Well keep search for answers. Your doing pretty good if your only in high school. My only advice to you is to try and keep an open mind on things.
Lol when you've had prayer answered like I've had, then you will understand when I say that I will never stray from the faith. I asked God one day whether or not I should go to bible college. That night I read a book which talked about a person the same age as me, in the same situation, thinking the same thing, and what happened when he ignored his calling. This sort of freaked me out, that God would answer my prayer so clearly. Not only that, after I told my mum that I felt called to go to bible college and get into ministry, she said to me, that just before I was born she heard God tell her that one of her sons would go into ministry. NOW that freaked me out.
After this affirmation of my call, I set out to talk to people about God. I have so far converted an athiest to christianity. Have turned a homosexual straight. Kept someone from killing themself. And that's only this year, and only the effects of my ministry that I have seen. Who knows what else the seeds I have planted have sprouted.
Also what has conviced me of God's existence, is the two times that I've rebuked Satan. First time I was (like all males, thinking about sex and all that crap) and I just got so sick of it, I couldn't go to sleep or anything. So I said "In Jesus name I comand you to leave my thoughts Satan." And at that precise moment my mind was cleared of any impure thoughts. I even tried to think about them but I just couldn't. (P.S To the smart ass, I have never ever taken drugs, so don't put it down to that). Also the second time I rebuked Satan, was when I was talking to that Gay guy that I said I converted just before. I was nearly finished talking to him about God, and I was up to the final bit. I had just gone through about how he was going to hell, and giving him the reasons, when I decided that he was feeling guilty enough, so I was about to tell him about Jesus when my computer freezed. I didn't have this guys yahoo address, so there was no way I could have told him about Jesus latter. So I didn't restart my computer, because I would have lost his address. So I tried clicking ctrl alt delete and all that, didn't do anything. Tried mashing the keyboard didn't do anything. And then after about 2 mins I said "I rebuke you demon in Jesus' name, do not stand in the way of God's glory" And at that exact moment, to the micro second, my computer went absolutely fine. I hadn't pressed anything, I just said what I said, and that's what happened. I don't believe in a coincidence as big as that one. By the way, yes I did tell the guy about Jesus, and he did repent and accept Him as lord and savior.
And this is just the stuff that has happened in the last 8 months, man you don't know what you're missing out on. I've had friends, who have rebuked demons in people and seen the person totally turned around (Friend name is Bret Saunders, lives over the road, so yes he does exist). My Brother in laws brother (Brad Sieb, used to go to school with), saw a witch at school try to put a curse on his christian friend, but saw the witch turn totally blue in the face instead, and start shivering. There is so much stuff going on, that I seriously can't believe people still choose to ignore it. I have seen these things first hand, and I have had friends which I've known all my life see similar things as well.
Trust me, I'm not going to give up my faith, just because some scientists say it's wrong. They also said the world was flat, whats to say that they're not wrong again. It's not worth risking an eternity in Hell, on what a scientists says.
From Tim