :p
we also beleive that the hall space is a one structure, attacked to each other by forces, like gravity,
also we beielve in the bigbang, and also that the univerce before the bigbang was a hall mater, i mean, everything is stuck together, then the bigbang came,
and seperated all the maters

and i think that those things are proven by science, and about the alien life, it's not prooen by science, but we are all sure of it, the logic tell us to belive in an alien life,
there are millions of galaxyies, there are millions and millions and other millions of planets,
and we only know about 415 planet
Why can't science and religion be friends, reasons:

Well, firstly, science need no friends, nor does religion and dimwitted as it seems, subjects can't be friends, they can only agree with eachother. Now forumwise, you can make a forum where science is under religion, but not all forum members would agree.

Reason 2. A god can exist even though there is science, that's how far any science that is true would go. Now as to prove him, they would have to find some sorta theoretic proof for him. If you did have that, god would be in the science section, under the cathegory of embarassingly strong weapons.

Reason 3. Now god is all. Good, we have a term disslocation, the multiverse we call it, is all. It is conscious and knows it existence; That statement is wrong. nothing conscious can know itself if it is the entire multiverse. It is an infinite thing to know, as there are infinite parts in it. For instance a black hole. Questions? Answers?
religionists posit a belief hoping science will prove them right eventually. lol
this they call friendship. they want scientists to do all the real work while they just point to the finish line.
religionists are mentally lazy and are users. they leave all the real work of having to be lucid to others while they daydream.

I disagree. My Christian and Jewish doctor/science friends all believe in God as the all-knowing. We all love science but consider it play/entertainment. We find it fascinating. We believe God has already done all the work, that scientists are usually good for research etc, but God has the final say. I have never met a lazy Christian or Jew. They are passionate and on fire for their God. And for their science.