Why atheism makes you mean

No one's seen them pray.
In fact, most people believe (with fairly good evidence) that they are incapable of religious thought.

Yet they behave altruistically.

You mean they appear to exhibit behaviours which we describe as altruistic.

Not the same thing. Unless your intent is to intimate that atheists are like vampire bats or think like them.

charitable atheist said:
No, the link between religion and charity was created by the religious. Your extreme stupidity never ceases to amaze and infuriate me.

How very charitable of you. :D
So giving out of fear that sky daddy will punish you is altruistic?

Does everyone give out of fear? I don't. But it helps to have a religious system. People respond better to order than chaos.
Maybe you should write to them. Is there any evidence for prosocial behaviour in athiestic societies [apart from communism]?

SAM if you had ever done anything more than the most elementary study of biology you'd be well aware of the fact that altruism in animals pre-dates religion by a few tens of millions of years.
I'm inclined to suspect the results and conclusions of these studies are an artefact of sampling size and a demonstrable ignorance of ethlogy (or a willingness to not bother mentioning it) - if you were a biologist reveiwing these papers you'd certainly have mentioned that this was a grave omission - unless you were being deliberately intellectually dishonest and selective with facts of course.

If you'd like a critical view of anything more you'd like to post before you make yourself look foolish by just going ahead and posting it in future, feel free to stop by for a few more biology lessons from time to time though girly
Does everyone give out of fear? I don't. But it helps to have a religious system. People respond better to order than chaos.

Then why do you give? Because it makes you feel good?

That's the same reason I spent a summer doing blow and teenage girls.
Then why do you give? Because it makes you feel good?

That's the same reason I spent a summer doing blow and teenage girls.

Don't know. Never analyse everything that much. If someone needs it, I'll give if I can.
Not really, I like being free of the headache of deciding when, how much and to whom is giving enough. Its like taxes, I suppose.
"Why atheism makes you mean."

Are you sure you've got causality correct?

Of course, atheists have no reason to give, if they give at all, its because they are influenced by proscial behaviour encouraged by religious groups/people in their society. And, we are looking at it in the long view. At some point in the past, it became a part of all religions to give. Atheism says nothing about that, like it says nothing about pretty much anything
So then the default state of people is to be selfish?

Don't buy it, seeing as how vampire bats don't have any religion to make them not selfish.
Like I said, don't analyse it that much. Come Ramadan, time to give, make distributions, give. At other times, give if I have. But its good practice to give in Ramadan. Kinda like brushing your teeth, after a time, it gets to be a habit. Tend to moan less over taxes and giving, I find.
Of course, atheists have no reason to give, if they give at all, its because they are influenced by proscial behaviour encouraged by religious groups/people in their society. And, we are looking at it in the long view. At some point in the past, it became a part of all religions to give. Atheism says nothing about that, like it says nothing about pretty much anything
you really dont know much about atheism do you?


Atheism is not a doctrine. Atheism has only 1 thing to say. Atheists lack belief in gods. That's all atheism is.
If some atheists want to form groups & socialize or get together to do something good, that's fine but it doesn't change the definition of atheist.