Why aren't you atheists agnostic?

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What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"

Since the existence of God is unverifiable, meaning there's no way of knowing if it's actually true or false, why aren't you agnostic? Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?

For those of you who say "Well I don't believe in Zeus, FSM, or [any other thing you make up to make yourself feel better and increase your faith in atheism]" this argument is 100% illogical, irrational, and unreasonable. The existence or non-existence of these things have nothing to do with the existence of God, if someone is talking about whether or not the theory of relativity for instance was true and somone kept saying "Yeah well I don't believe in the geocentric theory, or the aether or any other completely unrelated theory that people don't believe in now" it wouldn't make any logical sense, it would just be a clever way of avoiding the actual argument (which is the theory of relativity)

For those of you who are saying "well it just doesn't seem true, it sounds like a fantasy, fictional, like something made up" thats also irrational, an argument from personal incredulity or "well it just doesn't sound true, so it must be false"

For those of you who say "The existence of God is unlikely" this is false since there's no way of measuring the likelihood of the existence of God, since its unverifiable, and an absence of evidence when there should not be evidence present doesn't indicate unlikelihood, its like someone saying "There wasn't any shred of evidence that quarks existed in the 1930s, so that meant it was unlikely that quarks existed, even though the existence of quarks was unverifiable during that time period and an absence of evidence when evidence should not be present doesn't indicate unlikelihood"

So what prevents you from saying the existence of God is unknown or unverifiable? Is it because that statement in itself makes it seem as if God could possibly exist?
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What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"
Main Entry: dis·be·lieve
Pronunciation: \-ˈlēv\
Function: verb
Date: circa 1644
transitive verb
: to hold not worthy of belief : not believe
intransitive verb
: to withhold or reject belief

If you don't believe then you disbelieve.
vital said:
What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"
We are often agnostic toward possible and plausible Gods.

Yours isn't one of them. Too much nonsense and special pleading, to many contradictions and circular justifications, plus it's supernatural.
I think, on a basic level, the universe is completely out of control. Nothing I've seen contradicts that.
I think it was Richard Dawkins that said we're all intellectual agnostics. I'm an atheist in so far as I don't believe in an intelligent creator of all things. Do I know there isn't a God? No of course I don't, no more than VitalOne knows there is a God.
Why aren't you atheists agnostic

I am, thanks.

What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"
I didn't.

Since the existence of God is unverifiable, meaning there's no way of knowing if it's actually true or false, why aren't you agnostic?
I am.

Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?
I haven't. I have no belief that god exists (I am an atheist) primarily because of my agnosticism.

VO - you need to accept that agnostic atheists abound on this forum.
Lumping all atheists, as you do, into the "I believe God does not exist" category is disingenuous (feel free to look that word up) to the rest of us, and also why your posts/threads are attacked the way they are... 'cos you just don't seem to learn.
Why aren't you atheists agnostic

I am, thanks.

I didn't.

I am.

I haven't. I have no belief that god exists (I am an atheist) primarily because of my agnosticism.

VO - you need to accept that agnostic atheists abound on this forum.
Lumping all atheists, as you do, into the "I believe God does not exist" category is disingenuous (feel free to look that word up) to the rest of us, and also why your posts/threads are attacked the way they are... 'cos you just don't seem to learn.

There's no such thing as an agnostic atheist, though atheists might try to trick you into believing so (atheists love deceiving people to believe their propaganda) , you can't both "not believe in God" and "believe God is unverifiable" at the same time, its contradictory, if you believe God is unverifiable then you don't know if God exists or not, and if you don't believe in God then you think God doesn't exist...
What made you decide... blah, blah, blah.
I skimmed your rant and it's the same cloned rant you always post, and no less stupid.

You've already figured out all of the responses we atheists might come up with and decided that we're idiots.

No point of discussion. Thread closed.

Why? Why are threads like "Why do theists value hope more than truth?" allowed? Or "theists are self delusional"
What made you decide "I don't believe God exists" as opposed to "I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of God since the existence of God is unverifiable"

Since the existence of God is unverifiable, meaning there's no way of knowing if it's actually true or false, why aren't you agnostic? Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?

Since YOU'VE already claimed through biblical myth that NO ONE can see a god, what would make you even assert gods existed?

The same logic can be applied to Zeus or the FSM - in other words, I've never seen them but I know they exist.

So, how do YOU know gods exist?
I realized the bible was too contradictory to possibly be true at about age 12 but remained an agnostic. By age 19 I was sure that there was no god. Nothing that have experience in the 39 years since has changed my mind.
Your argument
"Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?"
rings hollow. The irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion is yours.
The idea that a person should believe "just in case" of anything supernatural is the illogical posistion. The example that I would use is
I believe UFOs from other planets land here and abduct humans. Since that has not been proved wrong, it might be right.

Now could you make your argument holding this posistion using logic? Of course not. Believing in anything supernatural is the very definition of illogical thinking.
What he fails to understand, and does so in a manner consistent with left temporal lobe lesions, is that the vast majority of atheists take the stance that the word implies. a-theist. Withouth theism. Without religion. (I don't care what other etymology you care to come up with).

He posits his straw man arguments, then takes our straightforward answers to his questions and says, and I quote, "No, you're a fool".

Now watch. He'll say something like:

"Ha! Foolish atheists. Just what I predicted you would say. Fools."

Did I cover it VO? Are we finished here?

Since YOU'VE already claimed through biblical myth that NO ONE can see a god, what would make you even assert gods existed?

The same logic can be applied to Zeus or the FSM - in other words, I've never seen them but I know they exist.

So, how do YOU know gods exist?
Thanks for dodging away from the actual argument :rolleyes:, this is your trademark

The thread isn't about "how do theists know God exists", once you again you've managed to escape addressing the argument, which is why can't you atheists say the existence of God is unknown since its unverifiable?

I realized the bible was too contradictory to possibly be true at about age 12 but remained an agnostic. By age 19 I was sure that there was no god. Nothing that have experience in the 39 years since has changed my mind.
Thanks for the re-confirmation, it has nothing to do with evidence, just personal incredulity, you don't think its possible that God can exist, so you say God doesn't exist, and you've made up your mind to never believe in God, no amount of evidence can convince you or most other atheists otherwise

snake river rufus said:
Your argument
"Why have you chosen an irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion as opposed to the rational standpoint?"
rings hollow. The irrational, illogical, foolish conclusion is yours.
The idea that a person should believe "just in case" of anything supernatural is the illogical posistion. The example that I would use is
I believe UFOs from other planets land here and abduct humans. Since that has not been proved wrong, it might be right.

Now could you make your argument holding this posistion using logic? Of course not. Believing in anything supernatural is the very definition of illogical thinking.
Once again, a typical atheistic tactic, instead of addressing the actual argument (the existence of God) you make up some other idea and say "well see I don't believe in this, so I don't believe in God either", in something known as reality (atheists hate reality) the existence or non-existence of whatever UFO thing you just pointed out has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...why can't atheists argue without being irrational

Its would be like me saying "I don't believe in the geocentric theory, that was at theory believed to be true long ago, so X theory must also be false"...it doesn't make any rational, logical sense
Thanks for dodging away from the actual argument :rolleyes:, this is your trademark

The thread isn't about "how do theists know God exists", once you again you've managed to escape addressing the argument, which is why can't you atheists say the existence of God is unknown since its unverifiable?

Simple. It is verifiable. Show us your god. That would verify his existence.

Of course, you can't. Hence, why the hell should anyone take you seriously?
this is your trademark
I wonder what VO's trademark is?

There's no such thing as an agnostic atheist...

though atheists might try to trick you into believing so (atheists love deceiving people to believe their propaganda)...

why can't you atheists say...

Thanks for the re-confirmation...

no amount of evidence can convince you or most other atheists otherwise...

Once again, a typical atheistic tactic...

in something known as reality (atheists hate reality)...

...why can't atheists argue without being irrational...

Can someone lock this thread and give this troll a warning?
Simple. It is verifiable. Show us your god. That would verify his existence.

No its not, give me an example of what can be CONSIDERED evidence that can't be considered a "god of the gaps"...saying "show me your God" isn't an example, ofcourse this might be difficult for you to understand, what do you mean by "show me your god"?

(Q) said:
Of course, you can't. Hence, why the hell should anyone take you seriously?
Well why do you atheists take abiogenesis seriously then even though there's little to no evidence for it? I know why, its because abiogenesis doesn't have anything to do with God or religion, so its easier for you to believe

You atheists should just admit that you don't really care about the truth, as long as something has no correlation to religion and sounds kind of true and agrees with naturalism you'll blindly support it and believe it

Well why do you atheists take abiogenesis seriously then even though there's little to no evidence for it?

You atheists should just admit that you don't really care about the truth...

you'll blindly support it and believe it...
No its not, give me an example of what can be CONSIDERED evidence that can't be considered a "god of the gaps"...saying "show me your God" isn't an example, ofcourse this might be difficult for you to understand, what do you mean by "show me your god"?

Simple, show me your god. What's so hard to understand?

Well why do you atheists take abiogenesis seriously then even though there's little to no evidence for it? I know why, its because abiogenesis doesn't have anything to do with God or religion, so its easier for you to believe

Why should science have anything to do with cult fantasies? I don't "believe" in abiogenesis. What makes you think I do?

You atheists should just admit that you don't really care about the truth, as long as something has no correlation to religion and sounds kind of true and agrees with naturalism you'll blindly support it and believe it

True, I don't care about YOUR alleged truth. That is your own personal fantasy that NO ONE else shares.
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