Why aren't you atheists agnostic?

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Simple, show me your god. What's so hard to understand?

Why should science have anything to do with cult fantasies? I don't "believe" in abiogenesis. What makes you think I do?

True, I don't care about YOUR alleged truth. That is your own personal fantasy that NO ONE else shares.

Man atheists are so funny, "I say its a fantasy, case closed...it seems like a fantasy doesn't it? That's good enough to convince my thick atheistic skull, so no need to investigate further"

So you just admitted that atheists ONLY require evidence for religious claims, scientific claims, "man I don't need no f***in evidence, religion is man made, we know this could've happened, and that's all thats important"

Atheists are such hypocrites, they'd go at ANY length to preserve the atheistic faith, thats all they have is 100% faith, nothing more neccessary

Man atheists are so funny, "I say its a fantasy, case closed...it seems like a fantasy doesn't it? That's good enough to convince my thick atheistic skull, so no need to investigate further"

So you just admitted that atheists ONLY require evidence for religious claims, scientific claims, "man I don't need no f***in evidence, religion is man made, we know this could've happened, and that's all thats important"

Atheists are such hypocrites, they'd go at ANY length to preserve the atheistic faith, thats all they have is 100% faith, nothing more neccessary
What kind of a fucking response is that?

If this troll were to be banned, I wouldn't be suprised. Not that I'm suggesting such a thing, but if a banning were to happen, I certainly wouldn't be suprised.
Thanks for dodging away from the actual argument :rolleyes:, this is your trademark

The thread isn't about "how do theists know God exists", once you again you've managed to escape addressing the argument, which is why can't you atheists say the existence of God is unknown since its unverifiable?

Thanks for the re-confirmation, it has nothing to do with evidence, just personal incredulity, you don't think its possible that God can exist, so you say God doesn't exist, and you've made up your mind to never believe in God, no amount of evidence can convince you or most other atheists otherwise

Once again, a typical atheistic tactic, instead of addressing the actual argument (the existence of God) you make up some other idea and say "well see I don't believe in this, so I don't believe in God either", in something known as reality (atheists hate reality) the existence or non-existence of whatever UFO thing you just pointed out has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...why can't atheists argue without being irrational

Its would be like me saying "I don't believe in the geocentric theory, that was at theory believed to be true long ago, so X theory must also be false"...it doesn't make any rational, logical sense

Not at all, a theory can be proved or dis-proved. Your god idea, by your own words, cannot be. If you believe in anything supernatural with out any single piece of evidence then it is you who are acting irrationally. Would you care to show me just one iota of evidence for your god?
To be honest, since I've lived among creationist for so many years, I've come to realize that xians do not truly know what the word "rational" or "logical" mean.:shrug:
What kind of a fucking response is that?

If this troll were to be banned, I wouldn't be suprised. Not that I'm suggesting such a thing, but if a banning were to happen, I certainly wouldn't be suprised.
In other words you're upset because its true and can't address the substance of the argument...

Come on tell me why:
- Atheists have no problem believing energy was causeless and always existed, but God being causeless and always existing, "what it just can't be"
- Atheists have no problem accepting abiogenesis without evidence "well we know it could've possibly happened" but God without evidence "What we absolutely NEED evidence, but we can NEVER EVER give you an example of what can be considered evidence that can't be a "god of the gaps"
- Atheists take ANY explanation for the anthropic principle over an Intelligent Creator, including the many-worlds interpretation, even though there's no evidence for the MWI, all of a sudden "man I don't need nio f**kin evidence, we know it could be true, and that's good enough for me, case closed"

Not at all, a theory can be proved or dis-proved. Your god idea, by your own words, cannot be. If you believe in anything supernatural with out any single piece of evidence then it is you who are acting irrationally. Would you care to show me just one iota of evidence for your god?
To be honest, since I've lived among creationist for so many years, I've come to realize that xians do not truly know what the word "rational" or "logical" mean.:shrug:
ROFL, ah this is so funny, you sound like you actually believe this...well let's wake you up to reality:

- If you DISBELIEVE or BELIEVE in something unverifiable without evidence, then its irrational
- Theists BELIEVE God exists (when the existence of God is unverifiable) so its irrational
- Atheists DISBELIEVE the existence of God (even though its unverifiable), so its irrational
- If the existence of something is unverifiable it means there's no way of knowing whether its true or false...
What kind of a fucking response is that?

If this troll were to be banned, I wouldn't be suprised. Not that I'm suggesting such a thing, but if a banning were to happen, I certainly wouldn't be suprised.

You could just close your eyes, plug your ears and go lalalalallala

OTOH, there is an ignore button.
- If the existence of something is unverifiable it means there's no way of knowing whether its true or false...

Which means one can engage their imaginations to conjure anything at all, from Flying Spaghetti Monsters to Celestial Teapots, and forever remain unaccountable for their beliefs.
You could just close your eyes, plug your ears and go lalalalallala

OTOH, there is an ignore button.

Yeah suggest that atheists just ignore and run away from their problems, you see atheists can't legitimately argue using logic so their only choice is to run away and go home and pretend like it never happened, just ignore the whole situation
Which means one can engage their imaginations to conjure anything at all, from Flying Spaghetti Monsters to Celestial Teapots, and forever remain unaccountable for their beliefs.

Again dodging away from the actual argument, instead of talking about how God can't exist, you make up other things completely unrelated to the exixstence of God then say "Well you see I don't believe in X [completley unrelated to the existence of God], so I don't believe in God either, even though the existence of X has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God and doesn't show how the existence of God is unlikely"

So let's wake you up from that imaginary delusional world: Saying "I don't believe in a Flying Spaghetti Monster" doesn't show how the existence of God is unlikely, it doesn't show anything in regards to the existence or non-existence of God
I want to believe there is something more than this. I want to believe my essence as a human being will go on after this life. I WANT TO!
But I can't believe something just because I want to. I refuse to lie to myself like that just to make myself feel better.
I'm an atheist because that's who I am.
I want to believe there is something more than this. I want to believe my essence as a human being will go on after this life. I WANT TO!
But I can't believe something just because I want to. I refuse to lie to myself like that just to make myself feel better.
I'm an atheist because that's who I am.

You don't have to lie to yourself, why can't you just say its unknown whether or not it's true or false since its unverifiable? Why you have you choosen to favro the atheistic faith-based belief system?
You don't have to lie to yourself, why can't you just say its unknown whether or not it's true or false since its unverifiable? Why you have you choosen to favro the atheistic faith-based belief system?

??? Because it is black/white for me. yes or no. Not maybe. Its no.
??? Because it is black/white for me. yes or no. Not maybe. Its no.

So what made you decide no? Is it just because of what you said "Man it just doesn't seem like God exists" (argument from personal incredulity), thats 100% irrational, illogical, and unreasonable....your argument reduces to "it just doesn't feel like God exists"

You still haven't answered why you have chosen the irrational, illogical, unreasonable logic...
posted by vo
Come on tell me why:
- Atheists have no problem believing energy was causeless and always existed, but God being causeless and always existing, "what it just can't be"
- Atheists have no problem accepting abiogenesis without evidence "well we know it could've possibly happened" but God without evidence "What we absolutely NEED evidence, but we can NEVER EVER give you an example of what can be considered evidence that can't be a "god of the gaps"
- Atheists take ANY explanation for the anthropic principle over an Intelligent Creator, including the many-worlds interpretation, even though there's no evidence for the MWI, all of a sudden "man I don't need nio f**kin evidence, we know it could be true, and that's good enough for me, case closed"
1) We don't believe that energy was causeless but your god idea needs tangible proof, as has been explained to you over and over. You see we have tangible proof of energy.
2) We have some evidence pointing towards abiogenesis- evidence for god Zero. You might consider evidence suggesting that god might exist, evidence not involving the supernatural:rolleyes:
3)Educated people, atheist or not, alwys look to the natural,
only when that has been ruled out may we move to the supernatural-god
...You still haven't answered why you have chosen the irrational, illogical, unreasonable logic...

because to me its rational, logical, and reasonable. 'maybe' doesn't make sense to me. 'maybe' is wishful thinking. Its either yes or no, not maybe.
posted by vo
ROFL, ah this is so funny, you sound like you actually believe this...well let's wake you up to reality:

- If you DISBELIEVE or BELIEVE in something unverifiable without evidence, then its irrational
- Theists BELIEVE God exists (when the existence of God is unverifiable) so its irrational
- Atheists DISBELIEVE the existence of God (even though its unverifiable), so its irrational
- If the existence of something is unverifiable it means there's no way of knowing whether its true or false...
1) Untrue, it is always irrational to believe in the supernatural. It is wise to be skeptical in the natural world.
2)Yes, because god is supernatural, and again, it's never logical to believe in the supernatural:rolleyes: supernatural needs evidence and lots of it.
3) Finally, you got one right. Unless your god is of this world.;)
posted by vo
Come on tell me why:
- Atheists have no problem believing energy was causeless and always existed, but God being causeless and always existing, "what it just can't be"
- Atheists have no problem accepting abiogenesis without evidence "well we know it could've possibly happened" but God without evidence "What we absolutely NEED evidence, but we can NEVER EVER give you an example of what can be considered evidence that can't be a "god of the gaps"
- Atheists take ANY explanation for the anthropic principle over an Intelligent Creator, including the many-worlds interpretation, even though there's no evidence for the MWI, all of a sudden "man I don't need nio f**kin evidence, we know it could be true, and that's good enough for me, case closed"
1) We don't believe that energy was causeless but your god idea needs tangible proof, as has been explained to you over and over. You see we have tangible proof of energy.
2) We have some evidence pointing towards abiogenesis- evidence for god Zero. You might consider evidence suggesting that god might exist, evidence not involving the supernatural:rolleyes:
3)Educated people, atheist or not, alwys look to the natural,
only when that has been ruled out may we move to the supernatural-god
1) Yes, many of you do, and you have no problem with it
2) NOTHING CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE OF GOD, its unverifiable, how many million times do I have to say this?

There isn't zero evidence for God, there's massive amounts, for instance there's evidence for design, fine-tuning, etc...but atheists will say "this isn't evidence" any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps", so I ask atheists "can you give me an example of what can be considered evidence of God that cannot be considred a 'god of the gaps'", atheists are speechless, get upset and angered and say "religion is man-made, I don't have to give an example, but if you had some type of hypothetical evidence that God exists of which I can never ever possibly name, then I would believe you"

3) Yeah, naturalism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system, you always say "nature-did-it" and use a "nature of gaps" in all conditions, again why the f*** do you ask for evidence of a supernatural God but deny and reject any evidence provided? Why not just say "You see I'm an atheist, and I just don't want to believe in God regardless of anything, case closed"

because to me its rational, logical, and reasonable. 'maybe' doesn't make sense to me. 'maybe' is wishful thinking. Its either yes or no, not maybe.
Ok, so the answer is "it's seems rational to me", thanks for answering question unlike other atheists

According to your answer your rationale is just the same as theists, they think its rational, so they believe it, so using your answer both atheism and theism require faith
Yeah suggest that atheists just ignore and run away from their problems, you see atheists can't legitimately argue using logic so their only choice is to run away and go home and pretend like it never happened, just ignore the whole situation

NO, but atheists do grow weary of your continued penchant to push ignorance and superstition. As to logic, you seem to have no concept of what the word means. Hint; When you apply logic, the first rule is to rule out all natural causes. Only then may you look to the supernatural.:rolleyes:
Your posistion how ever is that if man doesn't know all the answers-it must be god. That is a textbook example of illogical thinking. You just don't seem to get it.:bawl:
NO, but atheists do grow weary of your continued penchant to push ignorance and superstition. As to logic, you seem to have no concept of what the word means. Hint; When you apply logic, the first rule is to rule out all natural causes. Only then may you look to the supernatural.:rolleyes:
Your posistion how ever is that if man doesn't know all the answers-it must be god. That is a textbook example of illogical thinking. You just don't seem to get it.:bawl:
Woah...ROFL you just reconfirmed what I said, instead of using logic argue "you just don't know what you're talking about because I say so, you don't know, I'm telling you, case closed"

Uhm...logic has nothing to do with natural causes ROFL..."natural causes" is science...science BY DEFINITION can ONLY have natural explanations which is why its hilarious to hear atheists say "there's no scientific evidence of the supernatural" when by DEFAULT there cannot be, if a scientist finds evidence of the supernatural, they are forced to explain it away in some naturalistic way, even if it doesn't work
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What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"

Since the existence of God is unverifiable, meaning there's no way of knowing if it's actually true or false, why aren't you agnostic? Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?

For those of you who say "Well I don't believe in Zeus, FSM, or [any other thing you make up to make yourself feel better and increase your faith in atheism]" this argument is 100% illogical, irrational, and unreasonable. The existence or non-existence of these things have nothing to do with the existence of God, if someone is talking about whether or not the theory of relativity for instance was true and somone kept saying "Yeah well I don't believe in the geocentric theory, or the aether or any other completely unrelated theory that people don't believe in now" it wouldn't make any logical sense, it would just be a clever way of avoiding the actual argument (which is the theory of relativity)

For those of you who are saying "well it just doesn't seem true, it sounds like a fantasy, fictional, like something made up" thats also irrational, an argument from personal incredulity or "well it just doesn't sound true, so it must be false"

For those of you who say "The existence of God is unlikely" this is false since there's no way of measuring the likelihood of the existence of God, since its unverifiable, and an absence of evidence when there should not be evidence present doesn't indicate unlikelihood, its like someone saying "There wasn't any shred of evidence that quarks existed in the 1930s, so that meant it was unlikely that quarks existed, even though the existence of quarks was unverifiable during that time period and an absence of evidence when evidence should not be present doesn't indicate unlikelihood"

So what prevents you from saying the existence of God is unknown or unverifiable? Is it because that statement in itself makes it seem as if God could possibly exist?

WHICH god dont YOU believe in..and WHY?

1) 2) NOTHING CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE OF GOD, its unverifiable, how many million times do I have to say this?

If there cannot be evidence of god, how can there be god? The fact that there is no evidence of god is evidence of no god. But just to help you along in your delusions. Could you cite just one example of anything that cannot have a natural explaination? How about a documented example of a person regrowing a severed limb? Since you know that to be impossible, I expect that to be the reason that xians never pray for regrown limbs. If it could be done the studies on the healing power of prayer might have some meaning :rolleyes:
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