Why aren't you atheists agnostic?

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WHICH god dont YOU believe in..and WHY?

Again dodging the question, ROFL, let me awaken yet another delusional atheist to reality...

Saying "Well I don't believe in [name other God entity etc..completely unrelated to God]" doesn't show how the existence of God is unlikely, it has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...

For instance if I you were talking about the theory of relativity, and someone tried to falsify it by saying "Which theory don't you believe in [list of theories believed to be true in the past]" it wouldn't make sense...now would it? Why wouldn't it make sense? Because listing other theories that turned out to be false doesn't show anything how the theory of relativity itself is false, it doesn't address the actual substance of the argument, its illogical, non-sequitur...
Woah...ROFL you just reconfirmed what I said, instead of using logic argue "you just don't know what you're talking about because I say so, you don't know, I'm telling you, case closed"

Uhm...logic has nothing to do with natural causes ROFL..."natural causes" is science...science BY DEFINITION can ONLY have natural explanations which is why its hilarious to hear atheists say "there's no scientific evidence of the supernatural" when by DEFAULT there cannot be, if a scientist finds evidence of the supernatural, they are forced to explain it away in some naturalistic way, even if it doesn't work

I see the problem. your reading comprehension skills are sub-par:confused:. Try reading the post again, slowly.
If there cannot be evidence of god, how can there be god? The fact that there is no evidence of god is evidence of no god. But just to help you along in your delusions.

ROFL, another illogical argument, you're using an argument from ignorance....

Let me ask you this question: "Can something exist yet be unverifiable at the present time?"

The answer is YES, before it was verifiable whether or not quarks existed, they stilll existed, though it was not measurable, not verifiable, and there was no shred of evidence they existed...

snake river rufus said:
Could you cite just one example of anything that cannot have a natural explaination?
Sure, demonstrating that something cannot possibly arise naturally, like a computer, it cannot arise naturally, it has an intelligent cause

Ofcourse you helped my own argument, which is that naturalism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system

snake river rufus said:
How about a documented example of a person regrowing a severed limb? Since you know that to be impossible, I expect that to be the reason that xians never pray for regrown limbs.
Regrowing limbs have nothing to do with the existence of God, I believe its possible though, but even if it really happened atheists like you, Dawkins and others would say "this doesn't shwo that God or anything supernatural exists, anyone who says it's evidence of God is just using a 'god of the gaps' "

So you are still unable to provide an example that cannot be considered a "god of the gaps", thereby making your atheism unfalsifiable, and entirely faith-based

snake river rufus said:
If it could be done the studies on the healing power of prayer might have some meaning :rolleyes:
Many studies have shown prayer does heal, but many others have shown it to have no effectiveness, the results of the studies are mixed and inconclusive...the placebo effect is a great example of the power of faith, people believed they're healed, and they become so, just as Jesus says "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them]" (Mark 11:24)
posted by vo
For instance if I you were talking about the theory of relativity, and someone tried to falsify it by saying "Which theory don't you believe in[list of theories believed to be true in the past]" it wouldn't make sense...now would it? Why wouldn't it make sense?
Your god is not a theory, it's a fantasy. And we don't dis-believe in god solely because every other religion has been wrong. But that does tell us to be wary of belief.
It wouldn't make sense because you aren't making sense.
Mental check- reality can be proven. Yet you keep ranting on that your 'god' cannot be.:rolleyes: Who's living in fantasy?
Wtf? Another illogical statement, "man I just you're living in fantasy because you believe in God and God sounds like a fantasy, case closed"

Man atheists are so funny, the funniest part is they really believe they're being logical and reasonable..ahaha so funny, its hilarious
posted by vo
For instance if I you were talking about the theory of relativity, and someone tried to falsify it by saying "Which theory don't you believe in[list of theories believed to be true in the past]" it wouldn't make sense...now would it? Why wouldn't it make sense?
Your god is not a theory, it's a fantasy. And we don't dis-believe in god solely because every other religion has been wrong. But that does tell us to be wary of belief.
It wouldn't make sense because you aren't making sense.

ROFL...great typical atheistic tactic

"Your god is a fantasy because I say and think so, case closed, end of story"
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ROFL, another illogical argument, you're using an argument from ignorance....

Let me ask you this question: "Can something exist yet be unverifiable at the present time?"

The ignorance is your own.
Yes, now when do you plan to verify your god? Or at least provide the ground work for others?
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ROFL, another illogical argument, you're using an argument from ignorance....

Let me ask you this question: "Can something exist yet be unverifiable at the present time?"

The ignorance is your own.
Yes, now when do you plan to verify your god? Or at least provide the ground work for others?

ROFL "Yeah I agree I'm being illogical, but you can't prove God exists even though there's no way to prove God exists since its unverifiable, so you can't prove it by default"

Man atheists are so funny, I wonder when they will give up and just admit that atheism is the same as any other faitb-based belief system
No, your god is a fantasy, not because I say so, but because you remain unable to provide evidence for a fantastic belief system.


Its so funny man, atheists will go at any length to preserve the atheistic faith, even though when they've been completely beaten, they've lost the argument, they've failed, all they can do is ignore me and pretend they're still rational

Its so funny man, atheists will go at any length to preserve the atheistic faith, even though when they've been completely beaten, they've lost the argument, they've failed, all they can do is ignore me and pretend they're still rational

If it is unprovable and supernatural it is always logical to dis-believe in it.
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Posted by VitalOne
2) NOTHING CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE OF GOD, its unverifiable, how many million times do I have to say this?

There isn't zero evidence for God, there's massive amounts, for instance there's evidence for design, fine-tuning, etc...


Assuming your first statement is true I would think it appropriate to say evidence of god(s) does not exist.

Otherwise, assuming your second statement is true, the task falls to the claimant to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that god(s) exist.

Massive amounts of evidence for God, you say, evident in design, fine-tuning... of what?
The cells in your body? Hairs on your head? Grass on the earth? Stars in the universe?

Please elaborate or restate.
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Many studies have shown prayer does heal, but many others have shown it to have no effectiveness, the results of the studies are mixed and inconclusive...the placebo effect is a great example of the power of faith, people believed they're healed, and they become so, just as Jesus says "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them]" (Mark 11:24)
You were asked before to cite any such study, what is the hold up?:confused:
The placebo effect is an example of faith in modern medicine not god. And the placebo effect is an excellent example of mis-placed faith.
Don't quote your bible, I picked it apart well before I was your age. Too many contridictions for it to possibly be true.
No it isn't, this isn't logical at all...again with your tactic "I say its not logical case closed, no need to show how it's illogical, it kind of sounds illogical doesn't it? Case closed"

Several of us have explained in great detail what, exactly, logic is. By any accepted definitition the supernatural and un-provable things fall outside of "logic". you really need to take a course or two in critical thinking. You have yet to show any.

Assuming your first statement is true I would think it appropriate to say evidence of god(s) does not exist.

Otherwise, assuming your second statement is true, the task falls to the claimant to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that god(s) exist.

Massive amounts of evidence for God, you say, evident in design, fine-tuning... of what?
The cells in your body? Hairs on your head? Grass on the earth? Stars in the universe?

Please elaborate or restate.

There's no contradiction, atheists should learn to read instead of cherry-picking

Read carefully I said there's evidence just no evidence atheists would accept they say "this isn't evidence" and any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps"

The evidence for example is the anthropic principle, which shows that everything in the universe is specifically fine-tuned for intelligent life. all of the constants, forces, etc...are fine-tuned for it, for instance if you change gravity by 0.1% there's no more intelligent life, if reality was something causeless and meaningless like atheists say nothing should be so fine-tuned, it shouldn't matter if you changed something by 0.1%...
Several of us have explained in great detail what, exactly, logic is. By any accepted definitition the supernatural and un-provable things fall outside of "logic". you really need to take a course or two in critical thinking. You have yet to show any.

ROFL...let me clarify you can't say something illogical "just because I so by definition its supernatural so its outside of logic" something supernatural isn't outside of logic, its outside of nature, outside of the system, its has nothing to do with logic and isn't illogical by defaeult...rather YOUR assumption illogical, its an ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE

None of you have clarified this, man the atheists are getting desperate now...so desperate because they've lost the debate, they should give up and just admit that their atheism is 100% irrational and that it does take faith to be an atheist
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