Why be a moderator.!!!

The problem isn't that there are mods who don't know their behavior is poor, it's that they have no pushback from within their own ranks. James said himself, when bans are given out, there is rarely any internal commenting.

Mostly, the moderators are happy to let other mods do their jobs without second-guessing everything every other mod does. That's how most workplaces go, if you think about it.
@ Clueless.
You could give infractions for correct spelling.

Well yes thats somptin that coud be considered... an if its determined a necessity for the betterment of Sciforums then... WAIT... you said correct spellin... oh... i see... you'r makin a joke... lol.!!!
Ow... my brain hurts from that lol... *must resist inner spelling nazi*
This thread is especialy for current mods an people who have been mods... an anybody elses 2 cents worth.!!!

Im givin serous consideration to applyin for a moderator job... but first i want to gather information to make sure it would be a good fit for me.!!!

One thang i woud like to know is... what are some of the most gratifying parts of the job.???

Special note to current mods:::

In case the moderation rules become mor strict durin the life of this thred... please warn anybody if they break a rule... instead of lockin the thread... thank you in advance.!!!

I used to moderate the Astronomy forum and only moderated posts of religious nature, offering only simple warnings to folks who posted them there. I don't believe I ever banned anyone, imsc.

The best forums are those least moderated.
I used to moderate the Astronomy forum and only moderated posts of religious nature, offering only simple warnings to folks who posted them there. I don't believe I ever banned anyone, imsc.

The best forums are those least moderated.

Best to some, worst to others.
I used to moderate the Astronomy forum and only moderated posts of religious nature, offering only simple warnings to folks who posted them there. I don't believe I ever banned anyone, imsc.
The best forums are those least moderated.
Best to some, worst to others.

Sometimes i wonder if the "payoff" for some mods to do this job is... a joy for the busy-work of endlessly perfectin an addin to the rules... an the drama in the mod forum... which even spills into the open forum on occasion.!!!

"Keep it simple stoopid"

Sciforums seems bogged down by mountains of rules... which only seems to necessitate more rules... ect... ect.!!!
I thank a goal for the forum shoud be arrived at... which certainly includes regular poster satisfaction/sense of fairness... an then the simplest plan of action that requires the least amount of moderation to acheive that goal shoud be arrived at... as the way to go for the betterment of Sciforums.!!!
Best for trolls, generally.

Notice how easy it is for you to insult people and get away with it, now that your part of the elite, above the rules.

I can almost hear your hands wringing in delight.
I used to moderate the Astronomy forum and only moderated posts of religious nature, offering only simple warnings to folks who posted them there. I don't believe I ever banned anyone, imsc.

The best forums are those least moderated.

Best for trolls, generally.

The more a mod is respected the less ther moderation will be questoned or needed... ie... more time an energy for the discusson of issues... insted of so much time wasted on the "forum" bein the issue.!!!

Along wit mods bein respectful in ther duties... any name callin... such as "Troll"... is not the way to go.!!!
Notice how easy it is for you to insult people and get away with it, now that your part of the elite, above the rules.

Along wit mods bein respectful in ther duties... any name callin... such as "Troll"... is not the way to go.!!!

No one was called a troll. Trolls are a common problem on internet forums, and moderation is the common solution.
There is nothing particularly gratifying about it. It is more of an exercise in how much bullshit you can stand.


And when a moderator cannot stand any more, is that when their ego takes hold of their moderating capacities?
Sometimes i wonder if the "payoff" for some mods to do this job is... a joy for the busy-work of endlessly perfectin an addin to the rules... an the drama in the mod forum... which even spills into the open forum on occasion.!!!

"Keep it simple stoopid"

Sciforums seems bogged down by mountains of rules... which only seems to necessitate more rules... ect... ect.!!!
I thank a goal for the forum shoud be arrived at... which certainly includes regular poster satisfaction/sense of fairness... an then the simplest plan of action that requires the least amount of moderation to acheive that goal shoud be arrived at... as the way to go for the betterment of Sciforums.!!!

It isn't that easy.
There is also the issue of free speech.
Take for example the issue of abortion, which always causes trouble.
The following are not actual quotes.
Poster "A" thinks people who have the procedure, or support it, are clearly "murderers".
Poster "B" thinks that poster "A" is clearly "a woman hating fascist" and has a "medieval mindset"
Should they be allowed to express their opinions or not?