Why atheism makes you mean

SAM said:
Besides, if it has to do with religion, why would you get the same feeling in places of worship for religions you do not believe in?

Because I believe its all one God
That is not my reason for finding many religious buildings more spiritually uplifting than most caves, much religious music more spiritually enchanting than the noise of other city places, and so forth.

The habit of theists to assign the credit for human spirituality to their theism or deity is noted, but not as something unfamiliar or without explanation.

Theists often assign credit for all human virtue and goodness and depth of soul to their deity, and all evocative landscapes and deeply moving places likewise by proxy. This is perhaps easier to do in a city - we note the correlation between monotheism and city dwelling.

As far as the OP, it begins by denying the atheistic status of millions of people who have been living in groups and treating each other without obvious meanness for thousands of years.

But the point made is worth pursuing. I would like to see a comparison between reminders of God and reminders of Mom, Dad, one's grandparents, or perhaps one's kid sister.
Show me one athiest society that did not, for example.
Whenever I hear from people about how many more people are becoming atheist these days, I wonder if they even realise how many more athiests are becoming religious. Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, the world is becoming more religious today, not less. .
more atheists become religulous..ROFL

thats just a MYTH propagated by your Imams!! :p

religions are dying,
as the Info highway lets the reason flow faster then ever all over the world people begin to THINK and realize what a load of Krap religions are.
I think people over estimate the need for religion to find feelings of peace and harmony. What need is there to pretend you need a church? What good is peace and harmony stuck in some building?

I remember sitting on a ridge over looking a small stream after a night of dancing with friends and watching the sun rise in the desert. A wonderful mix of comradery and exhaustion with people for their own sake. Peace and harmony and melody and rhythm.
You're obviously not religious, should we give up our sense of peace to feed your idea of whats right for everyone?
SAM said:
You're obviously not religious, should we give up our sense of peace to feed your idea of whats right for everyone?
Your sense of peace would meet less hostility if it encroached on the neighbors less.

How much of what is joyful and profound in the world must we sacrifice, because your tribe can't find peace anywhere but in your special church, captivated by your special brand of crazy?
Your sense of peace would meet less hostility if it encroached on the neighbors less.

How much of what is joyful and profound in the world must we sacrifice, because your tribe can't find peace anywhere but in your special church, captivated by your special brand of crazy?

This is the meanness of atheists, they cannot build a society that lasts and yet, they want to encroach on those who can. As Skinwalker is fond of saying in the Religion forum, really, we should not even be having you here, so live with it, you, er, whackos?
SAM said:
This is the meanness of atheists, they cannot build a society that lasts and yet, they want to encroach on those who can.
Still denying the atheism of all those people for all those years, and the theism of the people you find most encroaching today, eh?

I have agreed with you in the past about the usefulness of inculcated theistic belief in "building a society that lasts" - even gave you a prime example, of North Korea's new religion. It's an example worth pondering, no?

It's quite possible that North Korea's new deity will gradually ameliorate the harshness of North Korea's government, as believers no longer present a risk of rebellion or need to be beaten into submission. Will we celebrate the influence of the One God again?

Myself, I regard not my simple inability to believe, nor my perception of theistic belief as shackling and a notable source of nonsense from otherwise reasonable people, nor my aggravated response to the trouble involved in teaching ordinary scientific theory in the public schools, nor my wish to buy a beer on Sunday, as "encroachment".
Still denying the atheism of all those people for all those years, and the theism of the people you find most encroaching today, eh?

I have agreed with you in the past about the usefulness of inculcated theistic belief in "building a society that lasts" - even gave you a prime example, of North Korea's new religion. It's an example worth pondering, no?

It's quite possible that North Korea's new deity will gradually ameliorate the harshness of North Korea's government, as believers no longer present a risk of rebellion or need to be beaten into submission. Will we celebrate the influence of the One God again?

Its amazing that when atheists do try to build a society, they do so by creating an ideology, pretty much like the one they claim to detest. What does that say about prosocial aspects of atheism? What does it say when they consistently, grandiosely fail?
It says that individuals fail, just as it says the same thing wen theists fail.

I don't agree, of all the systems that came up in India, the only one to fail, and completely so, was the Carvaka system of materialism. Even Buddhism lasted for a thousand years by becoming a deistic religion. I think atheistic systems are not compatible with social structure and work only at the level of the individual.
Wanna bet? Say something about Muslims and there will be 1.5 billion people with an opinion, most of whom do not even agree with each other about their religion.
sam said:
Its amazing that when atheists do try to build a society, they do so by creating an ideology, pretty much like the one they claim to detest. What does that say about prosocial aspects of atheism? What does it say when they consistently, grandiosely fail?
Why would that amaze?

The tactics of tyrants and warlords and authoritarians in general follow common patterns, and that is hardly strange. Human nature is not so different, here and there.

You make a grandiose and quite unsupported claim when you say "they" always fail. For one thing, the thousands of years of survival of so many atheist societies - such as some of the Buddhist ones in Asia, or some of the N&S American tribes - speak against the presumption. For another, you risk some assumptions about the foundations of the current theistic societies that have little direct support. For a third, your definition of failure assumes part of your conclusion.

In a thousand years, when half of Asia believes in the Juche religion and its founding prophet is revered by billions through the sacred texts, will North Korea have been a failure?

But we agree about the "prosocial" aspects of theism - and so does Kim Il Jung. An atheistic society's government is missing a tried and true meme that has served the powerful well for thousands of years.

Too bad people can't worship a God modeled on their kid sister rather than their father, eh? I mean if errant nonsense coercively established is necessary for human civilization, as you seem to be claiming.
Assuming that Kim Jung's ideology works any better than previous atheist attempts to use religion while declaiming it, you mean. I suspect that "theology" will be limited to the moment that Koreans are freed of him.
Wanna bet? Say something about Muslims and there will be 1.5 billion people with an opinion, most of whom do not even agree with each other about their religion.

Yea their is great unification between theists and atheists here :rolleyes:
Or how about between the various religions ?
Yea their is great unification between theists and atheists here :rolleyes:
Or how about between the various religions ?

That depends on how the various people of the religion think about each other. I haven't been too impressed by the atheists here, myself. I don't think they will bring any social unity, for one thing.
That depends on how the various people of the religion think about each other. I haven't been too impressed by the atheists here, myself. I don't think they will bring any social unity, for one thing.

We are only atheists because of the existence of theists.. ;)